Shaving a vegging plants stem?

Ok so last night I saw a video of a guy who shaved his plants outer layer off then put clonex on it and covered up in soil. Few weeks later there were tons of more roots coming out every where. Would this be a bro science thing? Cause I can totally see having double the roots would make my plants way bigger.


Process is called “air layering “. They sell kits on Amazon. It’s another method of cloning. I’ve never done it but I believe there is a thread on it if you search.

You talked about the “extra roots”. When I transplant, I bury the stem to minimize height and it is my understanding the buried stem will root out similar to a clone. Don’t know if this helps but good growing.



There’s no need to go shaving the stem, any stem will root just given moisture or just buried in medium.

Air layering a new plant, I don’t think that’s what the dude was talking about.
I rooted the plant mid way then cut it free and potted it up.