Should I Be Concerned?

I have noticed over the past week new growth developing on a couple plants and I am not sure if I should be concerned. The new bud sites are lanky and not tight in the second image. Could it the lights, nutes, etc.?


What strain? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

How many weeks of 12/12?

Those single bladed leaves makes it looks like it is reverting to a veggative state. Are you sure your timer is set correctly?


The first image is a Heritage Farms cross RLxRPK, the second is Mark’s Super 90. I have two of each currently and only one of each is exhibiting the growth.

Timer was set for 20/4. I will double check it.

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Are they autos?

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They are autos. I reset the timer. I am using a bn-link dual outlet digital timer. Is this recoverable as far as the plants finishing out?

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Well I think @ReikoX and @Mr.Sparkle will be the ones to help you. :smiley:

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Have they always been on 24/0? I’m not familiar with Mark’s Super autos but I heard they need to be flipped to 12/12.


Yea, like someone already said, looks like they’re re-vegging for some reason. Weird if they trully are autos… as a pure auto should not be able to reveg whatever happens…

They look healthy otherwise.

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Well in your very first picture you have new leeaves growing out of quite mature bud so they must be reveging. Ah just read abit more information, they seem to be super autos. Yes super autos are different to normal autos and work like semi autos so there able to gain more growth. You would probably beter at this stage to try and get a fare bit of dark hours. Try giving them at least 6 hours or more dark in there sleep hours that should ramp up the flowering hormone. They are recoverable but might take a week or longer to revert back and will definitely increase your finishing time as they will start putting out a whole lot of fresh flower on top of the older buds. But at least you wont have wasted your time and energy already gone into the plants and you will get a harvest.


I had them on 12/12 until they showed their sex, after that I put them on the current light schedule. It’s strange because photos can be revegged, but I understood autos were hard wired to go one direction. Should I go back to 12/12?

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Im asuming they are super auto, it that right ?. If so super autos work slightly different and arnt always stable like normal autos.


Their Mark on Strainly’s Super 90 autos, so I am not sure. Roll back to 18/6 from 20/4?

Sounds and looks like you went back into Veg… Light period for all cannabis should be reducing not increasing throughout its life cycle. It is common for folks to reduce the number of hours of light to trigger the flowering phase of growth if it doesn’t automatically do it for itself (some XL/Super/Fast even normal Autos in some cases tend to need the extra push) so coming from 18/6 down to 12/12 or from 20/4 down to 18/6…

I would change your cycle back and hope it wasn’t too stressful to cause you issues but would rely on @ReikoX or @Mr.Sparkle to give you more experienced opinions as only our resident Auto Gurus can.


I would suggest you put your lights back to 12/12. From my understanding these “Super Autos” of Mark’s are not true autoflowers. They are a cross with a photoperiod and an autoflower. Other breeders call these a “Fast Version”. They will flower faster, usually around 60 days 12/12. I just finished growing some of these for my JLO project, moving that to full auto next.


Ok 12/12, these started 10/26 so they maybe Super 120! :joy:


I have wonder as I have seen this stated a few times. If an “auto” has to be flipped to 12/12, is it really and auto? Seems it would be a photo???

Having to flip the regular autos from an individual on Strainly. Some of his autos require a 12/12 light flip to get them to start flowering. I don’t know of any other autos that require the extra step.