Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Killing it dude!


Looking great, awesome stuff! :100:


I made Silver Mountain x Sowahh last run. Going to go grab the bag and pop a few seeds. Silver Mt is really good my keeper got chopped and Spitfire has the only clone of it left. For sure a seed run with the OG seeds will be amazing.


Feels like as good a time as any to update… everything’s going quite smoothly, just a bunch of happy little trees, but if I don’t do it soon it’ll be next week before I know it. :stuck_out_tongue: I took clones of the 7 that were big enough, #1 and #9 will have to wait a few more weeks but I’ll definitely be getting them before they go into flower. They don’t look like much right now, but here’s the group shot:

The stragglers… look pretty much the same as last time, I guess. I’d like to say they look much better already, but they just haven’t done much. The new growth still looks good, so I’ll just LITFA and hope they’re ready to clone sooner rather than later.

The cloner, full of Silver Mountain F1 cuts plus a few of my other keepers at the far end:

F1 #1 at almost 4 weeks from flip. She’s still looking hungry, but the buds are looking more and more solid for such a small plant. The other day I broke into my final jar of Silver Mountain F2 from last crop, so this should be excellent timing and hopefully I won’t run out. Most of the room you see in the background is GG4, so I definitely won’t be running out of bud in general, but I’d be a little blue at running out of this in particular. Part of the reason I picked it for a seed run is so I never run out again, even if I end up losing my keepers and have to restart entirely.


The terp profile described on this one sounds mouth watering, watching this one.


I love the SSH stone , I been on the search for this strain since I grew it 12 years ago… My brother was sick with cancer and the 2 strains tht helped him the most was Super Silver Haze and Pineapple express.


So, I reconsidered a bit on the LITFA prescription. F1 #1 didn’t look any better today when I went in to water, and in fact slightly worse, as far as the older leaves; the newer leaves didn’t look like they’d grown at all, though they still looked healthy aside from burnt tips. #9 looks better every day, so I’m not concerned about it, but #1 seemed to be going downhill rather than up. I decided to transplant. Just got done with it - I’ve never actually transplanted a clone out of soil into another pot myself, only bare-root into pots, so I’m not 100% sure, but every time I’ve seen my partner do it there’s a big ball of soil that comes with it. This time the soil just fell right away, leaving the roots still almost bare. I’m thinking that means I was right, and this plant was very unhappy with the soil strength as well. Kinda weird that I didn’t have this trouble the first time I planted her, but I guess I hadn’t amended it as much and lost track… or amended this particular one too much. Either way, nearly two weeks in soil without the roots having latched on seems like a bad thing. Dunno if she’ll do better, but I kinda doubt she’ll do any worse. We shall see, only time will tell. :man_shrugging:


really nice wish id seen this sooner, well done


Amendment, watering, or it could be genetic. Some specimens have weaker roots. You’ll see later how it goes. Good catch anyway.


I have had a few plants not latch on to the soil as well. If I remember right I also transferred them to a better soil and they recovered just fine.

I think I figured it was something to do with the PH of the soil or the water I was using.

I’m sending good vibes for their recovery.
I am very happy to see you growing these out. Wish I was here earlier, but Ill for sure be here now.


Update time again! Again, everything is going smoothly except for #1, which continues to be troublesome. Either that, or everything is going smoothly except for the big, clumsy, stupid human who can’t give #1 what it needs this time despite doing it already once before. Depends on your perspective, I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue: One way or another, the plan is to transplant these happy little trees into 10 gallon pots after my flower run downstairs is done and the pots are free again. That should be around the beginning of April. I’ll give them a week or two to get settled in the new pots, then switch them over to flower; always works a bit better going into flower with some freshly amended soil. In the meantime, here’s another group shot:

Our stragglers; #9 is fully recovered and I’ll be topping it to take a clone soon. #1 is almost fully dead. I was afraid of this; at this point the leftover soil that isn’t already in use is all amended and ready to go for another run, which means it’s too strong for #1. Apparently the first time I grew her I had indeed gone light on the amendments. I was going to kill one of my houseplants to use the soil in their pots, but it turns out they don’t even have real soil, it’s over 50% peat. :roll_eyes: Finally my partner showed up and reminded me that we have soil in the garage that’s been sitting for a few years. We stopped using it because it’s got chunks of styrofoam instead of growstone for drainage, and we’d prefer not to use that anymore… but desperate times call for desperate measures. I amended it at half strength and we transplanted #1 over, hopefully in time for her to recover after her long ordeal. 6 weeks in the cloner with no nutrients, then 3 weeks in soil that was too heavy and giving her phosphorus toxicity. We shall see.

Speaking of clones, here’s a shot of the cloner. Looks like all 7 have started rooting to some degree or another, mostly within the last few days. #4, 6 and 7 were first, followed by 2, then 3, 5 & 8; I’ve heard some people say males root faster, so we’ll see if that holds true this time.

Finally we have the primadonna, literally - #1 in flower. I tried mixing some of the soil from the bin into her pot, which might have helped slightly since I amended her with flower nutes. Higher phosphorus in the flower nutes, so maybe she’s slightly less miserable with veg nutes mixed in. I’m not sure if the dead leaves on there are new or old damage, gonna have to wait a week or two to see if it progresses further. Flowers are looking pretty good, though, regardless of how badly the leaves are getting burned. She might actually make it through flower. Not sure if I’d be able to reveg if the clone dies, but that’s on the table as an option too if so; should be done in 6 weeks, right about the time everyone else would be going into 10g pots. Hopefully I won’t need to try, though. :crossed_fingers:


Are you also running some sip pots in there?


Cruising along!! Looking great


Nah, though it’s a similar idea; I’m using 10 gallon pots in 17 gallon totes down there, and I add water to the bottom of the tote on a regular basis to keep the soil moist. I considered just filling in the whole totes with soil and making them full SIPs, but they’d also be nearly twice as heavy and they’re already difficult to move around, especially up and down my narrow staircases. At some point I might look into converting those 5 gallon bins I’ve got the 3 gallon pots in; those should still be manageable, and would add a bit more soil volume. The smaller ones are usually just intermediate steps before I transplant, though, so it hasn’t been a priority yet. We’d also have to make up some more soil, and don’t have all the materials, so it’d cost a few bucks. Dunno, at some point I might get motivated, but inertia is a powerful force. :stuck_out_tongue:


Really? That’s pretty cool, so you put the fabric pots in the tote and just fill a little I the bottom of e tote and refill when empty? Have you done that method for a few runs and how you like it?


They are looking gorgeous :ok_hand:
Your doing an awesome job !


That’s the way I’ve always done it, just how I learned it… there’s a layer of growstone at the bottom of each pot, so the water wicks up slowly and evenly. You could do it with perlite or expanded clay as well, though they wick a bit quicker so you might have to be more careful about overwatering. It’s tough to really overwater these unless you go way overboard; once they get past seedling stage I very rarely need to worry about it. I’ve been doing it this way for about 9 years now, so I think it’s fair to say I’m used to it at this point. :stuck_out_tongue:


I would take #1 out of that pot and put in a solo cup, with some light amendments it is much easier to control watering, I think it will bounce back pretty fast

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the rest seem to be doing great, can’t wait for them to get into flower and get their groove on


Well, it’s that time again… all the plants that are still alive seem quite happy. Sadly, that does not include the clone of #1 anymore. :frowning: I’m not sure if there was something wrong with the new soil we put her in, or if it was just the cumulative stress of it all; I think the soil was depleted but it’s from years ago and it’s tough to tell. Maybe I shouldn’t have amended it. Too late now, at any rate. :man_shrugging: Here’s the group of pic of the remaining veg plants:

They’re finally getting big enough for individual pics, I think… starting to see some differences in how they’re growing, as well. Most of them are pretty stretchy, it seems, with wide internode spaces. #8 is pretty compact. Most are also starting to show signs of deficiency, which I guess is not surprising. I had originally planned to top-dress these about 3 weeks ago, ~6 weeks after planting, but decided to wait because #1 and #9 were showing some stress in their stronger soil; I didn’t want to end up with the whole room following suit. I probably should’ve just gone ahead with it on schedule, based on the deficiencies I’m seeing now, but they’ll survive and should have plenty of time to recover before going into flower. Just gonna see some phosphorus deficiency in the meantime. :man_shrugging: At this point I think I’m comfortable saying #2-8 have normal hybrid fertilizer needs and tolerances, anyway, so hopefully I should be able to top-dress them with no issues… and have a bit more of a handle on how much to amend the 10g pots, when the time comes. I’ve got a compost tea brewing now, and I’ll amend them tomorrow.

Quick pic of the cloner, badly out of focus for some reason; #4, 6 and 7 seem to be stretching a lot more than the others, as well as being the first ones to root. Maybe they actually are the males? We shall see, I guess. Gonna try to get them all potted up this week, maybe next depending on time and inclination. #9 is in there as well, though obviously not ready to pot up yet. I may end up taking a cut of #1 as well; I’m thinking I probably will, but waiting to talk to my partner first if possible. Not sure what he’d have to say that would convince me 4-5 buds is worth a chance at saving the plant, though. Either way, it won’t be in the co-op unless it turns out all the others are male, but still… I’m inclined to try to save her.

#1 in flower; looks like she is indeed a little bit less stressed out, or at least the leaves seem to be falling off much slower, which is a good sign. The tops are still moderately healthy, so I’m hopeful a reveg might actually have a chance… if I don’t take a cut, I’ll definitely reamend at the end of flower and hope for a reveg of the full plant, though I think that’s less likely to succeed so it’ll probably be a cut.