Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

1st pic are Goji OG cross
2nd Bd. Im not sure what the issue is here. I am using recycled coco and maybe I didn’t clean it well and it is hot from flower nuts? One of the BD also has a really deep red stem. The 4 other seedlings are in the same coco and are happy as can be. I am weary of flushing them so early so it is leave it be and see if it progresses any more. @anonymous4289


Its a little difficult to see in the pic but the stem is dark red purple. Only one of the 6 Blueberry Diesel seedlings is showing it. @anonymous4289

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One of the mothers had this same trait. Im not sure which it was, Royal Chem or Bodega Bubblegum, but it has shown up 3 ×’s in about 40 seeds. All of them besides the original mother have turned out to be males.

One of the mothers had this same trait. Im not sure which it was, Royal Chem or Bodega Bubblegum, but it has shown up 3 ×’s in about 40 seeds. All of them besides the original mother have turned out to be males.

These are all of the same plant, this was one of 3.

I am confident in my having figured out what burned my BD seedlings up so bad. It was the residue from the fire extinguisher powder being on the leaves and being washed through the substrate. My favorite plant that took a direct napalm assault from above had been damage badly but after cutting all the dead growth away I felt she would be ugly for a bit but would be fine in a few weeks. That lasted less than 2 days. Her stems and branches started dying, slowly, and the leaves started to go. I did the best I could to attempt to save her, I cut down to the 1st living node to cut the 45 and put 3 or 4 in rock wool cubes and a couple in jiffy pucks. They won’t win any beauty contests but if I can get at least one of them to make it I will be happy. I did all this as I was preparing for work, I will get pics when I’m back to the garden.

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BD = blueberry diesel?

1st pic is the plant i was trying to save, 2nd was supposed to be b4 pic but I’ve been smoking so I of course uploaded the wrong pic

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Yes. The pics above you can see there is some burning on the older growth of the majority. Were the parent sensitive to anything? The fire extinguisher is filled w/the same stuff fertilizers are made of so they got a pretty hefty dose of too much too early.

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it looks like it grew hella fast. parents were not sensitive. how many seeds do you have left?

EDIT: i think you posted the wrong pictures up above?


Im not positive, I popped 6 however many you sent -6. They don’t seem too badly gone to pull through, but I thought that about the other plant. The foliage on my big mother’s is getting beat up pretty bad from the left over residue. I sprayed them off but they need to be wiped down too or it won’t be gone

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No those are of my moms I have in the tent that caught fire. The 2nd pic was a mistake yes. The seedlings are there afterwards. I apologize I just have all of everything I’ve got going on in one thread

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oh shit, i hope there was not too much damage. what caused it?

An electric lighter malfunctioning. I had been trying to get it to light but couldn’t I set it down on top of the tent and went to the next room to water in there and I smelled plastic burning. It took a minute but once the lighter caught the tent it rained molten plastic into my mom tent. Then as panic set in and reason disappeared, a fire extinguisher was very generously used in a wide radius that did more damage than the fire did itself. I am still trying to get that shit cleaned up. The ammonium phosphate that the FE is filled with is pretty much fertilizer and it covered the inside place, every room, no matter door open or closed it got everywhere


@anonymous4289 Blueberry Diesel tester grow update. Last update had the oder growth starting to get some discoloration and other signs of something being wrong. Waiting to see if the issues cleared up on their own led to them almost going back to the earth from which they had come. Seeing that they would be a lost cause w/o taking drastic measure i removed them from their pots and cleaned off the majority of the substrate down to the jiffy puck and got them into fresh coco. Fresh as in cleaned and recharged, it is recycled not new. That was yesterday, tonight they are looking as if they have a new lease on life. They will make it and hopefully we can get this thing going finally.