Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Yer gonna like that Blueberry Diesel


That’s the keeper I chose out of the 4 females out of 6. I ran all 4 for the 3rd time this run and she remains the keeper. I already let one of them go harvesting her last week I’ve got a couple of the cuts of her pollinated w/Violetta t2 pollen and the other w/Casey Jone’s ix pollen.


This pheno was the lowest yielding but the terps! She has the lemon going on and it carries through in the smoke and lingers long after exhale. I said at the time it was one of the very best tasting smoke I’ve consumed, definitely that I’ve grown. She has since had some competition but nothing that comes close to taking her spot in my garden. I’m new to LED’s and still don’t have things dialed in where they could be, work in progress.


Picts well worth grooving :+1:t3:


that’s great man!


don’t forget to give us a BBD smoke report! :+1:


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I don’t know if anyone finds this useful but here it is. For my worm bin, even starting a worn bin this is good for, I save all cardboard paper from anything and everything. Used to cut it up but I found it doesn’t make any difference. Once all the cardboard has been stuffed into a bucket fill w/hot water and let it sit. I’m I’m patient so it sits only a day before I get at it w/the paint mixer and pvc stake. The paint mixer is used only at the top of the mass of wet paper. This just tears it apart a little at a time. Stab w/the pvc and work it to a pulp. I pour it through fruit press, squeeze the excess water out and either use it right away or spread it out to dry and then save it for adding along w/table scraps and whatever else the worms are fed.

I use a magnet to find any metal like staples that may be present, and search as I’m going for any glue or plastic that is there. Whatever I miss the worms push to the top of the bin


Fuck Thrips!
Man. I get a massive infestation pop up at the same time of flower every grow. I know I don’t ever kill them off 100%, that’s a given. I’ve been running perpetual for a couple years now and shutting down everything has been something I wanted to avoid. They pop up, I fight the for 3 weeks, they are gone. Then when i have a group of plants all close together in age, 3-6 weeks into flower I will start noticing the bastards flying into the light. I’ve used mosquitoe dunks/bits, neem oil, ISO alcohol diluted w/water. It takes about 3 weeks to interrupt every cycle so they don’t come back. I thought for the first couple times I killed them off but I know better now.

I’m thinking I might have it figured out. I move plants into flower all the time. I bet I’m cross contaminated the flower room w/plants from veg that have the trips but at small enough numbers I don’t notice them. Then it takes the exact same amount of time for their number to get high enough to be seen. I got to keep going w/the treatments even after they are gone until they are gone for real. These thrips are everywhere here, clouds of them. I never saw them before I saw them, now I see them every day.

If anyone has a suggestion on killing these bastards off in mid to late flower I’m all ears. I’m going to hit them w/some bits and hopefully not need the neem except on the soil.


RC clone surrounded by garlic
OGC/GG4ril overtaken by VIOLETTA f2 in 45gal bed


Hey bud, I’ve had a battle or two with thrips.
I use blue and yellow sticky traps, diatomaceous earth, and an isopropyl alcohol/water mix of 1:1(which is really only a contact killer, but evaporates quickly). I’ve also hear of people using apple cider vinegar and it not affecting the flowers, but idk. Best of luck my friend!

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New seedlings
OGC/GG4ril - 7/20 ×4
CJix - 7/20 ×3

Seeds waiting to break ground
SB/BMR - 7/28
Super Lemon - 7/28
JLB/JBL - 7/28

SB/BMR- Sour Bubble/Blue Moonrocks
Super Lemon- SuperLemonHaze/SB
Both these are from Flavor_Savours


@Ottafish @Lady.Zandra63


I’ve been using iso/water and misquote bits. I’ve found using the alcohol/water in the humidifier gets a good number of them. I have refrained feom using neem oil bc last run I could taste it in the flowers in some of the cuts. I only used it as soil drench and not within 3 weeks of harvest and the flavor shines through everything else. I smell it, no one else can nut I can and that is what matters. I’m hoping to keep them down enough to make it through w/rhe plants in flower now then kill them once and for all


2 in flower the 3rd stayed in Veg for training. The 2 in flower went 12/12 from seed. Only one has a smell that is loud enough to stand out from the rest Sweet onions and Death. Putrid Sweet Onions would describe the stank coming off this one.


Violetta f2
All 3 have been super uniform. The one I’ve been able to smell had a unique floral smell rhat I just can’t place yet. They’ve got a ways to go before they are done. I made F3 seeds and I hit my BBD keeper w/Violetta pollen as well.


This is the single female out of 4 plant. She had gone 12/12 from seed.



SC#4 × SC#4/TB
I’ve been working on these for awhile now, they are looking uniform, I’m excited to see what the flowers are going to bring. SC#4 is a Strawberry Cough cut that I found a couple years ago, she has had a spot in the garden since finding her. She passes the Strawberry terps on strong.


Casey Jones ix



4 of 5 females. All 4 have been uniform for the most part. One of them has 4ft reach w/each of her bottom branches. I’m looking forward to the flower, thr SPG/AO is something I like alot.




@LouDog420 @TopShelfTrees1


Heck ya buddy! Can’t wait to follow along! I need to figure out how to book mark peoples threads so they’re easier to find. Is there a way to make it easier to keep track that you know?


Wow that CJ plants is a unique one!