Small scale breeding fun run - First attempt!

Nice grow and breeding project, love what your doing. Whoever grabs some of those seeds, is likely going to be playing with :fire:.
Im going to pull up a chair and see what else you get going.


Thanks dude, I appreciate that! I can only hope we’re cooking up some tasty crosses here. Looking forward to getting these out to my friends and some people on here :dove:


Way cool! Fancy packaging. Depending on how many packs you plan on sending out you may want to think about using coin flips with hose washers. Not as fancy but a single stamp will get stuff out domestically


Thanks! I’m an artist by trade so I couldn’t help myself. There’s a thicker puck I had laying around inside the pack pictured, behind it is a pack of plastic coin flips that should run a lot thinner. I could probably get away with two inside a letter, plastic packaging and all, if I wanted to go that route.

These are the ones I got for them, nice price point:

This is also such a small scale thing for me, and I’m a sucker for presentation. It all evens out in the wash for me- I plan on giving these to cool growers and am happy if they are simply vaulted for a decade. I’m having a whole lot of fun either way.


youve got a great attitude about this. That packaging is definitely quite nice, especially those custom stickers. someone is going to really appreciate you going the extra mile


Still in time to see the very end of your first breeding project, nice to be here from the beginning of your journey as a breeder.

There’s just something really beautiful about seeded girls and males, great pictures!

Always good to see people making seeds, it makes me want to start making some again too.

Thanks for sharing the process and offering seeds to the community :pray:


Thanks man, I really appreciate you stopping by and checking out my project!

Snipped a tester bud off the ISS this morning to check maturity on the seeds. Looking like 10% immature 10% iffy and 80% mature. Couple bic lighter sized buds had around 150 mature seeds. Some more in there that I’ll get out later. A whole lot more than expected, surprisingly!

Gonna hand check a nug from every plant over the next couple of days to make sure nobody is lagging behind but we’re looking on track for a good ratio of mature seeds and plants coming down next week at 7wks post pollination.

Looking forward to getting these packed up, into some people’s hands, and on to testing and working out the lineup for my next chuck!


80% is high. Congratulations on the seed increase!


Thanks dude, I’d like a little higher ratio honestly as these are smaller plants in 1gals :sweat_smile:

Also not exactly an increase, just some new crosses for fun. I’m gonna keep 40 for myself and dish out the rest to friends and overgrowers!


Not bad and it is still good since you have a few for yourself to keep, to friends and OGers to share with.


Looks like you will have some good amount of seeds :yum:

I really like your packaging BTW!


Those are good numbers. I’d recommend a pair of lab tweezers to pick out the duds. Regular tweezers won’t cut it.

Best of luck.


Amazing post!!!

What the second pictures from bottom ( leave with red steam) suggest you in terms of selection?


Dang brother great job, you programs is kicking ass. good looking selection. love how dark it is.


Thanks dude! The fan leaf pictured you’re talking about is from the Charcuterie #4 I chose to F2 - Posted the pic to show the trichome production which crawled it’s way onto the large fan leaves. Red stems can be anything from stress related to genetics - in this case it’s genetic, but I’m not breeding for colors :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have a pair with an angled tip! I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the tip @Foreigner

Thanks dude - Hope your grow with your new cross is going well. Looking forward to updates from ya


Dope first seed run bro! Always a lot of fun and a great feeling when you do you first project. My advice would be to keep going down a path that keeps you interested in the long term. Btw the Tahoe bag seed looks real nice


Well I wish I could say it was, I ignored them so Im down to 2 this run and there still small. even the flower tent is looking… Meh this run.

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Thanks for the gas dude! Welcome to OG. I agree on doing what is fun. This is a relatively cheap hobby, subjectively. Some people spend 5k on golf clubs they use 20 times a year. Some people spend 30k on a boat that sits under a tarp 360 days out of the year. I’m just having fun.

Bummer dude, my plants love me when I ignore them. I also think auto-watering has been key for me. They like a predictable life, IFYKWIM. There’s always next grow.


Lol usually me too but i missed more than one watering. Loving the superboofs colora though. And testing flowering in a small container is going well.


I’ve seen much worse! At least you’ll get a little something. Would definitely recommend getting a little pump/drip lines and a reservoir (I use plastic sterlite bins) - Something like 40$ per 8 plants and you never have to hand water again outside of drench feeding / the occasional fast drinker in the lineup.