Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

best of luck with those. i hope they recover. worst case scenario i can send you more seeds to try again.

I know they look pretty rough but they’re going to be fine. I have no experience w/soil and/or organics and im pretty sure it was in the preparation of the substrate where the problem began. It has only one way to go from here. Happy growing

Blueberry Diesel day 19
They are getting back on track growing again. I would say they are behind where they’d be had they not been stunted. They were too small and I guess the soil was too hot for seedlings. I needed to let it sit for a few weeks and cook but I got excited for new seeds and jumped the gun. Having been in the clean coco for 2 days it is night and day now and 2 days ago. They would not be alive still had they remained in the soil.

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@anonymous4289 BBD seedling the day I moved it to clean coco and same seedling after 2 days of being in fresh coco.

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BH×PTG update
is day one for 3 BH×PTG#1 seedlings. 3 of the 4 sprouted. I gave the last one a week before replacing it w/2 more BH×PTG seeds.

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Thank you for this, that was pretty quick too! :heart_eyes:

Just so everyone knows what you have going here.
Tony greens Bubblehead x Pine Tar Gush
PTG is/was the male
As far as I know, these are the only seeds of this cross around and these are the first above ground.

So I am very very excited to see some of these being grown out. :hugs:

Thank you so very much for your work! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Good luck

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It’s my pleasure, I should be thanking you not the other way around. There is something magical about popping new seeds, it has become more than a part of who I am. Thank you for letting me in on your work and I pray I do them justice for you. Happy Growing


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Part of a Royal Chem plant. This was chopped 10/10. The plant will come down in stages over the next week or so, as long as I can make it spread out.



Same top after 24 hours or so of hanging

October 13, 2022
Blueberry Diesel Testers Veg. Day 21

Hopefully I selected decent pics to post, I hate not being able to see what is posting before you hit enter to post. They got their first nutrients yesterday, im still not sure whether im going to go w/coco or get them back into the organic soil after it has had time to “cook”. For now its FF Cultivation Nation 2part dry nutrients b/c I happen to have them on hand. It is what I used on the plants that were not in organic soil last run.


This Strawberry Cough #3 clone that was in a bubble cloner and was forgotten about and had been in full blown flower when I came across them in the back of the room. They went from the bubbler to a cup of water and in the window w/my males. I dusted them all w/pollen because why not and left them in the water and forgot about them, again. Most dried up w/o making seeds one I got 6 another 2, both were done with, all energy went to make the few seeds none to prolong life. In the bottom of the cup there was a short cut that not only made seeds, it had new growth and was almost done revegging. I couldn’t just toss her, and harvesting seeds from a vegging plant is kind of cool.


This is the donor plant for the clone in the last pic.


One of my keepers from the first batch of seeds i ran of the Royal Chem/TX Butter seeds i made. Loving life in the no till planter. The other pic is the 18 days prior when she moved in to the open spot left by the RC being chopped. The flowers are super dense, rock hard, and stink of BO and earth with a lingering garlic smell that sealed the deal on her sticking around. This will be the 4th time I’ve ran her, this past harvest she sweetened up like I’ve not seen before. Crazy how different the same cut can be when the environment is not the same. Happy Growing.


This is Strawberry Cough #2. It is so not strawberry anything. The plant is great, the flowers are good looking all the way through but she smell like chemicals, chemicals like turbine Diesel/gasoline mixture. If I didn’t grow it I wouldn’t have smoked it, and growing up in Houston in the 90’s I’ve smoked some pretty horrible bud. Then at around 8 weeks into flower if things get out of whack in the slightest she throws nanners. I don’t know why I keep her around, there is something under all that shit that keeps me trying to get her right. Sorry for the book, happy growing


Strawberry cough with no strawberry or cough, that is typical of today’s breeders.

I do the same sometimes it pays off others not so much…LOL

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The very first run i had taken a branch that was at from the bottom but was part of the canopy and I air layered it. [Not sure if that is the correct term, i rooted it while it was still on the plant]. Anyways, the mom got stressed and started throwing nanners. It was one here and there up until it was too many to maintain picking them off, so I chopped her way early. That would have been her only song and dance but that clone that just hid behind the bigger prettier better smelling girls did something special. It wasn’t so much the ending that I found most intriguing, it was the transition that had to happen for her chemical spill on top of diesel soaked rags to the vanilla cake and sweet cream that clone blessed me with. I’ve never been able to get a cut there again yet but I have one flowering going 90 day w/o a single male part showing up. I feel as if I can smell sweetness starting to show up but I may be smelling what I want to smell. This will be the end of the road if I don’t get it right. I’ve let too many better cuts go w/o ever even running them a 2nd time to keep a finicky , most of the time not so great plant around that needs stress-free environment if im even going to be able to smoke her.

Monday 17, October 2022

Blueberry Diesel update Day29
Plants have been under T5 lights from the start. They’ve been recovering nicely from early troubles w/substrate. Since getting into the coco it has been smooth sailing. Tonight I pulled them out of the container they were in while under t5’s and they are spending their first night under the leds. Overall the plants seem to be close to uniform by their looks alone so far, no runt or special contender to looks out for yet but it is still early yet.

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