Small dehumidifier

I put mine inside my tent as I draw and vent into the same room and the windows are open 24/7. It dropped my humidity from 85% down to around 45 - 50 but slightly raised the temps

Oh and once they get humidity you set they turn on and off as long as it comes with a humiditystat
Really efficient

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Honestly if youā€™re exhausting really humid air into the same room the grow is, you should have a dehum going anyways. Could cause moisture buildup and mold issues in your room.

I remember back in my large scale grow, I didnt run a dehum, and didnt have adequate exhaust. The whole basement felt like standing in a bathroom after a hot shower. When I opened the door to the grow room a sheet of rain would fall from ceiling lol.

Not sure on power consumption would have to look it up. For me itā€™s a necessity so it doesnt matter how much it costs to run. Can also set it to shut off after it reaches desired RH so it doesnt have to run all the time.

Also, theyā€™re alot smaller than you think, mine has a small footprint. (TDS meter for scale)


Mines 280w but like I said it has a humiditystat so turns of and on so doesnā€™t use that much really. Likely cost me around Ā£4 a week max.

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Well Iā€™ve never had too many issues tbh mate like Iā€™ve a carbon filter and in the canopy weā€™re at 57% RH which is fairly normal the room has adequate ventilation I open my loft hatch to allow air exchange and Iā€™ve windows cracked open slightly the only reason Iā€™m concerned this round is this is probably the tightest canopy Iā€™ve ran. Ever :rofl:

Going into flower in this is slowly stressing me out as like I say I know that 57% is only going to keep going up. Usually I use fuckin cheapo mold traps/dehumidifiers dollar store/pound shop tackle which Iā€™ve a few fresh ones laying around somewhere but Iā€™m looking for a more permanent fix as I want to keep running in this space without things like mold getting in the way. Iā€™ll prolly end up caving and buying that one @Esrgood4u just gunna find the cheap traps and re-hang my small fan see what that does for my RH. If it doesnā€™t lower it Iā€™ll be left with no choice but to buy a dehume :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: woulda bought that Eva Dry one though I like the size but the price is insane for such a small unit.


Iā€™ve got a small dehumidifier mate. 26w thing and itā€™s total trash. Obviously it did something as i had to empty the tank daily but it didnā€™t touch the tent humidity. I only bit the bullet on the big one after loosing the entire zkittlez auto to Botrytis
Ā£20 eBay special


Those dollar store dehumidifiers work surprisingly well! I even use them for drying weed lol. I once made a large DIY one from buckets and road salt and it worked too!

And 57% isnt that bad. Thatā€™s a badass canopy too. Iā€™ve flowered a canopy like that at levels way higher (90%+) but I can understand your concern for sure.


Why thank you :blush: but 10000% mate I know in a well spaced plants canopy it gets to around 67-75% RH now Iā€™ve never had mold at that stage BUT this spacing in that mesh is every 5CM. So couple inches per square like I say the tightest canopy I have ever ran so wanna be over cautious rather than have wasted my time and money on something thatā€™s gonna give me nothin but a headache an a bruised ego :rofl:


Lol tell me about it. Iā€™m actually hurting my plants by running my dehum all the time. But after the heartache of last grow I wasnt taking any chances.


Mate you donā€™t need to buy moisture traps. Buy some cat litter and spread it around the base of the grow area or fill a few bowls and place them inside the area. Kitty litter is super absorbent and will draw the moisture out of the air. The only problem it could cause is Iā€™m sure cat litter has some form of odor neutralizer in it

Traps on eBay 10 for Ā£6 bro bet cat litters about the same but Iā€™ve already got a couple damp traps from last run which I didnā€™t peel so Iā€™m thinking they might hold it down. Get a crop before spending more money if the SK sells anytime soon Iā€™ll be smashin a dehum straight away :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah itā€™s made one hell of a difference in my tent mate. Stuff seems to be getting a lot frostier now and I can actually breath properly when Iā€™m in amongst them. I think next week Iā€™ll turn it to its lowest setting and give them a week of 30% humidity before I chop em down.

Finally I got around getting a small dehumidifier. Itā€™s a small 22 watt peltier dehumidifier that I got at the local store. Itā€™s small enough to fit inside the grow box without taking vital space, been only 25 cm (10 inches) tall. While itā€™s not great, it does an ok job. My lights on / off humidity was 90% / 99% usually with all the inside walls and roof completely wet, now it sits at 60% / 70% with no wet spots anywhere, coupled with 4 small fans that circulate the air inside above and below the canopy, there are no wet leaves or flowers.

While using a bigger dehumidifier on the room might be better, using a 200 watt dehumidifier for a 100 watt grow is kind of ludicrous, at least to me.

From what I read online, 1 cubic ft of air at 25Ā°C holds 23 gr of water (100% humidity), so 7 cu ft of air can hold 161 gr, as long as the dehumidifier can lower 20% to 40% humidity in this space then itā€™s good to me, in this case it amounts to 32 to 64 gr (roughly between 1 and 2 oz)

Probably this will only work in really small spaces, like what I have.


Glad it is working for you, anything big and you need the full size model.