Skywalker OG "Jedi Cut"

Didn’t they have a movie out about Humboldt County, like a pretty dark movie that was supposed to show that side of life there. I need to look that up and watch it. I lived not too far away one, just outside of Medford, Oregon. But, that was in the early days. People were doing a lot of growing in that region even then, in '78. It was clickish then, too. Nobody talked about it openly. Only in your circles.


Yes it was called murder mtn , I’ve never seen it but have heard it focuses on a couple specific missing person cases.I think i was a one season television show.


Humboldt County Humboldt County (film) - Google Search

Murder Mountain Murder Mountain - Google Search

Homegrown Homegrown (1998 film) - Google Search

The Moneytree The Moneytree - Google Search

No information on Jedi but here are some Cannabis flicks. Please watch the Money Tree and while you’re at it why not enjoy: The Secret Life of Plants The Secret Life of Plants 1979 - Google Search

That last one has a Stevie Wonder score.



Thanks @LivingBlackSoil! That’s the one I was thinking about, @Heritagefarms, Murder Mtn. That whole region used to be major league boondocks outside of the little towns.

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I wound up heading to San Francisco in about ‘07-‘08 picked up 5-6 clone teens from my friends sister who was a cosmic hippie type. The strain she had was called Jedi, what struck me about it was the dry buds she had…they had really long pistils that stood straight up off the bud, they looked like a blonde puffball, never seen buds like that before or since. This is the only picture I have of that strain before the DEA showed up and shut me down. I have never known if it was Skywalker or not.


I worked with a farm near Founders Grove.
So you’re on the 101 with beautiful trees on both sides and a public park every few miles along the road. But if you keep going down that road and happen to pass the trailer with spray paint, well, theres at least one vehicle with armed people waiting there.

NorCal is like Afghanistan in more ways than attitude and geography - every farm owner is an Afghan warlord and each one has their own security detail working for them. And then there’s the Taliban who rules over everybody and ensures that the industry is run their way

Generosity nearly got me composted a number of times.


I rented a room in Medford while working with a farm up in the hills of Rogue River Valley.
This was at the genesis of Rec in Or.
There were shootouts in those mountains to battle for territory.
And yet drive less than an hour east to Ashland and you have an international convention of shamans where university professors exchange DMT and stories about it.

70yrs ago people smuggled drugs from Switzerland and weed from around the world to California and Oregon.
Now, thats reversed.


I worked at Crater Lake National Park for a season in the 90s. Very familiar with the area! Dreadford is worlds apart from Ashland! You ever been to the Prospect Cafe and Trophy Room? Great fishing up in those mountains!


I had just gotten out of the Navy in '77 and met this dude while I was hitch hiking down to visit a girlfriend in Mill Valley, CA. He invited me to come live on their property and help them out.

They lived up a mountain at the end of a dirt road and were completely off of the grid. You’re right, that whole area was pretty clickish… Lots of redneck logging type of people and then the hippies. They were already growing all around then, in '78 but it was very secret. I don’t remember us growing but the dude had his own pot that we smoked all of the time, and he was selling some, too. He never showed me his patch, he just had a lot of weed.

He became a little sketchy and I moved away after about 6-8 months. He was paranoid about me and his wife, which I never had anything close to going on. I think he was an abuser, too.

It was cool though. We could see the Siskiyou Mountains in Cali from his property and we road horses, raised a few pigs, lots of egg laying birds, fished for steelhead and smoked pot all day, ha. They had two little young girls and were very secluded on their property and weren’t social with anyone else that I could tell. There was something sort of creepy about it so I moved back up to Washington. People were just a little odd to me. But for sure, growing was alive and well in that area well before I went there. Everybody who picked you up hitch hiking in those days usually had some reefer, lol. I got picked up somewhere and these two guys were headed back to Portland from the desert in AZ and had a couple of old paper grocery bags full of fresh Peyote buttons. They took me all the way to Portland, let me crash at their place and we got so fucked up on that peyote, lol… After that I hitched on back up to Washington where I had been in the Navy.

Sorry for the rant… morning wake and bake is to blame… good memories, though. It was really cool back in those days. You were either a weed smoker. or you weren’t, haaa. Everybody was your friend no matter where you went if you were cool. peace


That looks very familiar

I was over by Sterling Creek, though.

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What part of Wa? I lived in Bellingham/ Whatcom county and Seattle for most of my time on the West coast. Never thought I would leave, but life happens you know.


Absolutely loving the PNW moved here to the Seattle area 2 years ago and will not be leaving. Wish I would have got out of that hell hole known as Florida sooner


The rogue river is a beautiful area , I took a boat tour of the river once that ended at a restaurant you could only get to by boat.


Yep everything is fine when it’s just bikers , hippies and loggers but it’s the other groups in the area that create havoc, also all the people who come from out of town by the car load planning to rob farms which from what I understand has only gotten worse with legalization.


I was in the Navy in Bremerton, west of Seattle, across the Puget Sound. After I went back I rented a place in Belfair, on the Hood Canal. It was really cool. Eventually, I moved to Montana because I was over the cloudy drizzly days, lol. I went over there to look up a friends brother and fell in love. Mostly sunny and low humidities, hot springs all over the place, and a really great place to be at that time.