Setting up for breeding

i wasthinking about few setups ive seen breedersuse so far and some had made me question light intensity usage for purpose

for flowerproduction i understand the more light the better to a certain extent
but i notice for seed runs low intensity fluo tubes fixtures are being used and im curious about the reasons


Cheaper. Easy. Small plants can still produce many seeds. I have done a run under a t5.


Same here. T5 HO


I use t5s for smaller seed runs mostly because they are very efficient in multi tier racks, great returns for the floor space and they don’t draw much power.


T5s are amazing for veg. One thing to consider if you’re buying new is that fluorescent bulbs and fixtures are being phased out here in the US (not sure if t5s are getting the axe, but probably). Might make them hard to find later on. Stock up :+1:

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that just means the bulbs are gonna go on mega clearance :star_struck::moneybag::heavy_dollar_sign::money_mouth_face::heavy_dollar_sign:

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i want to understand why?

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Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes “contain mercury” so the gov is banning them “for the environment”

why where they used to flowrr instead of higher output lights
i meed to understand, my mind wont be at ease until

With HID, there are 2 main options to produce seeds.

  1. pollinate the whole thing for 20 000 seeds, which is way overkill for most purposes.
  2. selective pollination, where you’d pollinate some branches, works pretty well actually, but requires the grower to collect pollen, bag, spray, tag branches etc which can be a hassle.

Or a grower can choose to use t5s, set a smaller cabinet, box or tent (2x4x2 tent on a dresser for example) and open pollinate SOG style plants for an easy couple thousand seeds at low operational cost…

There’s no magical advantage to it really… it is a choice… an option. Many growers can only run 1 tent, so going with a small station on the side could possible prevent skipping a run to make seeds in the bigger tent.


your the best man thx alot

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so as of now i have teo tents i use one for veg one for flower
my flower is a 4x4
my veg is a dual zone 4x3(3x3 / 1x3)
i have two lenofocus quantum board for veg one in each zone each are 110w
my floqer light is a geekbeast 630w led bar fixture
im trying to figur out a strategy to breed but not run out of flower

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112.3333333333% correct


So if you want to breed and smoke with limited space, you either have to accept the fact that you will smoke test a bunch of plants that may not be what you want to smoke, or grow more of what you like but testing will take longer. :grin:

Producing seeds under low light works just fine, it’s the selection part that can be tricky. Selecting for physical traits like color or a specific smell is doable to an extent. Best highs, max potential and such is difficult.

I’ll give you a real world exemple of how I did some breeding with similar limitations as yours and run you through it.

The setup consisted of 2 areas. A 5x5 tent and a 2’deep x 10’ wide x 9’ high rack split in 6 cases, with 4 t5s per case.

In the 5x5 I’d grow 2 plants for smoke, taking about half the tent, I’d aim for 1+lb. The other half was for plants out of the racks I wanted to test under 1k.

In the racks I could fit 30 trays of 8 plants in 5" pots, or 240. So I’d start 500 seeds in 3" and cull to 240.

For bog lifesaver, I knew I wanted to move away from the grape phenos, so anything grape got culled. I transplanted the rest in 5", veg a couple weeks and flip. Obviously with 240 plants I didnt take cuts of everything… by week 3 of flower I could somewhat see which performed better, and outlier phenos pop out. That’s when I took cuts from the top 32.

Once I smoke tested the bunch, I would discard 16 of the 32 that didn’t make the cut.
I took the best 16 (that are now vegged a few weeks) and added them to the 5x5 to push them.
While that’s cooking, rinse and repeat on the racks.

Once I ran a bunch of lines like that, I had quite the stable. I then used the racks to produce seeds, one cross per case. Then tested those. Rinse repeat :wink:


im strugling with figuring out this stuff to make a game plan , culing 200plants must be sad id be in pain to abort them but i guess it is necesary
i was considering adding a 3x3

I’m seeing a bias trough the whole thread, maybe it’s just me. To be sure :

Is the point to set a space for breeding that use the cheapest light possible ?
Both in investment and maintenance (electricity bills included) ?

No. There is enough options to write a wall of text during weeks.

And you’re not forced to produce an half kilogrammer of seeds per plant, just because you’re using HIDs. You can SOG a clone and make ~200-300 calibrated each, in the number you want. If not just a single one in a corner.

If there are 142 368 621 ways to do it, I sure as hell don’t believe they all are main options :wink:

They are, even to set a seedbank.

Just the style of offer can spread widely the spectrum :

  • fast chunk per round : one male X multiple strains, lines tested by customers
  • feminized lines
  • stabilized strains only
  • each entry of the catalog is an unique strain (unique male / unique female)
  • etc …

Complete or partial pollination are the 2 main options, regardless of goals, simple enough…

We are discussing the possibilities of breeding with lower light levels, getting excited about breeding schemes wasn’t in the scope of things u know…

Will each of these methods behave differently if all grown under t5s or 150w of led?

Not sure which methods don’t like LED for pollen production but might pay to check :slight_smile: