Sick of tax evading seed banks

freebies for cash orders though, how deep rooted is ones hate for “tax evasion”?


Is this true? Only freebies with cash orders?

Tax evasion is just clever accounting.


I accepted CC via paypal until it was shut down. The reason i don’t have CC processing is the need for a “High risk credit processor”. I have stopped sales until i can resume but that quite literally costs me $200 a month before i make a single transaction. This is nothing to do with tax evasion and everything to do with banks not wanting to work with the cannabis industry.

That being said fun fact, Im paying all my taxes on my gains and still cant take cc payments yet. Ill have cc back by end of the month.


The issue with the canadian housing crisis is the cost of building housing, zoning, and “Not in my backyard” people. Nobody wants to allow high density housing to be built in their small town or next door. They see it as a “crime” issue that they prefer to solve by not allowing the high density housing, instead of dealing with the fundamental problems that cause crime in high density housing and the surrounding areas.

As @Foreigner mentioned foreign and domestic investors have been purchasing housing to park their money in because of this crisis and lack of regulation. Companies can buy up real estate and then leave it empty until they rent it for a high cost- the funds they have and the appreciation on the real estate makes this possible. I rent my one bedroom apartment for $670 in a rural area, and if I had to move I would be looking at either renting a single room or paying above 1k for an one bedroom. I live on disability which has NOT been adjusted to match the times, and this would leave me literally homeless.

Action is needed to resolve this crisis, but a large portion of Canadian voters are house owners who see their houses as a sort of retirement fund. To fix this crisis would require serious action that could affect the value of their houses, which they would likely not vote for, and most of our politicans know this, and so they signal that they care and will take action, but none of them are willing to step up to the plate and actually fix this crisis.


Agreed with NIMBYism.

Also, it was mentioned to me the other day that Canada created x number of jobs over the past whatever timeframe but added x times 10 new residents.

I read an article that said if you are a recent immigrant they will fast track your PR status if you’re willing to live somewhere shitty, in this case specifically Timmins. Interesting strategy considering Timmins is dying. And it’s winter 9 months out of the year.

But the real kicker is the half empty fully owned building I live in. These people just holding them and not renting them out are losing 40K a year. They just don’t care, it’s a long game and not so much cash flow.

I think the solution is going to be rezoning for midrise and lane way housing. At least around here.

But it’s going to be a fight.


I do not know about the jobs numbers but I read that last year we had 1 million immigrants and 200k new houses…

I am not anti-immigration, I love different cultures and my grandparents immigrated here. But where is the infrastructure for all these people? Are they supposed to move here and starve along with us? Doesn’t seem fair to them or us.


Yeah, cause private corporations have never lined their pockets needlessly. The problem isnt corrupt government. The problem is people. The accountability, transparency, purposeful waste to line pockets, I dont think those would get better with private companies. Most of the corruption done by government officials is to benefit private conpanies that the official directly or indirectly benefits from.

Anyone preaching the gospel of private corporation running the world to reduce waste and corruption is an interesting person.


It’s not about the morality of being for or against immigration. Immigration is necessary to maintain a healthy tax base (people of working age.)

But I agree there is a serious infrastructure problem. Some of it, as I half mentioned, would be to draw people away from traditional central hubs like Toronto and Montreal.

They do it with school teachers all the time. Want a job in Toronto? Go work in shit town X for 4 years first.

I’d be less disgusted by the green belt if it was going to be for affordable mid rise pleasant communities, but it’s not, it’s going to be million dollar mansions which does not help.


the bad dawg in house freebies i got on my last order it said were for cash orders only. not saying thats the new standard, sorry if thats confusing, but it might be?
the breeder specific promos are for both cash and cc as far as i know.


where the hell did i say anything about supporting privatization ? i said their needs to be accountability for mis-spending and out right fraud by the ppl in charge of the budgets. if that makes me interesting i guess i should wright a book … shrugs

Freebies, should be free, and with no conditions applied on them or they are no longer freebies if you have to do something to get them . And it definitely isn’t a new standard.

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i meant the new standard at GLG. i have no problems with their freebies being for cash orders if that is the case, this industry has been screwed over constantly by banks and their credit card arms. why should those who take an extra step to secure their revenue for them not be rewarded? obviously im biased because i only send cash.


I’m not hating on freebies. I just think it shouldn’t be based on how you pay. Ultimately, Its not a big issue just was saying free should be no strings attached.

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As much as I’d like to believe this, they’re not worried about anything drug related.

Look at the conditions of SF, Philadelphia, Chicago…

Business as usual. Standard suspects USA (alphabet orgs) doing business with the Cartel.

Hey, they’ll even throw in a couple trafficked children for just a pittance extra!

Here’s the joke - we are ALL under surveillance.

If you don’t see that, eeeeeeeeh - you habe quite the surprise coming one day.


Screw the IRS. ATF and DEA too.


IMHO people should be able to buy, grow, and sell seeds/weed unfettered. Weed will never be free, as long as the Gub’ment has restrictions on it.
If they are going to restrict growing, they need to at least have a 2500 plant limit. It takes at least 2000 plants to keep genetic diversity in Landraces. People using 50-100 plants for preservation, in the long run, are bottlenecking the genetics.
And states that dont allow the smoking of buds is also fucked up. I cant do edibles. I think I do not have the liver enzyme(s) to properly break down all the byproducts/THC ect.
And I dont like vaping. its not the same.

I myself have always sent cash when I can, and Ive actually never lost sending money in the mail. I also always double tape all areas of the letter, that has glue. I always send tracked, when I can. But my preferred method of payment, is CASH. Ive been buying seeds since they first came out in the mid 80s, and have never lost 1 penny sending cash. Im also in a very unfriendly state, and want zero paper trail.


Majority of the time it is. Unless they want to make an example out of you. Like Al Capone one way ticket to the Rock.


I’d bet that most criminal enterprises would happily pay their taxes to be able to stay in business and out of jail.

When something is half illegal and half legal it’s much more challenging.


I just like getting away with shit. Maybe I should steal a brick.