Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Looking great :+1: thank you for the update


great job and great work.


Update time! Everything’s going smoothly, just keep watering and watching the trees grow… though we almost had a problem with transplanting the clones, because I asked my partner to do the transplant. He has a tendency to overwater, and a GG4 RIL clone I was trying to keep alive through this died in the process. All the Silver Mountain clones are still alive and seem like they might stay that way, since it’s been a week now; the GG4 was dead within two days. I’ve got another one in veg though, so I’ll get a clone of it sometime before putting it into flower - ideally at the same time as the Silver Mountains, in the closet where I’ve got the cloner right now. Hoping to get some crosses at the same time as F2s. :slight_smile: Anyway, before I get further into the nitty-gritty here’s the group shot:

Individual pics; they’re all looking a bit deficient on the lowers, but new growth has started to perk up as the fertilizer takes effect. Another week and they should be happy again… though I’m hoping to get them all transplanted within 3-4 weeks, ideally. The flower run downstairs is finishing up, most of the room is at week 9 with only those few 3g pots at week 7. They’re coming down in 2 weeks, so that’ll free up all those 10g pots. Fitting 8 in the tent is a stretch, but possible; even 9 would’ve been (barely) possible, though I might’ve had to learn some ninja acrobatic skills to water everything. This should be a bit easier.

#1 and #9 in the cloner; #9 is looking good, and starting to show a few roots, so I’ll wait a few weeks till the pots downstairs are ready then borrow some depleted soil from one of them. #1’s been in there about a week and clearly would rather be eating, but hopefully has enough left in her to throw some roots. If so, there’ll be soil for her in a few weeks as well; then just to wait for a reveg. Also, this seems as good a place as any for the pics of the other clones to go. They’re potted up, not looking entirely happy but at least alive. #2’s the worst overwatered, but seems like it should still survive, which is basically what I’m looking for here. :man_shrugging:

Finally, #1 in flower. I continue to kick myself for losing the clone; nute sensitivity, big fluffy buds, foxtailing, and a perfumey smell. Seems like an all-around SSH leaner, from what little I know of it. Hopefully the reveg works. :crossed_fingers: If so, maybe I’ll be able to get a few seeds from her before it’s time to send in for the co-op. A month and a half for the reveg, a month to veg, then three months to flower would do it, if nature cooperates anyway; that would have the seeds ready by October 1st. Not sure if that’d be soon enough even if it does work, but we’ll see. First things first, the flowering clone still has to root, so I’m obviously getting a bit ahead of myself. :stuck_out_tongue:


Plants are looking good. There’s no stopping you! :grinning:


Wow 10 gal pots indoors? That’ll be sick! Thanks for the update!


Update time, kinda… dunno, maybe update time was yesterday and I forgot about it. :stuck_out_tongue: That’s when the pictures are from, at any rate, but then my partner came by and we spent the rest of the day in the flower room. I was hoping to get some of them chopped, but the trichs still say we should wait - so we chopped 2 of them anyway. Just trying to get some fresh bud we actually want to smoke, they’re about 60% cloudy and 10% amber so it’s not too bad but probably needs another week or two. So yeah, the upshot as it relates to this co-op run is that it’s still looking like 3 weeks till I can get them all transplanted into 10g pots. Then I’ll give them a week to recover and flip to flower. Hopefully that doesn’t leave me cutting the top buds down to stop them growing into the lights… the 10g pots give them plenty of root space and food, at the cost of about 6 inches headroom. Anyway, starting out with the group shot as always:

Individuals… nothing much changed from last week. A few more lower leaves dried up and I haven’t trimmed them yet, and they’re getting bushy enough that we’re gonna want to defol at some point, otherwise mostly the same. #3 is starting to show some of that classic Chem variegation. It’s also in the Silver Mountain F2s I have from the last co-op run, and I’ve seen it in other Appalachia crosses, so not that unusual. Good to see it anyway. :slight_smile:

The clones are doing well, all recovered from their transplant and starting to perk up. Can’t really see any growth yet, but the tips are obviously alive and well. They should survive long enough to take a few more clones off down the line, which is all I’m looking for. I might take some cuts and store them in the fridge too, depends how fast they’re growing. The two in the cloner are about the same as last week, #9 is rooted and ready to go while #1 is still dithering and has lost a few leaves. Dunno, I don’t typically take clones 6 weeks into flower so maybe it’s just not gonna make it… maybe I can reveg the full plant after we chop though. Worst case, there’s still 8 more plants. :man_shrugging:

Pics of #1 in flower, 8 weeks in now. I think the smell is kinda perfumey, my partner thinks it’s kinda creamy; we both like it though. Either we got lucky and then unlucky, finding the same pheno we liked before on the first try and then failing to keep the clone, or this is just pretty common with the line. I think I’ve heard Bodhi’s Appalachia male was a creamy Chem smell, so that would explain it.

Not exactly an update since I haven’t shown her before, but here’s a Silver Mountain F2 from the last co-op’s seeds, also at 8 weeks flower. Got about 3 weeks of veg in before I flipped her, so this is basically SOG-style. A room full of solo cups growing these would look quite nice, I bet, if you’re a hydro grower and they’re not limited by root space… also, some of the same Chem variegation that I’m now seeing on #3.


Dam, looking :eyes: good, nice to see the information with the pictures as it kinda paints a nice :+1: picture of what’s going on! :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thank you for the update, they are doing good!


WoW those look so damn nice :raised_hands:


Looking awesome :+1:t2::sunglasses:


Looking great! I’ve noticed the variegation in good medicine f2s and in the mothers milk 31 clone sporadically. Definitely something appalachia / chemd brings along.


I was feeling pretty blase about actually writing this update, so I sat here for a few minutes staring at the screen before deciding to take a hit of the half-jar of Silver Mountain F2 buds I’ve still got on hand… now I remember why I’m doing this. :stuck_out_tongue: More seeds for the best bud I’ve smoked in 20 years, yes please! Anyway, presumably you guys are here for pics, not to listen to me ramble on about how high I am… here’s the group shot to start out:

This was right after watering, so they’re still looking a little droopy; otherwise mostly happy, though a little underfed still. I top-dressed two weeks ago, so it should be catching up to them soon. #9 is just starting to look hungry, so I top-dressed it a little bit as well. I didn’t make any effort to get close-up pics, since I can hardly see much myself, but I’m certain #2, 3 and 5 are showing pistils already; I’m fairly sure #4, 6 and 7 are indeed males, but not 100%. #8 and 9 I’m not at all sure on, but I’m thinking males as well. This week we chopped most of the plants downstairs, so the flower room and enough 10g pots are clear; next week the plan is to transplant all the girls into 10g pots, and leave the males in 3g. No need to grow them too huge, I’m pretty sure there’ll be plenty of pollen here anyway. I’ll also be brewing up a compost tea for next week, amending the 10g pots at 2/3 normal rates and top-dressing the males just a bit so they’re fresh for flower. Speaking of the males, one of them (I think #6?) is showing some of that Chem variegation on one of the newer leaves, though it’s not visible in the pics.

Some of the clones are doing fine, some of them seem like they might not make it. Oddly enough, all the females seem to be doing fine and the presumed males are all struggling. At first I thought it was due to the soil, but if it’s split by males & females like that, maybe not. Males also have more trouble revegging, apparently, and most of the ones I thought were male seemed to be very stretchy in the cloner like they might’ve wanted to go into flower already. Not a great trait, but this is a preservation so they’re all being included as long as they don’t herm. If they do… well, we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it. :man_shrugging: As far as keeping males for further selected breeding, I’m not even sure I want to do that, but the ones that are struggling to survive cloning are right out if so… so I won’t be taking more clones of these unless they turn out female. I took more cuts from the ones I’m sure are female, and a few more from my other keepers since the run downstairs was a bit anemic on yield this time. Turns out forgetting to feed them halfway through veg is a bad thing, but it’s enough to keep us going for a few more months anyway. #9 is doing fine in the cloner, and not particularly stretchy which is a good sign; #1 still isn’t rooted after three weeks and looks nearly dead. Don’t think she’s gonna make it, I guess I’ll start trying to reveg from the lowers in 2-3 weeks when we harvest the one in flower downstairs.

Speaking of downstairs, here’s #1 and the F2 I showed last week, along with close-ups of their buds in that order:

And, just because I was down there anyway, a pic of another F2 from @twistedinfinity’s seeds and a Frankenstein clone that snuck in there to show off; only took a close-up of the F2 though.


Great update! Here for pictures absolutely, however you talking about how high you are certainly builds excitement and anticipation :grin:


It’s nice to see they are chugging along.

The barely detectable sex is the most deceiving time for me. Those plants that look like males but are actually just creating new leaf nodes in particular.

Sometimes sex is clear though.


Yep, a lot of them will go on like that until flower starts, I’ve still got pollen in the fridge from a male that tricked me into growing it out because I would’ve sworn it was female… for these I’m hoping for more obvious results, so I moved the clones out of the tent and switched the lights over to 12/12 for 3 nights at the beginning of the month. Got lazy, actually, so 10.5/13.5. :stuck_out_tongue: Guess I forgot to document it since it was between updates. They should all be showing fairly soon if they’re not already, hopefully. :crossed_fingers:


Your doing awesome man :muscle:
They will hopefully recover after the feeding, and it also may not have anything to do with you, who knows.
Ive had healthy plants of the same strain just start going funky on me after they reached a certain stage, while everything else in the same soil, same water, same lights stayed healthy.

Sometimes it could just be genetics.
Maybe that certain Pheno dosnt like as much nitrogen, or it’s given to much for what it likes, again, who knows.

But your definitely doing an awesome job.

Those buds on the other girls look amazing too :raised_hands:

And for some reason over the years I will get a ton of plants that are really REALLY hard to determine sex. I don’t understand.

When. I first started learning about it I remember it was night and day, and completely obvious to me what was what. But the last few years I’m not even sure if they show me anymore lol

But I’ve been having to toss snips into 12/12 and wait a few weeks in order to tell the last few years
…I hope I’m not losing it :laughing:


@Cormoran Your plants are looking really nice!


Looking great! @Cormoran Have you considered revegging #1 after harvest?


@Cormoran just wanted to say enjoying this thread very much! Also out of curiosity the fabric lots in the totes to bottom feed? Do you have a pumice layer in the bottom also do you put anything in the water to to stop algae formation?


So, I’m running on fumes right now, but managed to get some pictures and I figure it’s time for an update while I’m still coherent. :stuck_out_tongue: As always, the Silver Mountain F2 helps significantly with energy, but I’m still feeling pretty rough around the edges after getting slightly less than 5 hours of sleep last night. I was up till about 3 am amending and transplanting, since my partner couldn’t stay as long as planned and I had compost tea already brewed and going bad. On the plus side, I’ve got my closet set up with 7 10g pots for a bud run and the plants in the tent don’t fit in a single picture for the group shot anymore:

Not entirely a perfect transplant, but the one that showed signs of stress is already perked up again, no more droopy tips. I’m glad I transplanted another plant from a 3g pot first though to check my technique, it’s significantly worse off and might not make it at all. #2, 3 and 5 are in the 10g pots and the rest are still in 3g; I’m still not 100% sure that 9 is a male in that I haven’t seen balls yet, but I also haven’t seen any pistils and it’s getting very stretchy and grumpy in the cloner just like the other males were. If it surprises me with pistils in the next week, there’s still time and I could fit one more 10g pot in the tent pretty easily. As far as diversity goes, it’s pretty much the same at 3x5 compared to 4x4, but I’d definitely rather have more females to sample for a keeper. Oh well, c’est la vie. Anyway, here’s the individuals, looking mostly the same as last week but with a few more deficient leaves. The final pic will be the other transplant, not part of this co-op run other than possibly sacrificing her life to improve my technique so I could transplant the F1 females:

Back to the cloner. I checked the cut of #1 I was trying to reveg, but the stem came apart in my hand so I figured that was probably a bad sign and removed it. There’s still some hope on #1 though - yes, @BlueSun, I am definitely considering a reveg. :stuck_out_tongue: I think I’ve mentioned that a few times before, but maybe I didn’t on the last update. Anyway, here’s the cloner, still packed with cuts of the three Silver Mountain females and a few of my GG4/Blueberry keepers. The other rooted Silver Mountain clones are doing various degrees of bad, with the females less stressed but still not growing and the males starting to die. Fairly sure that soil was too hot, I’ve mixed up some more from the depleted 10g pots downstairs and have it ready to go for a transplant tomorrow once I’ve got some rest. Maybe I’ll take more cuts of the males before putting them into flower, not like more pollen sacs is going to seriously affect the number of seeds I can get.

#1 in flower downstairs, along with the two Silver Mountain F2s and the Frankie again trying to sneak on set. As I said, I’m still planning to reveg; they should be going another 2-3 weeks, and then I’ll chop most of it and leave the bottom few buds, then top-dress some worm castings and a bit more fertilizer and see how she does under veg lights. Also close-ups of the buds for the F1, then the F2s:

Oh, and for @Hotrods_and_hounds:

I don’t use anything to control algae. There’s no point, it’s harmless. I do use a little bit of hypochlorous acid in the water for the cloner, which keeps it clean but isn’t enough to damage the plants; before this I had to change the water every week, now it’s roughly once a month. I probably should change it soon, can’t remember the last time I did. I wouldn’t use that for the water I’m putting in the soil though, the whole point is to have an active microbe population… thus the compost tea.