Trouble with my first autoflower grow

Hi everyone. I’m just doing my first run with autos and something seems off. I’m running a couple of sour diesel in 5 gallon fabric pots under the hlg 500. I tried to take a few photos that showed them side by side. These were started at the same time and have been sitting beside each other and recieving the exact same treatment. As you can see from the picture they appear to be in different stages of life. One is a couple weeks into flower while the other is still vegging. They were fed yesterday and as you can see the plant that is not showing signs of flowering also has slightly drooping leaves where the other is perked up and happy. Could someone who is familiar with autos give some ideas as to what the next step should be? Perhaps a few days of 12/12? Or just stay the course?


where are the seeds from? it looks like i can see pre-flowers so it may be slower to transition than the other one … those look like pretty big autoflowers


Thanks for the reply. The seeds were from a contest and were bred by Blim Burn seeds. From the research I’ve read on them when I recieved these was pretty informative. They have a lot of experience and awards for their genetics in Europe as they are based out of Spain. I don’t have anything to compare these to so I don’t have a reference on the size but I started with the lst as soon as it felt safe to do so. Like I said these are the first autos so other than the fact that I was racing against the clock I didn’t have much to go on. I hope it is just delayed as the extra veg time should help a bit with yield but I think it’s around two weeks difference between when one flowering and where the other one is now.

Is the slight droop a sign of an issue I haven’t picked up on?

The one on the left is just slower than the one on the right. Autos have their own internal timer, but that time varies from plant to plant. Drooping could be an overwater symptom.


Thank you all for your time and help I normally wait until the few top inches of soil is dry, then wait a few days longer before watering but with the tight time involved I didn’t want to miss an opportunity so as soon as that top couple inches felt right I would water. I recently lost my moisture meter so I guess I should have not talked myself out of getting the replacement.


Ya it just seems to be lagging behind a bit. Some autos can be inconsistent in that regard. It’s twisting up though so definitely going to start any day now.

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Just throwing up an update. The one is in its final phase of flowering. Droopy hasn’t progressed any further. I’ve tried a few different things since without any luck. Tomorrow she is going into a flower tent and getting some 12/12. If anything comes of it I’ll update

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If she’s an auto flower why are you putting her under 12/12??? I’m not saying you can’t do it but it will certainly effect yield. Auto flowers seem to grow best under 18/6 or 20/4