Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

Container size is critical with autos! Every auto I start in a solo turns into a 4 inch budding plant. It looks to me like a herm, but could just be how I’m seeing the photo


Well this is actually exactly what I did so if EVERY single auto you started in a solo became a 4 inch plant then that’s very likely what’s going on with my girls


I’m going to say you’ll have a bunch little plants. Small seed increase maybe

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I don’t mind small plants as long as they eventually do something :joy:

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About a joint each :joy:


Well the goal for siberian was to try and get some fem seeds out of her, Maybe flowering on the fourth node is the type of stress it needs to do so XD


You able to make regular seeds?


I don’t have any pollen or males too do so

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You have more seeds


I do but they’re all feminized supposedly, my only hope would maybe be the few bag seeds I have

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I can send you some regular (m/f) autoflower seeds. Won’t be in time for this ruderalis gal… but maybe one of the other seeds you have?


Yeah for sure brother , I have three pure landraces I would love to try and cross , and other strains as well, and im on my third winning of giveaway seeds here. So plenty in the vault too breed :stuck_out_tongue:


@BeTheLight I’ve got some autoregs I’ve run a couple generations.

No big selections, just liked making seeds with these so I have a big doomsday stash. A few autoreg seeds and you can have unlimited pot in any environment! They aren’t super super super fast to fully mature, a good girl will go about 100 days from paper towel to amber trichs on mature buds. The boys do show sex earlier than the girls and drop pollen about 50 days in. Nice “christmas tree” shape no need to top or train. Mild taste, mild giddy buzz, came to me as a “sour skunk”.

Anyway, long story long, send me a DM and I’ll happily send you some seeds if you’d like another source of auto pollen. Love seing a ruderalis project will be watching this one!

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Ok send me your address in a PM and I’ll get some auto reg seeds to you :+1:


Hey Friends, I’m just wondering should I keep on a 18/6 light cycle or should I flip to 12/12 since its already flowering so early ?

You can also refer too my topics about it too see if shes really to young :stuck_out_tongue:

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I run my autos at 24/0 rofl.



Leave it on 18/6 for your autos. You could leave them in veg area also


Bruh I forget im doing autos LOL


Same man that’s how it grows


if you guys run 24 hrs Ill try that. Maybe with like an hour of rest so 23/1

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