Sick plants? Or lack of care? Or do I have an issue with plant food? I’m lost

Been a while since I’ve posted anything here, been very busy and lots happening that have interfered with my focus on my plants. My last harvest I had a plant that ran into many issues but I brushed them off because I didn’t have the time or ability to fix the issues so I let it ride. I planted two more when I could with the intention to do better caring for the girls and they are also running into the issue. What’s up with these girls? Anybody have any advice they could give me? And for the future how can I prevent these problems from happening again? I have some ideas to upgrade the quality of the environment of the tent. The humidity has been extremely low between the 30% and 40% range. I have not been watering as often as I should be but I haven’t seen any signs of them being thirsty either, I am starting to get my sh*t together tho. Just need some pointers. My last plant I harvested was badly affected by this same problem.


Ph issue maybe?

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What are you feeding them?


This was my thinking as well, I need a higher quality digital PH pen

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Or drops. They are cheap and never wrong.


All the food is in the medium, organic amendments. So I just PH the water to 6.8 and water. I top the medium with more amendments that are heavier on the flowering side as soon as I see the first pistils. I am a complete amateur so I honestly have no clue what I’m doing, just watched a lot of videos and have read a lot of articles but I need to go back and from start to finish plan and document. I did that on my first grow ever and it was better than the last harvest and I’m sure it will be better than this one :sweat_smile:

I have the drops, I’ll use those from now on and see if I can get the rusting to stop progressing

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For what its worth, those look like mine when I had ph to high. But I had other problems going on too, so its not conclusive or anything.
I also use drops. At least I know I’m close that way. Pens scare me.
I would remove those couple of leaves that are extra jacked up. They aren’t helping anymore imo.


I’d suggest to get the ph between 6.2/6.5 your 6.8 might be the issue .


If you are in a coco or peat mixture you should run more like 5.8 to 6.2.
Gonna have to run those out and try again next run.

What light are you under? If it’s a high efficiency led let me know. You’ll want to feed much harder than usual.
Also if that is led you want leaf temps in the 80s and rh more like 55 to 65 depending. Low temps and low rh and you get vpd issues real easy under led.

Looks like a high ph swing to me. Possibly flushed with high ph plain water?


pH swings can lockout certain nutrients making it look like a deficiency when in all actuality your plant may have plenty of nutes available but the pH problem isn’t allowing the plant to uptake them. So after verifying your pH then if you continue to have an issue you would have to look into adjusting nutrient levels


Give it some good old horsemanure.
You need microbes and fungi in there.


Then we feed more and salt stress it to death!

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Like several others have said… double check the pH.
I recently was using some fox farm soil, and had lots of problems with stunted growth and deficiencies. Nothing I did would fix the issues. Then I did a run-off test of the soil, and found that it was super-acidic (like, 4.5pH)
I flushed it like mad to get the runoff back to about 6.5 and the problems went away… but I don’t buy that brand any more


Good call bro :+1: :joy:

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