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We lost two of our three Corgis in the last year. They lived long and happy lives. We lost both of them within a few months of each other.
That left our only female named River. She has been mourning the loss of her two brothers who had been with her since we brought her home. Here they are. River on the left. RIP Satch and Forrest.

I had suggested a rescue, but my wife wanted another Corgi for River to play with, so we ended up with another Cardigan Corgi. Happy wife/ happy life.

We named him Tele. My wife drove to the breeders home a couple weeks ago
to pick him up. He’s almost house broke and is getting along fabulously
with our female named River. River has been somewhat lonely since we
lost two of our other Corgis in this last year. They are already bonding
fantastically. River is now smiling again. They wear each other out playing.

He’s a cutie pie.

This long name includes the breeders names as well as what we’ve added to
the registry. My wife was explaining to me all of the names in this ridiculously
long name and it now makes a little more sense to me.

The litter.

Here are some NPD * , New Puppy Day pics.
My wife visited the breeder about a week before we got to bring him home.

Here he is with one of his brothers. Tele is on the left.

Tele is one giant bundle of energy. We’re so glad that River
now has a companion. The two of them wear each other out playing and then take a nap.
A big load off having us do it as he would be quite a handful without River
to play with.

New BFFs

All eight of the pups were accounted for before they were born. The breeder who had the father got first pick of the litter. My wife has done considerable work for the AKC and UKC,
Agility, as well as her artwork for them. She is well known in the Corgi community, so that is the reason we got second pick of the litter.

Here is the reason the litter had people waiting for them before they were born.
Tele’s father won Best In Breed at Westminster earlier this year, and my wife told me the other day that he also took a national title for the same best in breed at the recent AKC Nationals.
His father.