Help pollinating selected branch's of selected flowering plants

So I would like to create a few seeds from plants that are 21 days into their turn. I have the selected male below, grown outside, then cut branch’s off of him, brought inside to collect the pollen. Will have it in 2-3 days time I would guess

The females I wish to use are 2, growing inside, 9 total plants under a Gavita HPS , covering a 3.5 by 3.5 foot area.
Not in tent, just open room with light over head.

I have done “selected” pollination before, but not quite like this. The plants are all fairly tight together, and I ONLY WANT to hit 1 lower branch of 2 ladies without causing grief to my whole run of 9.

The 2 ladies are in here…sorry for crap pic, but should be enough to get the idea.

MY PLAN was to collect the pollen, have someone help me when I apply. Pollen in bottom of zip lock, which is inside another giant ass zip lock. Another bag is readied and placed around the selected branch to be hit. Small paint brush, dipped in the pollen, then stroked onto the selected branch while inside the bag. Seal the bag around the limb for several days. When see hairs recede or brown, stick hand sprayer inside the bag, wet it before removing.

CAN I do this without upsetting the rest of those 2 plants, AND the other 7 in there IF I am VERY careful doing it???

My other option would be to collect the pollen, and hit the 2 cuts of the selected females I have growing outside. Issue is they were placed outside about a week ago, and unfortunately, even though we have less than 10 hours of darkness each night now, it appear they went into flower(they are stretching now) . They are small, and if I wait 3 weeks or so to hit them, not sure how much seed they would produce. I do not need many, but do not want only a dozen or so.

Has anyone here attempted something like this before, mean pollinate a single branch of a single plant in a multi plant grow???
Open to all suggestions and comments


If you wet the flowers you do not want pollinated, there is a much less likely chance they will become pollinated.


Iv done one or to branches out side on a plant before never used plastic bags but a small paper sandwich bag with a wire tie would work better IMO it would breath a bit better plus I’d think condensation might build up more on a sealed plastic and defeat the whole purpose and as a back up insurance plan like @99PerCent mentioned give the rest of the plant a good misting had very good results with very little seeds on the remainder of the plant .

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If ya have more than 1 pollen source from different males have fun and try different combos see what comes out in the mix just remember to tag your branches !

Ya I’d wait till ya see decent flower before pollination should take place maybe 2 weeks or so after flower really takes off IMO .

Pollenation is immediate. Pull the plant you want to pollenate out of the room and cover the entire plant with a trash bag except for the lower branch that you’re trying to pollenate. Using a brush in a still air room pollenate that bud carefully, wait 5 minutes, then use a sprayer to hose down EVERYTHING (including the bud you just pollenated) and put the plant back.

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Great idea, think that is what I shall do.

THANKS everyone for great replies!!!



SURE HOPE you are correct on this, just did exactly that, but let them sit 1 hour before soaking. The other ladies in the flower room were also SOAKED with water from my sprayer before re introducing these 2 .

Will post up here how well it worked, again, THANXS for the responses!!!


Looks perfect, excited to hear how it goes!

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