Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Omg, thank you!
Addey will be on it’s way soon. :slightly_smiling_face:


I was running low on smoke so I harvested this girl last night.

Trim jail sucks but it is worth it in the end.!

Thats just one branch! There’s at least a # here!

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The flowers were not something I would want to grow out at this time, it just doesn’t have it. I needed mulch to cover some soil and worms so she got the axe. The pretty one in the back is next, just fell short of the mark to continue in my limited space.

@NICO you harvested that one waaaay too early. i really doubt you can get high off of anything that young.

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I was trying to be humorous, I was culling the plant to use for mulch. The flower from the last harvest had been in grove bags for over a month. I tried the flower that came from this same plant and they were not something I’d care to have taking resources that are already limited. I have had trouble w/my phone and i couldn’t post a follow up to that, my bad.


oh, lol. :+1:

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I’m glad I’m not the only gullible one around here!


I’ve got a girl that is in the process of re-vegging. I had some pollen left over from my RC/TB F2’s that I came across while cleaning out the fridge to start the Bokashi bucket. The girl re-vegging had fresh pistils made the the light bulb go off, what happens when pistils are pollinated on a vegging plant. 24/0 light cycle.

Im not sure what the 1st pic is but I think it is this plant before being harvested so I left it. This phone is broke and goes out every few minutes.

The flower had been growing out but the shoots seemed to wither away and the pistils darkened and receded. It seems to have returned to flower to make the seeds happen regardless of light cycle. There are flowers that have shoots that have wither away and seeds seem to be being made only on parts of the flower and the other parts are still revegging.

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I guess I missed the mark w/that one. I will stay away from the jokes from now.

Here she is just after a light defoliation at week 3 of flower. I just like to open them up a little around the bottom to let the air really get in there and flow. Lolipopping helps make trimming a breeze. This girl her will be trimmed and binned w/o any of those pesky buds getting in the way.


i couldn’t find a way to tell you you wouldn’t even get a gram let alone a pound, lol. (without sounding like an asshole anyway).


The 3 RGSC are up and running. I had issues w/helmets on all 3, 2 w/damage.

The one has just a piece of its first set of true leaves and thats about all. It may not make it but I will leave it as long as it stays green.


I thought it was either call the new guy an idiot or keep my mouth shut…I chose the latter. :grin:


The first seeds I popped of the BH9/PTG were all males, 3 for 3. I’ve got 2 for sure males and 1 85% sure is male and the other couple are not sexed just yet i will get pics as soon as I figure out how on the older phone I found as a backup.


It’s all good @NICO. What fun is it if we cant laugh at ourselves, right @anonymous4289?
That’s funny @CanuckistanPete :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Everyone I was sending seeds/package to, they will be headed out Monday from the post office. They have been dropped off but post is closed Sundays, so Monday. Sorry for taking so long to get shit going , the past couple of weeks have been difficult to say the least.

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I just popped in to give you two thumbs up on the thread title! I’ve been seeing the thread from time to time pop up now and then - Not to meddle; but It ALWAYS brings a smile and eclipses my pillow of clouds. :+1:


Violetta f2, from Bean’s for St.Jude’s


Blueberry Diesel- @anonymous4289


RC×TB- Seed I made



Perpetual Chaos- my overgrown world