Sip with organics?

Still have a little bit in the jar from the cut you gave me. Savoring it!


smart. sounds like smooth sailing ahead. keen to see your results!

coooooooool! :grinning:


Those plants look awesome! Great work. Did you make your own SIPs?


Thanks bud! These are in Earthboxes. Iā€™m in the process of building some 30 gals for the very near future.


Iā€™ve been using Earthboxes and transplanting out of them into homemade boxes. I found that ferments like JLF and FPJ/FFJ work well. Alan Adkisson is a good step in the right direction. I feel like I am just throwing this out for others as it seems like you are dialed in. Just trying to be helpful, someone might find this usefulā€¦ I just made 55gal of homemade bokashi and 10gal of LABS.


Damn thatā€™s a lot of kashi and labs. The earthboxes I am using have been interesting indeed, I am actually in the middle of finalizing my new grow diary thread for this EB and EB Jr.


I just planted an auto ā€œdirectā€ into my earthbox. I made a solo cup sized hole in the center of the ā€œgood soilā€ and filled with just a seed starter mix and put my seed in there.

My thinking is I donā€™t want the tap root circling the starter pot it would be in, I want it shooting down to the reservoir like a fat milkshake straw.


I found it to be a little easier if you mix the soil light and topdress. That way, you are not having plant issues from the soil. I donā€™t know if that makes sense, but Alan Adkisson talks about it with his Grokashi method. Are you guys using probiotics with your SIPs? I mean ferments like JADAM/KNF? Iā€™m kinda new here on this forum, but on RIU we were doing Cootā€™s mix at 1/2 strength and topdressing with compost and grokashi. I like it because all of my inputs are homemade. Clackamas Cootz recipe is what I was referring to.


I use bokashi on my earthbox. And if I top water when I add new stuff, then Iā€™ll add some of the Build a Soil fermented peach extract in with it.

But Iā€™ve only run one cycle in my EB so we will see how round 2 goes

I find it to be more of a pain to do them in small batches lol. Plus, homemade inputs are cheap and I donā€™t mind buying that extra $14 bag of bran lol. With the LABS itā€™s the molasses or brown sugar that gets expensive, but compared to buying EM1 itā€™s cheap. The cheapest thing that I make though is JADAM Liquid Fertilizer(JLF). I just take weeds from the backyard and ferment them. They work great in the stagnate SIP rez too. JADAM smells like sewage, but if you ferment it longer than 6mo it looses it funk. Itā€™s like cutting onions, you can wash your hands but the funk is still there. The closest thing that I can compare it to is the elephant exhibit at the zoo. My older brother came over and saw me watering with JADAM and called it ā€œDonkey Juiceā€. Def not something that you would want to use in your house or attached garage even lol. The first time that I made the stuff I didnā€™t know what I was in for, I thought that I Fā€™ed something up pretty bad. Oh it stinks!!! However, I have 5x 55gal barrels that are aged 2yrs now and it donā€™t stink as badā€¦ Sorry for rattling on, I have a keyboard in front of me and Iā€™m just burning up the keys lolā€¦ I would love to talk about this stuff more but Iā€™ll back off for a min, I can get over-bearing when I start talking about this(excited I mean).


Iā€™ve had good luck with KNF too. Some of the best fertilizer that I have ever used was made from a whole tomato plant that was just packed with green tomatoes and brown sugar. A freeze was coming, so I just cut 2 huge tomato plants. I have pics somewhere, if anyone shows interest Iā€™ll post themā€¦


Got an earthbox Jr going with some living organic soil. I topped dress once about 5 days before I plnated anything with worm castings and bokashi, watered in with aloe. I havenā€™t topped dress since but it hasnā€™t even been 3 weeks yet. Seems to be ok so far.


Built some 27 gallon SIPs today. I think these are going to work out nicely. Still need to cover the ends of the drainage pipes, add the vermiculite floor and soil.


Very nice! I like your approach indeed :+1:


Thanks man! Iā€™ve been running Earthboxes for a while now and am looking forward to the upgrade. It has a larger reservoir and soil capacity. The drainage tubes will be covered in vermiculite, so my whole floor will be a wick.

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I am sure they are going to do great with that much soil capacity, could grow some monsters. :+1:


Looking tuff made brother! Canā€™t wait to see them run :running_man:

Love the water level!
Worried about algae at all, or is that why the blue. Imagine youā€™ll be putting LABs or EM1 in the res though too?

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So is bassman like the fish or the audio frequency? I

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Bass guitar heh. I have not played in years, but still use the user name for some reason heh.

The name is just a mix of Powerman5000, bass guitar and cannabis heh.


Is that like an oversized hempy bucket? Dope!

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