Small scale breeding fun run - First attempt!

Congrats! Good luck on the hunt. :facepunch:


Thanks! I’m truly looking forward to testing the progeny.

Thanks! He definitely showed out with the colors and every time I gave him a shake he released a nice sweet fruity stink. The females in the pack I’m testing all lean pretty heavy towards the grape pie except one so I’m thinking that may be the dominate pheno we’re working with here. Can’t know until I grow though!

Thanks for popping in!


Speaking of testers - Here’s the Pure Krush hating life as a single stem at 8 weeks

Has that semi-scary “don’t smoke me during the day” look. Terps are a bunch of woody incense and some sweet floral stuff in the back


Swelling and ripening. Gonna let these go til the end of August most likely.

Most excited for the Pure Krush cross! Romulan Genetics really killed it with this one. I’ve always liked a strong woody profile and I’m interested to see how the stinky purple Charcuterie male imposes itself. So far the female testers from Charcuterie have been on the shorter side with minimal stretching, moderately tight noding, and an artificial grape punch / fruit leather profile. One is a bit more chem leaning, with a splash of berries. Here’s a couple seeded Pure Krush photos

I’m hoping for at least 100 seeds per cross. After a bit of inspection and rough calculations I think it’s safe to say I’ll clear that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Cheers all!


Evening all,

Loving the look/structure of the Pure Krush cut that were crossing. Here’s one that just got flipped to flower yesterday in a 5gal.

This cut was given to me by a friend who has yet to grow it large scale. It was tested in a yogurt cup with minimal care and passed the high stress test.

And here we are in my breeding tent at the halfway mark

Moving on to bit more info on the bagseed I decided to run. I truly don’t know what it is. Last year I gave some bagseeds I had stashed away from my years living/growing in the Bay Area to a friend. I labeled stuff, but I was also picking up a ton of outdoor from friends, often second-hand, and you just never know what the true story is. This bud does not pass the look/smell test for Tahoe to me. It’s dank, with strong kush notes, but it sits on the side of musky gym bag or fresh cut onions. All the Tahoe I remember was like sandalwood and mellow citrus with a mellow kush aftertaste. This plant is not that. It’s also leggy and has “meh” yields. It is however, quite photogenic, can take a total beating, and is extremely narcotic. Cuts of cuts have been flowered to term and zero herms. The crosses should be interesting.

7 weeks

10 weeks- done and then some

Little tester I ran dried and jarred up

And seeded

Thanks for looking! Will update as we continue with more info/pics on the other moms we’re running.

PS. Yeah, we burn tips around here. Guilty.


Sometimes bag seeds are the best seeds. Well done!


Great job @9mag. Love the fade on the last picture. Cant wait ti see what you got.


Thanks! How does it go again? A rose by any other name…

Thanks dude! Appreciate the premium gas as always.


There is a general fear of bag seeds that seems unjustified. Lots of killer genetics have been found by accident by one dude popping just one seed and realizing she was something special. It feels like we all jump on the hype train when the new hotness comes around then start growing all the same stuff. Bag seed are a random walk away from that pre established path that sometimes have huge payoffs. I’ve been know to run seeds from a run that slightly hermed even since I had the seed and the bud was good. You know what? The daughters were fantastic as well, didn’t see any herm on that run at all. I think the fear is that bag seed probably comes from slightly hermed plants and that somehow makes them inferior. I don’t agree with that sentiment but reading between the lines that’s where it comes from.

We should all pay respects to the bagseed, it’s like gambling to a degree.

There is a runtz cut floating around that was discovered as a bag seed. Supposed to be fantastic. Goes by bolo runtz. Lots of known cuts are bagseed but folks won’t openly admit that


It for sure is a gamble. At the very least you risk spending time and resources on an undesirable plant. Ive also grown a handful of plants that threw a couple nanners late flower and nothing got seeded. I definitely didn’t run them again, but they did not qualify as “bummers” if you know what I mean.

Also, while I mostly assume bagseeds are self-herm, I’m aware that this is purely an assumption. I remember exactly what the weed these seeds came from was like, it was light green outdoor/greenhouse, came around early summer every year so I’m assuming light-dep, and it was citrusy and woody all the way through. This plant is just not the same with multiple obvious differences. My friend was only able to get two to germinate, they looked identical in veg, and he got 1 male and 1 female. This leads me to think someone’s half-acre grow got fertilized by an unknown male in the surrounding area. Dug up some correspondence from last year regarding these seeds, CBS is the acronym we use for referring to the bagseed


Close to 4 weeks since first pollen dropped. Rough guess puts me at around two weeks out. Already starting to see the exposed seeds turning tan and maturing. A wide-range of plant expressions and awesome terpene profiles in this tent has me constantly pondering the progeny potential.

I did a rough visual count on a couple of the smaller moms in the tent, intentionally skipping over bud sites and undercounting- I’m estimating around 200 viable seeds per cross for the smaller plants and 500-1000 for the larger ones. I’m really trying to undershoot my estimation here as I know I’ll be sorting out some undesirable seeds. With that being said, if all goes according to plan, I should have a nice amount to hand out around on here :alien: :call_me_hand: These are small-batch and I will likely never make these crosses again so if there’s anyone who breeds and wants to vault some untested F1s or anyone who just wants to grow them out in the near future I will happily get these in your hands. I’ll have more on that later when we actually cross the finish-line.



Island Sweet Skunk, Pure Krush, and Charcuterie taking off in a 4x4. 6 plants, 5-7gal pots, recycled BAS 3.0. Running for documentation of “mother plants” and paternal influence - Single branch testers in dixie cups really just give you a glimpse.

Largely ignoring these. I have a hunch my plants are happier when I’m not hovering.



No need to make an infinite supply of seeds you’ll never run. A personal stash of a few hundred will last a lifetime, even with a few trades dwindling that pile. A 1L pot can easily support a plant with 2-300 seeds which is perfect


Agreed! I can always F2 something and repro thousands of seeds if I think it’s worth hunting further. Thanks for tagging along yo


Got back home today from a week long trip. Things are looking just about cooked. Lots of seeds are starting to pop the hull. Plucked a single calyx from some low node larf - seed looks good. Gonna give everything another week or so to seal the deal.

Thanks for looking
Peace :dove:


Now that we’re crossing the finish line I wanted to share a bit of the fun I’ve been having with naming these crosses as well as my project in general as this will definitely be a 2x per year thing for me moving forward.

Just want to be clear about a few things: I am not starting a company, I am not a flexing a professional genetics pedigree, I do not want your money, and these are not for sale. I am not claiming anything to be serious selections. I’m simply a dude, with a house, who wants to cross stuff. I’m not working heirlooms or landraces. I am not inbreeding GSC. The seeds I make will always be entirely organic, small-batch, and will only ever be made once. My overall project name moving forward will be SpaceCraft and my overall goal is to generate a weird and unique collection of breeding stock for myself and others to play around with. This first round of seeds is my first chuck and obviously untested at this point so I am totally aware that these won’t be too desirable, but I would like to start laying the foundation and setting my perpetual structure now. If anything in this project piques your brain, it’s totally chill to holler at me and express interest, as I’ll likely have a decent amount to yeet around here on OverGrow.

Thanks for looking! Enjoy a 3wk picture of my favorite Mom so far from this batch - Pure Krush, mother of Crepe Krush.



Congratulations man, you did a great job

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Appreciate the premium gas dude :fuelpump: Thanks for looking!

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Quick smoke report on the Tahoe Bagseed - Grown by a friend in coco under LEDs. Live plants pictured above.

Nose: Janitors closet full of old pine oil mops, chlorine sink water, with some bright pleasant lemongrass notes hanging around. Overall aroma borders on weird, without being off-putting.

Excuse me while I light this spliff…

Hashy piney soap on the tongue, even through the tobacco. King of a lung crusher, like how a kief bowl feels. Tongue tingler too.

Heavy narcotic stone. Little bit of heart racing for about 15 minutes there, and now I just want to lay down and zone out.

Looking forward to seeing what’s in the crosses with this one.


Plucked a couple calyxs up and down the plant on the Tropical Slushee

Plucked one from the ISS mid meristem

I know I said another week 5 days ago, but I think I’m gonna push it til next Tuesday, possibly a bit longer. I want a really high ratio of viable and good-looking beans. That would put us at exactly 7 weeks from initial pollen drop and around 10wks flower. Will pre-trim and dry everything in paper bags for a few weeks, shuck n’ clean, then let em’ sit in my cupboard on some plates for a week or so to finish drying before packing up.

Thanks for looking! Peace :dove: