Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

BD mom in 12gal sips ready to flower, again.


It has been quite the journey but finally she is hanging. I’ve seen this plant fill a 4×4, twice, only to be chopped back to nothing. The abuse that she took was meant to kill her. She was in a corner chopped to shit when she just shot out a new growth tip and kept on trucking.




Looks like you should have some good smoke for a while! :star_struck:



This lady was thrown to the worm bin at the 2nd or so week from flipping to flower. She was one of a group of 6 or 7 that just were not going to fit comfortably. They grew out of the bin and it’s a blessing that they did b/c I made a mistake in the choices of plants to pull. This is why I have difficulty culling plants I’ve yet to flower, the not knowing if I killed a star takes a toll on my peace of mind.


That is the new name…LOL
She came out real nice brother.
You need to grow more in the worm bin.

I know what you mean, I always feel like I am killing the next Michael Jordan. :rofl:

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@shag I’ve got an update coming in a few for the BH/PTG. I’ve got to get a couple pics first. Thank you for the kind words, I can use a bit of positive re-enforcment from time to time and it is lacking on the home front these days.


GHaze×Goji OG

Strawberry Cough#

Bodega Bubblegum × Tx Butter

Royal Chem

Blueberry Diesel

@anonymous4289 this BD is looking great!

The BD clones getting ready for the next round.


The little one started to dampen off so I buried it deeper to maybe save it. Time will tell. I’ve got it in the bag but the bag is open to limit air flow.

OGC×SPG/AO (left) and Violetta®

CJ xi

BD bag seed

Strawberry Cough × RC/TXBTTR

Hoping on the reveg. @shag sorry I can’t recall if I tagged you above, my mistake.



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Out with the old and in with the new. :star_struck:
Those little seedlings will soon be big buds.
Thanks for the tag brother.
Keep it green. :slightly_smiling_face:


Desperate times call for Desperate measures. #f!@k Thrips!

Feb. 2023


I hear ya brother.

Make sure to hit under the leaves the little fuckers run under when you fog.
Also hit em every other day for 2 weeks for best results.
I would have to look up the specifics but I think the life cycle is 2 weeks.
Also blue stickies for the fliers helps, they fly when they mature/breed.
They hide under dead leaves in the pot too.
At one point, I would walk in my room and they would scatter like cockroaches, they would see me, smell me/my Co2, dunno is was sad but funny.

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That was a vacuum. I shut off all the lights except one and turn the vac on. Dyson never loses suction and anything within 3ft get a quick trip out the grow. It took care of a large number of flier and along w/a ton of sticky traps and misquitoe bits I was able to force them out during a mid flower infestation.


Gonna have to tell dyson to send you the thrip attachment… :rofl:


Hopefully I am finished w/the Thrips for good, or at least long enoigh to not have to worry right now.

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Can you see them?

Nanners! Hopefully it isn’t too bad, I’ve only found it on the single plant from pics I got last night just for this reason. Got to stay on top of them this far along to keep from seeding the entire room. If all the plants were the same age it wouldn’t be an issue, but I’m anywhere from one day to 90 days on flowering times and can’t have it.


So things are going good, pistils are receding, turning red, and trichomes are maturing on schedule. I run perpetual so I am always moving plants around to maximize my space. When I did it this week I must have flipped everything in the opposite way it was, exposing flowers to light that never got light before. My beautiful mature flowers all shot out a fresh round of pistils and a couple even threw the odd nanner. This is something I needed to learn and now I know. Judging the time they are finished will be a bit tricky this time and bag appeal is not going to be as good. Other than that the flower will do what it is grown to do for who it was grown to do it for. I know now to dim the lights at the end of flowering and to keep from changing the lights direction of penetration late flower. Hope this can help someone. #late flower pistils #new pistils on flowers ready to harvest

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My 2nd DIY octopot. This one features a larger reservoir of almost 6 gallons (23qts) w/a hard plastic pot in place of the square fabric i used on the 1st one.

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Blueberry Diesel clones getting ready to take off.
100% rooted 11 for 11. The 2 i took out of the pipe i used to clone them in dont look great, I left all the rest in the pipe just let the roots grow into the bigger pot.

![16838336091368033490622898548519|243x500](upload://d0Df@anonymous4289 mHbEOeeYJFxkXMtmZtwew.jpeg)


Edit clones were 10 for 11 not 100 my bad.