Silver Mountain co-op run (closed)

Too cryptic by half, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe some actual words, and even a few pictures of plants? That should make it a little more clear: this co-op has officially risen from the grave! :partying_face:

First, though, I should thank @Emeraldgreen for the second pack of seeds that turned this around. He, and @Uprangewilly for offering the first F1s when I was just planning to run F2s - they’re the ones really doing this co-op. All I’m doing is watching some plants grow, and trying not to kill too many of them. :roll_eyes:

Same germination technique as before… mostly. Turns out the cubes I was using were slightly different material than before, and they came pre-soaked with enough water to kill off most seedlings. I threw out 10 more perfectly good seeds trying to figure out what the hell I was doing wrong before I realized the very simple solution, to just let them dry out and re-wet them. :man_facepalming: They worked great with about half as much water weight as they start out with.

Two and a half days later, our first signs of life…

Final count, right on schedule at 4.5 days: 9/11 up.

All potted up, though barely visible from this zoom. One of them stretched way too much, and I tried to bury it deeper to compensate. Bad idea.

Next week most of them look much better, except the one I buried deeper; it almost died twice from lack of water. I needed to water more for it to reach the roots, and ended up overwatering. It’s dead in this picture, just didn’t know it yet.

The remaining 8 from this pack, looking a lot like little plants:

The survivor from the first pack is a female. :slight_smile: Good luck for me! I also have two F2s down there that both seem to have turned out female, so I’ll be able to get a little more of this bud before September. I have a rooted clone of the F1 female in the cloner; I’ll be planting it in about a week so it can be roughly matched with the new ones, and still be a part of this run.