Show off your quick and dirty "stoner engineering"

Apologies if this topic is posted elsewhere already.

I just felt like showing off alittle bit of that ole’ “MacGyver hacking” that gave me oh so much pleasure back in the day.

Today I present, “If it fitz, I hitz”

My new Source Versa Silo top came in today and hits ever so smoothly. So naturally I began test fitting it on other devices…

One trusty Boundless CFX with steel universal WP attachment and a purple silicone Grav chillum tip later, and we have lift off!


Thought you said dick there at first lol. I have nothing special


Oh come on now, I’m sure it’s a good size, :rofl:

I kidd, of course


A few months back, arrived back on the farm, no burn devices and a ball left from last year.
Tuna can, soldering iron, spoon, rocks glass…
Perpetual Hash Under Glass.


That’s amazing! Reminds me of a dry herb vape setup I threw together with a lightbulb when I was a teen.

That and hash on a hot knife under a mason jar.


Done both, foil in shape of a bowl rubbed smooth to the top of bulb, but not to big or Pop.
Hot Knives but with paper towel tube!


My mustard bomb power hitter…


For those of you familiar with “SIP” growing, I love tinkering around with sub-irrigated planter concepts. Here’s my latest stoner engineered planter:

Here’s basically what it looks like inside:

I love how infrequently I need to water.


Just made this today and wasn’t even stoned…


Nice! But I do prefer the Plochmans! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It really doesn’t matter which one I use they both create a milky white smoke and definitely will get you very stoned…


You just timewarped my brain straight to 1988!!! “Im a steam roller baby”!!!


Carbon filters cost how much?!! Starting out I did not want to dump a lot of money into growing and thought I needed to do something about odour control. A cardboard box, small fan, landscaping fabric and a bag of BBQ briquettes that I pulverized. Also a few staples to enclose the carbon in the fabric. Actually worked. Not sure how much it can take before the carbon gets full of smells but for the length of time I needed it, it worked. Really messy breaking up the briquettes though.


I postyed this in another place some time back but what the heck. It’s a handy little greenhouse that works pretty good complete with Snap Fan powered directly by solar panel in s thermostat.

It’s made of 2 hog panels on a 2x12 frame. This pic shows the snap ties holding the two panels side by side and the pipe insulation taped arpound the connection to keep the covering from tearing.

this pic is the metel strapping to tie the hog pannel to the 2x12

Lathe for securing covering to 2x12 . Put in garden blocks to keep about an inch off the ground so the fan sucks air at ground level.

Interior shot with plants. Great for starters.


Want to do a big hunt but don’t want to put out for 100s of containers? Make your own, out of left over Panda Poly (we’ve all got some) and a heat sealer. Modeled after the brown paper shopping bags of old. Weld with black side facing out, turn inside out, slice a few slits in the bottom and voila, cheap ass grow bag that you can also write on!

This one has been used, but you get the idea.:grin::peace_symbol:


My MacGuyver-est thing is blowing a fan at a frozen water jug, to lower temps and boost RH a tiny bit in the drying space :joy::man_shrugging:t2:


I have seen others with the same temperature/humidity displays. Dirt cheap in your local Dollar Store. I saw an interesting thing on pain management where you can train yourself by sending blood to your exterior using a temperature sensor in your hand (not really important). Knowing what I might find in the display I took it apart and unsoldered the thermistor from the board and wired it up remotely with some twisted wire (twisted wire is used to cancel out interference, not important here, just used to doing it). I put some heatshrink tubing on the leads and over the pair. It is easy enough to do remote temperature sensing (10k thermistor) but not the humidity sensor (a disappointment) The humidity sensor is 10 M (million ohms rather than thousands which the thermistor is) which might not like being too far from the board. One day I might try it though.

The board has pads etched on the back and it mates onto the back of the display. Something to keep in mind. Not bad for a $4 display. I only got it up to 67 C, went over-temp above that. Not sure where it happens as it updated the display every 5 seconds.


I remember that one, very impressive👍

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Old punch bowl that has taken up space in too many places for too long to remember finally got used after all these years.


I love repurposing things into SIP’s!

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