My first REGULAR grow diary : BanHam Copa Genetics


Thanks for reading into my first grow diary here! I have been growing cannabis just under one year since my state legalized recreational use/growing and realized I should have gone to school for Botany as I love gardening and plant life in general.

This is my fifth seed to potential harvest but my first time working with regular photoperiod seeds. These five beauties are Copa Genetics Ban Ham (aka Banana Hammock). I decided to grow this specific cultivar as my first regular seed option due to an abundance I had on hand and chatting with the breeder getting inside tips for what makes them thrive. The fact the breeder takes time to have legitimate conversations with me solidified I should use their genetics to expand my growing capabilities with cannabis and venture off the safety of feminized seeds.

Here is a run down of my process so far:

â—Źsoaked seeds in tap water for 24hrs till all five cracked and showing their root.

â—Źsoil mix is Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Happy Frog soil conditioner. (Ment to grab Ocean Forest and regular Happy Frog :sweat_smile:)

â—Źall seeds started off in solo cups till one of the five started spreading roots out bottom of cup. (This method has worked for me on my last four grows) transplanted them to their forever homes to continue thriving.

â—Źdecided not to add nutrients till first since of deficiency as the soil should have more than enough at this time.

â—Źwatering schedule is twice daily keep top soil decently but no overly moist. Every three days I skip a watering for about 24hrs to help drive roots and seek out the water sources.

The grow environment will be start in a 2x4x5 tent that offers 200w of full light spectrum for seedling to early vegetative stage. The next tent is a 4x4x6.5 tent that offers 400w and will finish up vegetative stage and possibly early flowering stage. The final tent for flowering is a 5x5x6.5 that offers about 650-730w.

My flowering tent is currently housing four plants that have about 3 to 4 weeks left before chopping and another 7-14days depending on how well they dry out.

Before any plants enter the flowering tent, I will be inspecting daily for the first signs of the male plants and will select the best male to collect pollen from. The male will stay in my 2x4x5 tent in the complete opposite end of my home on a separate level.

Once pollen is collected, I will pollinate the female of choice to make my own continued genetic line of BanHam.

If everything goes well I do this same process again with BanHam and keep repeating till I am sick of BanHam :laughing:. The goal of this is to understand breeding, identify key characteristics for phenotypes, and to do this process with other rare/hard to find genetics I ha e obtained in auctions that have not been seen in years.

This concludes my process so far and hope I filled this diary out without too much pointless information.

Thanks for reading and stay posted for my progress! Happy growing y’all :v: 🫶 :call_me_hand:


Excited to finally see a BanHam grow! Thanks for sharing. Copa is :+1:


I forgot to post current pictures of the venture so far :sweat_smile:


These plants are 22 days old.

My guess is top left and front right are males. Knowing my luck with this being my first run they are all males :laughing:


Copa Genetics is a dope breeder! Very down to earth, awesome to chat with, and brutally honest. They are the only breeder to ever engage in a conversation with me. I have several of their genetics in my collection. I cannot wait to grow some of their Crazy Bitch and an exclusive 420 pack release Mike Drop. Those will get a diary in the future!

I appreciate your comment and hope to not let you down!


Hey @JonPott welcto OG and growing :+1:
I’m about a year in myself and started with auto fems but now trying to keep it reg photos. That’s the problem with regs but when ya get the females :exploding_head::hugs: your gonna wish you kept a clone :relaxed:. Something I’m also just gonna start to try.
Ima crank back the LzBoy and chill in the corner.
Good luck growchacho :seedling:


I grew one Durban Poison auto and she grew well and tall but man was it a disappointment when I dried her up. Made not want to ever grow another autoflower. Maybe I wil try them again some day but no in any rush!


Hey @JonPott ! Glad to see you started a grow journal my friend.
You look like you’ve got a good handle on it with a solid plan, I’m new to the craft myself, in flower on my second grow after discovering a major passion for it. I also use Foxfarms OF soil, I’ve waited to see any deficiencies as well because of how well equipped that soil is out of the bag.

Plants look good so far, I look forward to seeing them progress!


Thank you and hope to follow one of your grows here soon!

I plan on trying my hand at ProMix HP for my next grow as that is a soilless medium and nutrients are constantly needed if I understand that properly.

The goal of all of this for me is experimenting to what costs me the least, what doesn’t take up majority of my time, and what causes the least amount of stress. Probably the only stressful thing about growing cannabis so far is it can take an average of 4 months at minimum to have a finished product that I feel proud of.


Come check out my thread, I just posted :grin:

And in that department, go check out my buddy @methodanon in his log, he does hempy buckets in all perlite, similar to that product Promix HP.

I’m all about learning and experimenting myself! Because I follow him, I’m gonna try a hempy bucket myself soon here too :laughing:


I don’t know how you did all that in one post but maybe you are on your computer and I am using my phone :laughing:

I barely can undetectable IG and then I decided to come here and everything seems more complex! Haha in time I guess… in time…


Thank you for all of these links!


Haha I am on my computer right now so it was much easier, still doable on the phone but, yeah you’ll get there haha.

And no problem!


Good stuff JonPott. I’m always tempted to buy some copa stuff, really been eyeballing that GSD f6 that they sell.
I’m following, and your plants look healthy/great!


I definitely would suggest checking out their genetics. I have gotten all my stuff from DCSE and know you can grab it at other seed banks. For growing in the swamps and outdoor fields they do some amazing work.


Not exactly, Promix HP is Peat based with added perlite. It has some added lime I believe, helping with Ph issues.
It’s definitely closer to coco than hempy. Hempy only uses perlite, water till overflow.
I use Promix hp with mega crop 1 Part… You want to talk about easy?
No PH’n, tap water, just started adding their Sweet candy in flower for extra sugars :+1:
It’s from @GreenleafNutrients check em out.
Great feeding chart as well.


Interesting and thank you for the correction my friend, just another aspect to look into for me and learn to learn about :grin:


Pulling up a chair.


Here is an updated photo. They may stay in the 2x4x5 tent for another week before heading into the larger 4x4x6.5 tent.

Have a great day growmies!


Congrats on the first grow log!! And Welcome to OG!!
So funny to read this, as I also just started BanHam, from Copa.
I got them as freebi from DC also.
I do not remember growing a Copa product before, so thanks for the Copa info!!
I like to start my beans with zero goodies in the mix.
A starter mix, or hand full of ProMix/Sunshine Mix #4, whatever I have on hand.
After they reach, 4-6 points, on them, do I give them some kelp/alfalfa tea.
However this time, I used a portion of EWC, from my worm bins, and some of finer coco coir, I hydrate for worming.
It has so far been fantastic, and I’m only around 10 days so old, right now.
I kind of do the seed soak, as they are wrapped in a piece of paper towel, lay that on my heat mat, and 1.5 to 2 days they are tailed and into cups of medium.

I put 21 seeds in, got 21 strong sprouts, in less than 2 full days.
Anyway, just my way, as anyway we get to bud, is a good way, IMHO.
All the best to ya and your grow!!