Sick looking plants

Chloramine is too local and new! :upside_down_face: I was speaking only about Chlorine :innocent:. I don’t let evaporate it when I plunge seeds on it, it kills patogens on them.

I always think it is positive to give information and then let people decide wether it is worth or not to follow, I will experiment with it, cheers … beer3|nullxnull


Sounds to me like you are just a dick.


I will not deny that I’ve been called that many times in my life, but in this case I am just trying to understand information that is contrary to everything I have heard about growing. Google it.

Edit: I’m even gonna give you some karma, because I read back through my posts and believe you are having a rough day.

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It also depends on the amount of chlorine used to treat the water.

I agree that too much chlorine is bad for plants and at too high of a level, may even kill them, but it is also a micronutrient that the plant needs for its metabolism process and it uses it to open/ close stomata for photosynthesis.

Why don’t you Google that?!


I think the pictures worked. I am glad I gained this little bit of information on my journey. Thank you so much. More k for ya buddy, and have a good grow.


Thank you for being a perfect gentleman oldtimer , I don’t like when someone reacts making personal remarks in a discussion, but agree in this case it is something punctual and not a normal behaviour, perhaps a bad day as you say … :sunglasses:

If it is this way most of us only leave sitting the water for 24 hours to evaporate, so still a lot of them in it, maybe more time needed or it is fine as they feed the plant? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I try to leave a air stone in over night when I remember lol


I reuse the water from my dehu, no chlorine and low ppm … :sweat_smile:

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