Autoflowers and the light they receive

I had to flip my auto about 8 weeks ago can I put it back to 18/6 light schedule or is there a chance that will mess up the plant. Is it just not a good idea. Idk but that is why I’m asking I guess. Thanks


It’s an Auto, IF its an auto. It doesn’t care about how much or little light it gets per hour. Less light = less buds. In a nut shell.


Ok so doesn’t make a difference the amount of light they get ok thanks. Yes they are autos from an auto only seedbank. Probably didn’t need to flip them myself just had got “autos” that were gifted to a friend then me and they did not auto. That screwed up my whole grow time rotation. I appreciate the heads up. Wasn’t sure if it would screw up my plant.


Allow me to ask a question…WHY did you have to “flip”? With TRUE AUTOs, no flip required. If you have Photo FAST (mix of Photo and Auto), you should flip to induce Flowering. That’s been MY observations, limited as they are/were. Some people like an 18:6 Schedule, others 20:4, or even 24:0 Schedule. I’m partial to 20:4 myself. Good luck, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: NOTE: OG has several MASTER Auto Breeders, Expert advise is available.


I was gifted “autos” that were in no way autos that screwed up my timing with my grow rotation. I got seeds from mephisto genetics 2 of the jumped into flower the 3rd one was taking longer so I probably freaked a little bit and flipped it when I should have waited. Good genetics just bad decision.