Sick of tax evading seed banks

Watch out the brick police are well funded.


The broader issue is that governments of many nations have become reliant on immigration to grow their economies. I know it’s the case down here, also real estate at some point became a wealth generator instead of shelter. And that fundamentally changed housing from a basic need to an investment instrument. And so now we have a housing crisis. Here it’s all because of short term interest based around the election cycle. Whereas large infrastructure investments need longer term planning that may span decades.
Here we keep up high levels of immigration because of an aging population/workforce, this drives up real estate prices because of supply/demand dynamics and property developers have zero incentive for change.
We are now stuck in a trap where housing is completely unaffordable but vast numbers of people have their life savings invested in their homes so they don’t want to see lower prices.


In many places, historic interesting places, they are paving over the traditional cobble stone streets so there aren’t mass projectiles available during riots.