Show your JOTI Buds

hey thanks for the offer havent been on in 4 days just seen this. lots of anxiety and stress looking for a new place have 9 days to find one and move in! if i do go that route i will hit you up and work something out. have used dunks before with ok results but never 100% gone. def helps though

And not one person asked if you are ok, after your fall down the stairs. Merry Christmas!
You ok?


Haha , are the stairs OK ???


lol…we’re all just heartless monsters!

For the record, I assumed he was OK because he sent the message after the fall…and has posted many times since then. Still, it was wrong of me to not ask, and I hope @Chronickyle can forgive me :pray:


Have you tried brewing a tea with the dunks and have you used ro water or just city tap?

Need to remove the chlorine and chloramine from the water or it will just kill off the bacteria. At least need to use some aquarium water conditioner or preferably ro.


@204medismoke, I posted this long thread about how I use Mosquito Bits, which is Mosquito Dunks in their pre-donut form…


im good fortunatly bruised body and ego :sweat_smile: Wife tried to help with a bunch of my chores but it was more painful to watch then to do :joy:

Merry Christmas!


i would but in your own words your all

JK of course! thanks for the laughs folks :ok_hand:


Hawhaw. Merry Christmas guys n gals.


ahh i would just sit tap water out for 48 hours in a 50 gallon drum and then soak the pack of crushed dunks in it for a day or so and then water every other day with. it def knocked the population down but if you get lazy for even just a few days they start to come back. i am going to go to war with them once i get into a new place and get one nice winter crop at least lol.

yes i saw that thank you! i have been looking for those but they seem to be hard to find in canada for me. for a decent price at least haha. but i will keep searching and give your method a go :smiley:

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The chloramine won’t bubble off. Use some fish tank conditioner let it bubble for a day and you’ll be good after around a week.

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will do next time thanks for the tip never even thought about it

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Gonna be chopping soon, but you’ll have to deal with me posting until then…lol.
Really letting her dry out.


Hey, I hit a power out , long cold one, just several hours after i got the popped seedlings under a dome, got dark and cold for a while anyway, far as the P.B ( blu-muffin) Did you happend to get any ones with strange leaves on the first 3 sets of leaves? not all but some. nonsymmetrical,hgf included like example from the net.

Just trying to figure out if it is the genes or response to blackout, general environment…I am trying out rain water due to hi TDS in my well. could be that. so any buggers like in the pic?


hey i cant recall anymore :sweat_smile: sorry man, keep us posted though as to how she does. Potential for some killer smoke in those genes


Another gods mac. Been curing about 5-7 days I think…test drive tonight!!


Jesus, wear your seatbelt!!!


My Gods MAC is still at least a week away I think.


Because I’m still doing the 2 liter bottles, my veg time is short. I only harvest 8-30 grams per plant.
Your gods mac looks awesome! Out of the 6 or so seeds planted, I’ve found 3 variations…

  • purple, squat structure, crystally as eff.
  • green, more “fragile” looking, a little bit more leaf, unique bud structure (will need a photo, can’t describe).
  • greenish/purplish, some stretch between budsites, nice bud structure.

How many are you running?


I would say this is the third I kept her for the flavour and structure but there is stretch. She also has that leaf structure with extra nodes and budsites on some fans.