Small, pollinated plants under the canopy?

Greetings to all
I have one space that is already overcrowded with plants. They enter the second week 12/12.
I took clones from four plants, transplanted them into 2 liter pots yesterday. This is my first cloning. Curiosity… Given that it worked, it’s a shame not to use them somehow.
I also have Sour Bubble pollen, thanks to @DougDawson

Sugar Punch clones

The question is:
If I put these small plants under the big ones, will they end up producing any healthy seeds?
Unfortunately, the smell of the plants is a big problem and I can’t put them anywhere else
Thank you


Excellent question. I’m outta likes but will be watching what answers come in.


I’ve made seeds with plants in solo-cups in almost complete shade (outdoors) and there were plenty of them and healthy!


I had same experience,seeds out of lowest branches came out perfectly Brown,but took their time to ripen


They will happily make seed in partial light.
When I’m making seeds I’ll turn my lights down about 20% after pollination.
They do not need intense light, in fact high light levels seem to cause a few more ‘duds’.



It depend mostly how you will pull the quantity trigger. If you pollinate when the clones have just their very first ping pong balls of flowers, don’t worry they will do their job in shadow. Just watch the core of the seeded balls if your “hygrometry” is usually on the highs.

It can be problematic only if you maximize the production, in playing with the limit of female’s timings.

I disagree with Gpaw peacefully (the magic of OG) but it’s totally rationnal with a context.

Gpaw look like to flower his plants at a density of ~300W/ square meter of LED. In any way (seeds or not), you have to take care with this stuff at this density. I’m guessing that he’s talking about something close to 3 µmol/J efficiency at this level.

I’m flowering at a density of 750W/square meter of neons. It produce vigorous coconuts, but not under the same constraints at all.


Dang, that is bang on, I think I hit a peak of 350W/M^2 in flower… :grin: :+1:



I run 300w per square meter and the lowers produce seed very nicely.

Don’t know about clones under the canopy though.


Thanks everyone for the answers.
I probably won’t need to work that way. Negotiations with my wife are underway.
I think I found a way to solve the problem without investment.
On the side of the box, I will improvise a small box, connected to the passive air intake hole of the large box. The lighting will be a few cfl bulbs, a weak pc fan to mix the air, a passive inlet hole the size of a hole on a large box…
During the dark period I will put them in a large box
Two days of pampering and the problem is solved

Thanks again