Shipping dispute

The problem with that is , if person A was to issue a refund when it is clearly not his fault the clones didn’t arrive on time , Person A would be taking a total loss because he now lost his items and lost the opportunity to sell them to another buyer


But what if person B didn’t get there clones on time because they didn’t give person A good contact information so therefore , FedEx could not notify them there package was being held because duties are owed. Don’t you think that falls solely on person B ?
If FedEx had a good phone number for them OR, they just picked up the phone and called to inquire about there item, it would have been in hand days ago.
And to make matters worse , after it was confirmed that his package was indeed being held for duties , he refuses to pick it up and sticks with the idea that he’s still considering you a scammer because it didn’t arrive in 1 day because , that’s the shipping method he paid for LOL. you still think he deserves a refund ?

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USPS is the way to go for things from the US to Canada.
I ordered skis once from Europe and got nailed on the duties and taxes at the border. Ended up being almost as much as what I had ordered.

Quite honestly in the scenario given by the OP this is simply a case of the buyer not knowing there would be duties to pay. The replacements offered would of been satisfactory if I had been the buyer. But I am not them and they seem kinda sour about it.
If I was the seller I would tell them to pay the duties if they want their cuts. If not then they can kick rocks.


At the end of the day, you have to follow your instincts.


USPS was used. There fastest international shipping option is GXG, Global Express Guaranteed. They partner with FedEx.


As a canadian, we all full well know customs charges. Fedex and ups are rape and pillage specialists on customs charges (fedex nailed me 300$ for a warranty replacement part).

Buyer is a douche. This is why so many retailers refuse to send to Canada. I sure hope the seller fights the inevitable payment dispute that’s coming.


Then I don’t understand the duties but am also admittedly not an expert on this subject.
I am waiting on parts for a chainsaw from the states and was told the 6-10 business day guarantee that the costliest USPS option could not be guaranteed . Of course because of covid.

Anyway IMHO as the story was posted the buyer is indeed the problem .


Duties are 63 cad so we’re not talking a lot of money here

Yeah, that’s pretty normal.

Part of the problem is amazon, and some of the big retailers, can prepay these days so likely we’ve got some people who’ve never been held hostage at the door for cash for customs charges. (And of course when it’s pre-paid it’s 1/10th the price)

These young kids don’t know how easy they’ve got it :joy:

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I’d just cut loss and offer to refund him shipping only as a peace offering, since the plants were actually delivered, and it’s on him if he doesn’t wanna pick it up. An extra day or two in a box during this nice cool fall weather isn’t a problem whatsoever and if he doesn’t wanna hear it, that’s on him. You did your end, but overnight isn’t ever really guaranteed, it’s the mail, we do our best but it’s not a courier service

Definitely such a thing as a bad customer. If I held my end of a bargain I wouldn’t lose sleep over someone mad about an extra day or two in transit. Duties and fees are on him, you can’t be responsible for every country’s customs policies. Once I rooted cuts that were in a box for 11 days. It’s just not that big a deal.

Any real grower would just care that the plants made it safely and alive.

When I used to ship live plants/fish, one constant from every seller is “send me a picture of the dead plants/fish within a few hours of delivery before you get a refund or a reship”. If you can’t provide one, no dice.


One thing do I know :thinking: when it comes to getting something outside Europe i always have to pay duty… no matter how big or small the item is… and thats a known fact and I belive everyone who ever ordered from one country to another that doesn’t have any deal in anyway when it comes to customs and duty know that there will always be a amount to pay before you receive your package. So in my opinion the person B is really just finding a stupid way to do the same thing over again… he still has to pay duty for the second parcel anyway


Duty and taxes are a way of life welcome to cross border transactions.
I do agree ups and fed ex have had masks on way before the virus showed up crooked bastards is all I can say.
Live and learn always request USPS when possible or mark as a gift with 10.00 dollar value if using another courier .


Right there. @Farmerjoe420


Kind of a moot point but why did u put the value of the goods so high on the customs docs and what did u say it was???

Shoukd have just said the value was $5-10 then the duty would be nothing or close too it.

Buyer is still in the wrong here. The above is more my own curiosity.


I put the value at close to half of what was spent. Figured it would help for insurance if the package went missing and a claim had to be filed.

For what it’s worth , I asked the guy what he wanted me to put on the customs form before I sent it and he said put whatever you want. I guess I expected him to tell me what not to put on there if something was going to cause a problem. I’m not familiar with all the details for declarations for different countries.


It’s probably not duty, usually it’s their own customs fees. Dec 2019 I paid 50$ - so 10$ more now is within reason. Or could have been hst/gst on that.


I would think its Duty. The carrier would only pay/charge customs fees if The sender didnt provide a declaration no?

Joe sent me a clone a few months back and we used Global Express thru usps/fedex. Not sure what he put on the customs doc but we got the pkg less than 24hrs later from Southern USA to Ontario, Canada. No extra charges were required.


It has always been paid as " duty and customs fees " on any orders I have made. Usually get an email requesting that it has to be paid before item/parcel is released.

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Clearance charges - the carriers charge for presenting it to customs for inspection.

Oh yeah and there’s the “advancement” fee because they pay cbsa and then collect from you so they charge you for that too.


scams…built a computer for my daughter she lives in a different state, shipped ups, insured it, package arrived all beat up the computer itself , the case was bent, power supply has bends on the CORNERS, the strongest part, the video card was damaged , the motherboard as well

Now a month after filing a claim, no closer to getting any money…the video card when i purchased it from amazon was $300 yesterday its at 689.99.