Anyone making money on cannabis in oklahoma?

Just curious! Lots.of.folks jumping in and land being sold. What is the consensus? Is the market saturated is there room for.more growers?


Going rate for commercial last I heard was around 400 a lb. May be less by now. There will always be a market for craft cannabis on the black market. It has taken a hit, but you are still fetching far more than 400 a lb.


I know license holders that have shut their lights down because they are already sitting on so many pounds. I would advise against moving here to try to make money in cannabis. It’s bad.


I know of someone that shut down recently there due to over saturation of the market. Seems to be happening in many places.


So much cannabis 400.00 a pound is even breaking down to 30.00 OZ’s Rec prices in my state. Even after fall harvest. Most gets turned into extracts which is why I can find 10.00 grams of shatter any day of the week. The only way to make any money with cannabis is to black market out of state. I wouldn’t suggest that. No Beano :peace_symbol:


Once again proof that monocropping is very silly.

When legalization happens here I’d want to get a piece of land, design a permaculture layout with swales and a pond for waterharvesting, and a wide diversity of food crops and cannabis together.

You can plant nitrogen fixing trees, fruit and nut trees, plant thorny rose and blackberry bushes around the periphery to keep rabbits, deer, etc out, a productive fence!

Create a geometric pattern of walking ways with woodchips inoculated with mushroom mycelium so you can harvest and sell mushrooms as well.
Select mycorrhizal ones and they’ll help your crops grow.
There’s psilocybin mycorrhizal ones too (Paul Stamets - Mycelium Running)!

This way you can harvest and sell year round without lifting a finger, because once it’s all established all you gotta do is prune now and then, harvest half of everything you get and let the rest ripen so it seeds itself and fertilizes the soil as well.
You’re providing yourself with free food and produce to sell at the local farmers market.

Get some chickens and ducks, you get eggs to eat and sell, and meanwhile they roam around eating insects and slugs, helping to keep everything in balance and fertilizing the soil as well with their manure.

It all comes down to diversity and balance, small amounts of many different species, plants, fungi and animals alike. Diversity is what creates balance, and balance is what creates productivity.

It’s called permaculture, look up Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton (student of Bill, who turned a desert into a food forest, has a permaculture farm called Zaytuna in AU that gets flooded every year but everything is designed with swales and water pacifying structures in such a way that it can handle massive floods and draughts).

The only farms that will survive climate change are permaculture ones.


Interstate is supposed to open by 2025, so there’s going to be a surplus in most states until then.

NY tried artificially fixing this by limiting LPs, but farms here are sitting on 750k pounds because dispensaries haven’t opened yet.

Ive been involved with the first LPs in WA, OR, and CA. They all suffer the first years.
The only happy companies at the rollout have been pick and shovel businesses.
So, if you want to start up in Oklahoma now, do seeds/clones. Those guys are charging hundreds per clone.


I’m already here…thinking of partial retirement and a sustainable farm on my 5 acres and wondering how to incorporate a cannabis crop into that.
I’m sure the licensing and upfront costs are…much.

Just grow for yourself and don’t retire. That’s the best thing you can do for yourself and your fellow Okies.
There is no money to be made unless you find a niche. Good luck


Yea…not really concerned. I might take my state retirement and leave but I’m not continuing in my current field too much longer


A lot of the growers down there are Chinese nationals flooding the market with trash. A friend down there says there’s so much it’s dirt cheap (and dirt quality).


Well I usually regret buying dispensary weed…it flares up my asthma and I cough for days .
My home grown doesn’t.


Last I checked, Oklahoma is the cheapest state to start up legally

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Since August, you cannot buy a new license. You can buy someone else’s license but not a new one.

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Curious about where you got the numbers for what NY farms are sitting on.

Ooops, 750 million dollars, not pounds :upside_down_face:

So its ~ 300,000 pounds

And they’re valuating a pound at $2500. Hahaha. So really it would be $75 million

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The ocm told all of the license holders to be prepared to not have sales until April possibly as late as June

NY is definitely trying to keep the glut of out of state weed out of the market as well. Some of the states have over 20 years of infrastructure already in place.

The NY hard cider industry only allows NY company to sell in NY. Angry Orchard bought apple farms here just to be a part of the market.

Going to be a ride as this goes forward

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If you’re trying to make money in cannabis for most it’s too late now. Like someone else said you need to find some niche. Or hopefully you find or create the next killer strain.
I missed being able to sell 60 oz by a year. I was born in the wrong time.

Being in it for the money was half of why I kept growing but I really do love the weed and how it helps with my depression. I only grow for myself now. If you’re just in it for the money good luck.

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Yeah even here on east coast USA the prices have literally been chopped in half

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It’s been strange thing watching legalization and decriminalization happen state by state, one at a time and all the different approaches. I think everybody I know has flipped a little weed here and there, but few took initiative to grow. it’s always been a world of middlemen, as if the quality of weed you flip is a direct reflection of your own headiness. Heady doesn’t flock to the hot spot, it’s the opposite.

Take what I say with a grain or three of salt,but what I’ve heard from a few people there, if you went to ok and set up a year ago looking for some kind of rocket to the top because liscencing was easily available, calling it the panhandle state takes new meaning unless you backdoor your shit. :unamused:

Tldr: free the fucking plant already! Enough pay to play! Get rich quick schemes masquerading as ‘progress’ is the same beast we’ve been wrestling for forever!