Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

I agree with you @Cormoran and would cull that pistil throwing male. My view is the herm apple doesn’t fall far from the herm tree, male or female, and it’s not something we want or need in our gene pools.


With Sour Bubble all the males were throwing pistils so I killed them, finished it as a bud run and started over. Not the case for you bud. If it’s hermed then yeah, kill it asap. There is no issues with disposing of herms in a co-op run so no worries. there. We don’t want hermie genes in there. So not really a selection bud, more a culling for the better of the species. :wink:


Pistillate males are responsible for 75% female lines aka a bunch of popular lines…
But there’s a catch


+1 for tossing the hermie male. I was doing an appalachia seed run and my last male threw pistils mid way through flower so he got tossed.

Now i’m forced to do a flower run and one of the last females threw a single nanner. I’m only keeping her around since there’s no seeds being made and i’m pretty much done with flower. For any full seed run I toss the hermie regardless if it’s male or female.

That’s an interesting read on the pistillate males. I hope my upcoming plant genetics/breeding courses cover that so I can go a bit further in depth.


Yep, I ended up stumbling across another thread where someone had linked that discussion and gave it a quick read… sounds like even if this is actually a X->autosome situation, one generation of culling one single hermie isn’t going to appreciably increase the sex-det threshold, it would take repeated breeding and culling to do that - and it could be reversed by selecting more herm males in the future, if it’s discovered that this actually is X->autosome. Not only that, but the sativa genes in this cross are from SSH, not SE Asian landrace genetics, which is what GMT was discussing and what DJ did most of his work on when he came up with this theory. I think I’m still coming down on the side of culling. I haven’t seen any evidence of intersex in any other plants of this line that I’ve run, heard of any in the other F2s out there, or a higher proportion of females to males; I think it’s actually been a higher proportion of males, though not by much, on the limited sample size I’ve worked with. So it’s unlikely to be X->autosome… but if it actually is, the conclusion that I’m coming to is that culling one pistillate male isn’t going to be as harmful as including a hermie male in the gene pool of an otherwise fairly-clean line would be.


@Cormoran your plants look nice :+1:.
I am learning so much from this thread. :clap:
Thanks for posting it all. :grinning:


Ultimately we know there is some kind of fuckery going on with that one plant, but without further testing we’re in the dark as to what is actually happening…

For a public seedrun I agree with culling it. For a private preservation I’d cast the widest net first time around and manage problems as they show up in subsequent runs.

Keep it up 🫡


Looks like it’s update time. I’m not really feeling it today, but I’ll post the pictures for you guys anyway; after this I’m out, too much concentrated Mother’s Day nonsense to read in just the hour I’ve been on here already. I’m glad for everyone here who has good relationships with mothers they love, but that’s not me, so I don’t have much to celebrate. She decided that long ago. Anyway, I don’t feel like getting into it, so here’s a pic dump:

We were gonna leave the remaining, non-hermed males in the basement but needed space for more plants to veg temporarily, so called an audible and now they’re up here. They’re pretty destroyed from the trip up here; I’ve done some taping up of stems and such to try and help them recover, but just gonna LITFA and see how they do for the most part. I’ll be going in every day or two to shake them and try to collect some pollen, though today was a bust on that. Forgot to turn off the 1800 CFM industrial fan first, so I managed to collect a whole bunch of empty male flowers and the pollen inside just flew off into the air to pollinate the females even more. Happy Mother’s Day to them too, I guess; have fun getting pregnant? :man_shrugging: Some close-ups of said females, already seeing twisted pistils.

And on that note, I’m out. Have a better day than me, everyone!


I feel you on that :green_heart: Family ain’t always a matter of blood or calendar anyway. Today is still sunday, enjoy it with people you love :slight_smile:

Nice plants btw :laughing:


Your plants look really nice! And I bet you will get a lot of seeds from those plants. :crossed_fingers: :peace_symbol:


Looks great my friend
Hopefully all is well

I’m all for culling the intersex plant

I was always under the impression it’s better to clean up the gene pool

But then again what do I know
I just some old hippie anyway



Looking good.


So this one looks mostly narrow leaved and it is supposed to be done in 65 days?
That is interesting…
Didya make any other crosses with the pollen?


I’ve got a clone of @JohnnyPotseed’s Frankenstein starting to flower that I’ll bring in there for pollination soon, but it’s still fairly small, so I’m not expecting all that many seeds from it; other than that, I’ll probably dust a few lowers from the Blueberry I’ve got starting to flower and maybe the RIL. MAC1 isn’t really an option, and I haven’t managed to collect any other keepers, so that’s it. :man_shrugging: I suppose I should do that this weekend if I’m gonna. I’m also doing my best to collect a bit of pollen for storage and giveaways, though I’m not sure it’s going great. I’ve got at least a little bit, and hopefully it’ll end up viable. Turns out the one desiccant packet I have is supposed to be big enough for a 5-gallon bucket, and it’s in a container about the size of a small loaf of bread, so it should. :crossed_fingers:


Seems like as good a time to update as any. I’m a bit bummed, looks like I’m losing the Blueberry cut I’ve been holding for the past two years or so… but unfortunately, being bummed hasn’t done much to bring it back in the last hour, and it’s unlikely to help in the future either. Trying to move on, there’ll be more plants in the future but this was a pretty good one while it lasted. I guess this means I get all the fun of a pheno hunt with new blueberry strains… yay? If only I wanted to pheno hunt rather than just grow some nice bud, after this run, that’d be a great opportunity. :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, this has nothing to do with the Silver Mountain run, so I’ll get on with it and show you guys the pics you’re here for. We rearranged the plants in the tent a bit, so the males are now on the opposite side of the room from the exhaust fan and any pollen they drop will get blown across the females first. Also shook the males off over the females again. Group pics first:

The males are looking moderately destroyed even after a week to recover. Lots of snapped stalks, but they’re definitely still alive and still generating pollen even on those branches. If I cared to support them, they’d be on their way to full recovery. The ones without any broken branches are looking better, anyway. They’re only gonna be around for a few more weeks either way, but it’s encouraging that they hardly skipped a beat from this kind of treatment. I’d call it kinda stressful, and haven’t seen any more pistils on the males.

As my partner said, “if these plants aren’t full of seeds there’s something seriously wrong.” I can’t even see any white pistils, every time I think I’m seeing one it turns out to be a piece of a male flower instead. I kind of want to cry thinking of all this bud going to waste, but it’s for a good cause… and it’s not like my jars are particularly near empty anyway, right now. It’ll be ok, I’ll survive. :wink:

We pollinated a few of the lowers of the Blueberry and RIL yesterday as planned. Dunno if I’m seeing signs of success or not, really; I just sprayed them down and took pictures, but not much to see. There’s a few twisted pistils, but it might take more time for anything to actually show. Either that, or I’m screwing up on collecting the pollen and it’s not viable. We shall see. :man_shrugging:


Yeah, but you’re allowed a little time to grieve!


If anyone had ever said this to me as a child when my personality was still being formed, I’d probably be a lot happier and less like that last picture… unfortunately, it’s far too late now, so instead I grow my own medicine and attempt to cope with being myself. Thanks, though. :stuck_out_tongue:


Isn’t that the truth :joy::joy: functional is still functional though :+1:t2:


These plants can survive any beating :laughing:

I believe there’s a lot of people with good blueberry cuts here that’d be ready to help replacing your beloved one. Won’t be the same, but different doesn’t (always) mean worst. :smiley: And looks like you’ll have beans from it.

I agree with your partner, sounds like you’ll have handfuls of seeds. And the flowers won’t be lost, you can make hash with it.


Looks like you’re doing a fantastic job!! While you will be miss all the bud….your going to have plenty of hash :grin:

Sucks you might loss your blueberry, always heart breaking to lose a favorite cut