Sims 5x5 grow journal

I have been growing for a couple years. I am not on the level of most of the people in this group. But I am able to grow some good smoke. I use what I grow for smoking and cooking. This will be my first grow that I am posting. I have a run that has maybe 2 weeks to go, I tried to do too much and they are going to finish ugly. But I dialed it back and have the next run already in veg. The next run I have some Runtz, Diamond Cookies, and Frozen Custard all from Green point Seeds. I am already planning the next run which will be my first run of Autos

Strain - runts, frozen custard, diamond cookies
Pot size 3 gallon and 5 gallon
Tent Size** : 5x5
How Many Plants 9
Environment Indoor
Stage Flowering
Medium soil blend
Room/Tent Temperature 78°
Relative Humidity** : 65%


Long as the buds are good is all that matters.
Most of my plants are ugly at the end
2 or 3 weeks with just water does that.
Plants look happy.


Grows from the past. I have a long way to go, but I am so much better than I was when I started, RIP to all the plants I killed.



Dude that’s one beautiful haul

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Got the tent cleared out and moved the next run in, I still need to move half the plants to the bigger grow pots. then I will let them veg another week or so before I flip them. The ones I did move are in 5 gallon pots some of the others will go in 3 gallon pots. Trying Dr Earths Gold this run. We will see how it goes so far they seem to like it. Has anyone else use this before? Trying to get them to spread out so I can fill this 5x5 I always feel like I have dead space.


Couldn’t sleep so I gave the girls a good drink of some clean artisan well water. They have several of them in this area so I fill up bottles of it.

And then I cleaned up the trellis, they got a way to go before they get to it, but I have no doubt they will make it.

I need to go out and grab a few things before I can repot the other I think 7 plants.

And I could not stop myself I Popped 2 of JPs do me fast autos lmao. I am going to have little lights strung up like it’s Christmas…. I have a T5 from HydroFarm that plants in veg seem to
Love. So I will use that for a bit then I will squeeze them In this tent it’s just 2 more.

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Got up got my coffee and got to work. I have finally finished transplanting the last 7 ladies. They went into 3 gallon fabric pots to make room for all of them, and I still have room to spread them out if I need to.

I popped 2 of the Do Me Fast autos from JP, and they are already peaking out. I will give them another day in the dark, then I will get them all snuggled up in their new homes.

Some runs definitely look different than others. Add with all the feedback I get from you all, I already see a difference in how my plants look.

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Picked these up out the mailbox, thanks @stanknugzz77!

I popped the 6 cherry TK. I will update when them and the 2 auto do me fast from @JohnnyPotseed are ready for the pots.


So what has happened, since my last update?

I had popped 2 do me fast I got from JP, both popped almost immediately. I fat fingered one going to put it in the dirt, and broke the tap root. :weary::cry::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::pensive:

The other one went in the dirt, and has already popped up and looks strong. And since I broke the other seeds root, I decided to just pop one right in the dirt. Let’s see what happens.

I have about another 10 soaking waiting to see what gets planted next.

As for the frozen custard, diamond cookies, and runts. They all adjusted nicely after going into the bigger pots. They went through a little growth spurt. So I gave them a little gentle spreading before the weekend. They will be ready for a watering soon. Temps and humidity are never a problem so I don’t say too much about


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Things are shaping up nicely, I had to bend a few branches to slow them down a little. But I am happy with the way the canopy is looking I will be flipping the lights soon, thinking maybe another week.

Then on the next run - 3 super silver haze, 2 do me fast auto from JP and 2 cherry TK from @stanknugzz77.

The clippings are from the diamond cookies they look bad but are holding on. I need to get a cloner soon.

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Got to work early today, got the ladies watered, fed and spread. Gave them some Dr Earth gold 4-4-4 and a good soaking of some nice clean well water. I also rotated them so some of the smaller ones can get better light exposure. And moved all the tall plants to the outside.

Also did a little defoliation on a couple of the Frozen custard. I was going to flip them this weekend, but after today’s training I think I am going to give them another week. If they bounce back from this spreading.

And then the next batch are starting off strong, I had a few that just did not seem to want to get moving so I tossed them and started some more.

No place for the weak in this 5x5

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I have the luxury of working from home, so I sit next to my tent all day M-F. My girls keep me company when the house is empty lol.

I love when you get a positive response from the plants. It’s like that thumbs up for providing what they needed.

I gave them a feeding and a good watering. And today they are looking happy. I have learned so much over the last month, it has really made a difference in how my girls look.

I have gotten better at training them after some great tips from the OG, and it has filled this 5x5. As much as I want to let them keep going, I will have no choice but to flip them because I will run out of space.


The days seem to fly, I don’t know where this week went. But here we are and it’s time to clean the old girls up.

They are eating a lot so I had to feed them mid week so no food today. I did give a small amount of cal mag I noticed some leaves starting to turn yellow along the edges.

I have a lot I want to run, so I will be flipping this 5x5 today.

For the next run I have a few clippings of the diamond cookies and frozen custard that I got to root, so they are coming along. And in about 4 weeks they should look a lot different.

I have some seedlings that are cherry TK, white diesel, and gabagoo.

And I almost forgot the Do Me fast auto from JP

I need more space. Anyway hope you all have a great Saturday!

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