Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Wishing your plants and you the best of health and luck in the future :).

You are welcome to more F2s if you end up wanting / needing them.

I am eager to grow again~! Hopefully soon. I would love to do another preservation run of something and contribute more to the community even though I haven’t been active lately.

Keep them good vibes flowing


Have you tried kelp to stimulate the plant out of its funk? Looking good and awesome persistence :grin:


I spray with kelp twice a week and also include some in the mix when I’m making compost tea, which I feed to them after the tea’s ready… of course, I’m starting to come to the conclusion that the plant was just fine other than a little transplant shock, and maybe I’m the one who was in a funk and panicking over nothing. :stuck_out_tongue: I suspect next week will come and go without any more transplants, at this point.


@Cormoran if you’re into foliar sprays I’d suggest a product from Kelp4less called Extreme Blend. It’s a mix of Humic and Fulvic Acids, all 16 L Amino Acids, and Norwegian Sea Kelp.

This stuff is amazing and pretty cheap!

1 tsp a gallon is all that’s needed and once a week application. You’ll notice a difference literally the next day.



Update time! I was actually planning to write this after I’d already finished, but then I got high… so I haven’t even gotten started yet on the compost tea & amendments I was planning to give them. Not doing a full amendment like I would’ve after a run, just small amendments every two weeks, and I’m going light on these like I would with the Blueberry. Hopefully they react well to it; they certainly seem to be enjoying the soil now, with two weeks to acclimate, so I’ve concluded that my prior bout of panic was just that and feeding them as I would normally for a light feeder. Here’s the group shots:

Individual glamour shots for the ladies, of course… the males aren’t getting one, except for #4, and not for a good reason. He seems to be a bit too eager to flower. Not sure if I’d call this autoflowering or just really well-developed preflowering though… they seem to be more colorful than usual for preflower, and one or two of the pollen sacs have broken open already. I’m wondering if this is enough to disqualify him from the co-op, given that there are four other males that aren’t busting out already, or whether I should just let it go and flower him out with the rest of the group anyway. Anyway, here’s the ladies, looking much better after ~2 weeks of the LITFA treatment, and lastly the rogue male:

Not really all that much else to show… the clones of the females are all in 3g pots with somewhat weaker soil and #2 is recovering nicely; #3 and 5 might be recovering or might be dying very slowly, but I have rooted clones of them in the cloner, so hopefully I should be good to go on keeping these around to play with after the run. #1 and the F2s downstairs have been chopped, and I left a few buds on #1 to try a reveg; she’ll also be getting some food later. I snapped a pic of them drying in the closet, though it’s kinda tough to see that well; also took a pic of the Frankenstein clone downstairs, looking surprisingly happy for week 12 of flower. Gonna leave her until next week when I move the males downstairs so any seeds in there can finish developing, then chop.


Update time! Things are pretty much running smoothly. Last week was a fairly busy one for me, so I didn’t get to pay much attention to them; they don’t seem to care much. If anything they’re looking happier for it. :stuck_out_tongue: LITFA does its job again. The males are recovering from running out of food now that they’ve gotten a few top-dressings in, and the females are recovering from transplant shock, so we’re looking good to start flower soon. I was planning to start it this week, but my partner said he thinks the females are still a little small and we should wait another week. Since he’s not here to carry the plants anyway, I’m going with the path of least resistance and agreeing with him, though I suspect we’re going to end up with thousands of extra seeds anyway. No matter, 3-4 months will be plenty of time before the fall box either way, though it might be too full to be included at that point; shaping up to be a busy one. Anyway, enough of my rambling, here’s the pics. Group shots first, of course:

I took individuals of the males as well this time; if you have good eyes and look closely, you can even see the difference between them and the females. The exception, again, is #4, which continues to seem like he’s flowering already. That’s another reason I’m not unhappy to leave them another week… if it keeps going like he’s flowering rather than just bigger preflowers, I want to know that. I’m still not sure if I should kill him, but it’s worth knowing at least. I guess probably not - it’s apparently up for debate whether even hermies should be killed for co-ops, and autoflowering when stressed is less of a negative trait than that IMO. Also another reason I’m happy to be able to move the males, otherwise this co-op run would be F2s of the three females with #4 and the other four males would make almost no seeds. This way they all can get roughly equal amounts. Anyway, individual pics of the females first, then close-ups of the males:

More pics of the females; I think at this point I can say I have clones of all of them, though #1 hasn’t actually started to reveg yet. It’s still alive though, which is encouraging. The others all seem fine; the ones I thought were dying slowly did, but we transplanted these from the cloner and they’re recovering nicely, seem to be putting out some new growth already.

Speaking of #1, I’m kinda unhappy about that, though I smoked a little of the last harvest’s Silver Mountain so it’s tough to be too unhappy about anything. :wink: Two things: first, my partner trimmer #1 and the two F2 plants and jarred them all up together without mentioning it to me until afterwards, so it’s all mixed up and I have no idea which one I’m actually smoking at any given time. Of course, that’s a good way to judge the line as a whole, but a bad way to judge them for keeping clones… anyway, second is that it’s quite a bit weaker. I definitely enjoy the high and it’s got a very different quality from my usual GG4, which hits much harder but is also… heavier? Not so much an indica-sativa thing, but just a different feeling. This has a nice calm energy to it, euphoric and full of energy without being racy or anxious. No interest in going down any paranoid rabbit-holes with this stuff; seemingly all the plants have this same quality to the high, at least I can’t really tell the difference between them. One interesting thing is that it seems like the stuff from last harvest, 6 months ago, doesn’t have that quality anymore and is just a mediocre high. My storage isn’t great, maybe it’s based on the terpenes. A few people mentioned ocimene when I first posted, and that seems to track based on the 5 minutes of research I’ve done on Leafly, one of the most unreliable and commercially-biased sites out there. :stuck_out_tongue: Oh, and a few guys on Reddit said similar things. Dunno, it’s not exactly a thesis proposal but I’d already noticed and felt that this is a somewhat remarkable high despite not being all that strong THC-wise. My partner didn’t seem to notice the difference when we smoked it, but maybe it’ll grow on him. Maybe not, either way I think I want to keep some of it around, especially once we can find a nice high-THC one. Might take some hunting, but that’s the point of F2s!


Update time! This is an exciting one, because we’re finally about to get moving. I’ve moved the males downstairs and flipped the lights for them, so I’m definitely gonna be putting the females into flower next week to follow them. Was almost too lazy to get this post done today, but I decided to take a break and pack another bowl after doing compost tea & amendments; mostly Frankie today because I’m hoping to shuck some seeds, but I sprinkled a bit of Silver Mountain in there as well. I’ve become a believer in the entourage effect, because it’s much better smoking a bit of a high-THC strain with some of the Silver Mountain than smoking either of them apart… Frankie definitely gets me high on its own, but the Silver Mountain on top of it makes me a little giggly like I’m a teenager smoking for the first time again. The Silver Mountain on its own makes me calm and happy, but not all that high. Anyway, I’m feeling good and energetic again, at least enough to get through this update. :stuck_out_tongue: After that, we’ll see, might have to do something to take it easy on my back for the rest of the day. For now, here’s the group pics:

Individuals of the females, didn’t bother with the males this time; they’re the same, eager to go into flower but even #4 isn’t forming big clusters yet, just a few balls strung together as preflowers. I think it’s gonna be ok.

Clones of the females, including #1, which seems to be revegging already… I was expecting it to take longer, but we’re at 3 weeks since I chopped her and she’s already going a bit nuts with branches. Probably gonna leave her one more week, then chop the rest of the buds off and see if they’re actually worth smoking… I don’t want to stress her too much, but might as well check, if the buds aren’t growing branches by then anyway. Still too small to take any clones from and successfully reflower the original, but maybe I can keep vegging her for another month, then take a cut or two and put her in the tent; that should have her forming fresh buds by the time the males are 6 weeks into flower, and hopefully they’ll still be dropping some pollen at that point. Won’t be many seeds compared to the others, but some is better than none.


Looking good.


Looks :eyes: like you 🫵 @Cormoran got a lot going on! All are looking :eyes: good :+1:! :wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Update time! Almost. I just smoked most of a bowl of Glue with a chaser of Silver Mountain and had to sit here staring at the computer for a minute… the Glue is good normally, but together my brain basically doesn’t work anymore. :stuck_out_tongue: And with that, I’m back, had to find something I wouldn’t need to use my brain for to do for ~30 mins. Good thing too, I spent the whole time randomly giggling at nothing. Anyway, now I’m really gonna update. The males are already downstairs at week 1 of flower, so today I switched over the timer to 11/13 for the females as well. Should be turning off in about an hour, that way it doesn’t get quite so hot in the afternoon when the house tends to overheat anyway. First off, as always, group pics:

The females are all looking good; could stand to clear out some of that lower foliage at some point, and before closing the tent I bent that rogue top of #5 down under the cage and into the center so it’s matched up with the others. Hopefully it all ends up a little more even now. They’ve got about 2 feet to stretch before they start hitting the lights, which should be fine. I’ll probably bend them over again once they hit the top of the cage, but otherwise shouldn’t need too much more training, just some trimming and defol in about two weeks if not sooner.

The males seem to be unhappy again; they’ve been getting the same food as the females, but for some reason seem to be telling us they’re overfed. One of the the Silver Mountain F2s is slightly annoyed with me too, probably all the same thing; I’m not sure if it’s nitrogen or a micronutrient, but definitely overfed. I’ll skip the food for them next week. Flowers are coming in nicely; #4 is filling out quite a bit, looks like it was just preflower and he’s just a big, tall boy. Dunno if that’s a good thing or not, the web is full of bro science about how to pick males. :man_shrugging: #9, predictably, is the most unhappy about the food and seems a little bit slower to develop. Preflowers have been invisible this whole time, and they’re still the smallest now. The rest are somewhere in between.

Didn’t grab pics, but the clones are all doing well. I trimmed the rest of the buds off #1, since they were starting to die anyway, leaving one or two shoots revegging from each of the 4 original stalks. Should make a nice enough structure once it’s had a bit more time to grow, but I dunno if it’ll be ready for pollination this round. I’m gonna try to save pollen anyway; the plan is to keep the males downstairs and collect the pollen, then mix it together and release some of it into the tent from week 2-3. I’ll collect silica gel packets from around the house and dry them out over the next two weeks to try and keep the rest of it viable - might as well try to get as many crosses out of this as we can. :slight_smile:


Looking good, and you are a talented grower!:clap:


Update time! I just got done top-dressing and giving the plants their compost tea, so I’m feeling a bit lazy; a hit of Silver Mountain picked me up a bit, but this is from the mixed jar - I’m not sure this pheno is one of the ones that really does it for me. The jar of buds from F1 #1 isn’t in great shape, but every time I’ve taken a hit from it I’ve been a giggly idiot for at least a half hour, and generally more content for hours after that, long after a normal high would wear off. Naturally, #1 is struggling now that I took the buds off; I think she was overfed again from when I amended after flower, though it really wasn’t very much food, and was pushing the toxicity into the leaves on the buds to compensate. Now they’re gone, so some of the reveg leaves are going toxic. I’ve stopped feeding her, gonna LITFA for a while and see if she makes it. Looks like she won’t be part of this pollination after all, it was a faint hope at best but this kills it. Hopefully the plant survives, though, and I can bring myself to accept her being a pain in the ass diva for head stash like this… or maybe one of the others will shine similarly, once I get a chance to sample them. Anyway, enough rambling, time to let the plants speak for themselves a bit:

Individual pics of the females:

Close-ups on the males, starting to show some bud structure. #4, 8 and 9 are fairly loose and will probably pass on more airy bud structures, while #6 and 7 are tighter, presumably leaning more to the indica in the Appalachia for more dense bud structures. This is a co-op though, so no selections; I’m not even sure which ones I’d select for if I were doing so, honestly. If the ones with looser bud structures are more SSH-leaners, maybe they’re more likely to pass on the higher ocimene levels that were presumably from the SSH? :man_shrugging: Anyway, just collecting it and getting it upstairs to the females will probably be easy enough. #4 looks like he’s already starting to drop a little pollen, and by next week I won’t be able to walk in there without needing a shower. I may have to grab a few silica gel packets from somewhere, since I don’t seem to have as many as I thought in the house; only one large one that I’ve found, I thought I had three or four this size.


You are killing it bro :sunglasses:! WTG! :ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Agree, nice repro. Too bad for #1, but the others are gorgeous.


Looking great :heart:


Damn those are looking awesome @Cormoran

And I love strains that make me just laugh haha !


So I guess this isn’t exactly an update, since I didn’t take my phone with me or anything… but I just went down to the basement to water the males and it looks like I was indeed 100% correct on sexing this round. I was certain about all the females, and certain about all the males except for #9 - it turns out #9 is also uncertain, and has started growing pistils since the last time I was down there Wednesday. I haven’t collected pollen yet, and hopefully haven’t accidentally pollinated any of them while watering.

I’m posting just to give people an opportunity to weigh in before I kill him/her/it - I wouldn’t want to offend by using the wrong pronouns, but that’s my usual reaction to hermies, breeding or not. I know the co-ops are supposed to be fully open pollination with no selections, and this is technically selection, but I’m also fairly sure I’ve sat and watched as @DougDawson had this same conversation in his Sour Bubble thread and came to the conclusion that killing them is the safer bet. Anyway, the plan is to do some defol and moving around of plants upstairs tomorrow once my partner gets in and I can get help carrying these 10g pots - in the early afternoon, about 1-2 EST, I intend to kill the hermie and political correctness be damned. If there’s a reasonable consensus that I should keep it alive, I’ll consider doing that instead. I know there’s some question about whether or not pistillate males are actually an advantage, something about autosomal sex determination and lines ending up more heavily female, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone come to an actual conclusion on it - I also think it’s above my pay grade, unless someone can explain to me not only what an autosome is but how we can test for this hypothesis to the point of statistical significance before tomorrow it’s not gonna help me make this decision.


Pretty sure co-op says get rid of the herm male. Otherwise you are doing great!


It depends on what you’re making, I guess. There might be a lot of good reasons to let them live. If I was making seeds for myself (now) and it was the first round I’d leave them in. But if I was making seeds for other people I’d be worried about people not wanting to grow them out.

You’re definitely on the right track in my book. I wouldn’t want to make seeds only certain people would touch. :scream::scream:

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Please remove the intersex male.
(Just my opinion of course)