Show your animal

Long sad story but this is my kid sisters dog, fucking yaps all night and loves fast food

The cat is Ms kitty, she’s the good one


Wow such beautiful GSD’s and the environment is just lovely too. My uncle also has GSD’s but here in Holland they are bred too much with which makes them vulnerable for illness. That’s why i have a DSD but i am glad because otherwise i would not have discovered this race. My next dog certainly will be a DSD x Malinois again. Here in crowded Holland i cannot go anywhere without my DSD on a collar because she chases wild animals or might get hit by a car (roads are always near) have a close encounter with another dog. I could drive for an hour and fine a place without humans but gasoline is very expensive here. Otherwise i would get more dogs too and let them play with each other. I wish i could visit you bro, but i have a dog that i cannot take on a plane plus Texas seems like such a beautiful place that i might stay and become an illegal immigrant!


Texas is wide open



I’ve heard a Texan breakfast consists of beer, so i’ll feel right at home! :smiley:

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My cat Wifi is the boss lol.


Benthe is crazy about my pizza’s, her mouth starts to water whenever i make one and sit down to eat it.

She gets some cornicione’s sometimes.


Benthe would go APE SHIT at my place. Paddles can go 35 MPH, Finn about same. Both can climb or jump over or onto ANYTHING they want to, and do daily, lol. Open my back gate to GSD HEAVEN, and

Let 'em loose

They chase, jump, knock, and roll each other for first 5 minutes out of gate, but only EVERY TIME , lol.!
Then race to the creek to chase birds, snakes, possum, anything floating by . Anything i throw.

Always had GSD’s but NEVER had TIME to really get to know them. NOW, spending all day with them everyday, i see their inner workings and how they interact with each other and the world. So VERY different than way we do .

My 4 SMILE all day long as they have so much fun, and i have learned what they REALLY WANT

just my time


Mine get a bit of everything i eat. Finn is picky, Mercy too, Paddles would eat cardboard if i handed it to him. Others will drop ANYTHING i give them and look before eating, Paddles SWALLOWS , lol


I know she certainly would! And even though Benthe cannot stand most dogs, she gets along great with most Sheppard dogs. She’d be running along with Paddles and Finn! Besides my backyard i cannot let Benthe lose unfortunately. One time she escaped when the weather made the wood work and the fence jumped open… Man, i was lucky she was trying to get a rabbit out of a cage from one of the neighbors! Now i check the lock every day.

It’s is my first dog and since i am a lot at home i get to know her quite well. And i agree with you, what these dogs want the most is our time and it is the most precious thing we can give them too.

Benthe is the first girl who never complains about my interest in Mary-Jane’s! :stuck_out_tongue:


I posted about my friend Marlo(a black lab stray I found) a couple weeks ago and I just got some great news from the county shelter today. He’s been neutered this last week in preparation for a transfer to a lab rescue in Tulsa. Oklahoma Lab Rescue He should be there sometime next week. I’m so happy he’ll be with a foster family.

I really enjoyed the week he spent with us but hopefully he’s onto to better things!


Haha a picky dog and one that swallows, you’ve got the whole spectrum covered!

Benthe gets a little of everything i eat to and goes bananas when i start without her! :smiley:

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Anole death match

At one point the gripper held the grippee :sweat_smile: off the deck. Not sure who gave up first but they eventually separated & I told them to GTF outta heeya



Gracie and Millie hanging out.





@Jetdro where you at in the world you always seem to have some nice landscape for the pups to play!


The beautiful state of Texas , all of that is out my back yard


That’s a nice backyard to have