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Poor baby…I hope she’s feeling better!!!

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:cowboy_hat_face:These are my Children :mage:

MVC-008S MVC-003S MVC-002S MVC-016S MVC-007S


Very happy dog!!! Good deal, love seeing that!


She has passed, but thanks. :pray:


Oh no hun…I am so sorry.
She was a beautiful baby…I Know she was loved, and is missed. :green_heart: :cold_sweat: :green_heart:


She was and is. Thanks


Thanks Floyd! He was 121lbs in January when I took him to the vet. He sure eats like a horse! The other day he ate 9 1/2 cups of kibble, over a cup of ground beef, half a can of soft food, a pig ear and beef liver treats. :see_no_evil:


He is a great looking dog.


Thank you! I sure love the shit out of him!!! :heart:


You run out of food and he is going to view you as a walking t-bone.

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Yeah he is a big boy alright. My boy Finn, Alpha of our pack, is tall and solid muscle, 95 pounds. Mercy goes 95 also. Sona is 84 , Paddles, the monster young un 1 year 2 mos is 111 lbs, and skinny skinny like a teenager.

120 pounds is a huge friggin dog! I know my dog’s, he is one of THE FEW that ive seen said to be 100-120 lbs, that actually is.

He also looks like a big goof ball, like my boy Paddle. Heaven help you if you piss him off however, but that would take some doing on your part.

I think he is a cool as Hell lookimng dog, think ive saiod it before.

If you need to rehome him…im available…he’d have a pack… :sunglasses:


WOW…my biggest, the youngest, Paddle ate big yesterday. 3 cups kibble, 1/2 pound chicken, 1/4 pound burger. 9 cups!!! OMG

I spend 1k a month feeding my 4. IF they each ate 9 cups it would go up 400 bucks!!! DAMN!!!

He aint carrying no weight on him, does he always eat that much ???


@Jetdro Onyx asked to be invited for dinner and a play date. :sunglasses: 1 year 6 months 77 pounds of pure frisbee destroying muscle.


Anytime mine are all 100 % social

They love meeting other dogs . Be nice to meet one they can rough play with Most are smaller and can’t handle their play levels



Just had our chubby ball chaser to the Vet for his yearly shots and checkup.
117#’s of solid muscle ball destroying love. He’s right in line with his brother from the same litter Coleman is 120#’s, parents aren’t even close to this big.
Ranger is one of the “oddities” for an American Lab, face of an American, body of an English.
Hershey (RIP) our old English Lab, tipped the scales at 128#’s but he was just a well loved spoiled dog that needed to lose a little weight. Ranger is 100x more active than Hershey ever was. When it’s ball time, you can count on him running 4-5,000 yards or more before he decides it’s time to quit.


Dang! 111 has to be pretty freaking big for a shepherd? Yeah, this guy is really skinny still. He just turned two in January. I think he still has a little filling out to do. I had Rotts before and my girl, albeit a little hefty, was 135lbs.

Louie can be a pup still, but for the most part, he’s all business. Definitely the most fierce dog I have owned. Lol, this boy is staying with me till the end. I even went to the Shelter yesterday to see if they had anymore livestock guardians. I’m not ready just yet, but this guy could use a friend.

His normal intake is 3 1/2c of kibble, usually some soft food or ground beef, and a pig ear… twice a day. Once hunting season starts, he’s gonna be eating deer and elk. I can’t afford kibble lol. I gave him a knuckle bone (cow femur head) yesterday and he freakin ate it in 15 mins. Gone! :see_no_evil:

Lol, he sure does like chewing on me. Luckily he doesn’t bite down too hard.


Dexter say’s … “Only 283 days ‘till Christmas.”


Brother, I feel you on the food bill. Been hatching lots of chickens and the roosters well they go back into the food chain and lighten the dogs food bill. Also the deer scraps. It helps.


Oh man, I bet! You’re feeding two of them! I buy decent food, not real expensive. Kibble alone is costing me $130+ a month. I’m killing a deer (or two) this year just for dog food.

