Smib’s Crib and Ab-Lib

Welcome to my “Dungeon of Disaster”. At this time this thread will reflect no particular rhyme or reason but just whatever is on my mind with respect to my current grows which includes auto, photos, DWC, and coco. I grow from seed or clone and I am currently contemplating breeding. When I was a teen we used to joke about grafting a cannabis plant on a Venus fly trap and call it “cannabis carnivorous”. Anyway I changed the res on my Carmel Cream and put it in my flower tent.

Sorry about the title but apparently “Smib’s Crib” was less than 12 characters.


Sorry heres the photo


Nice LST work there… :+1:
What are you using to tie down the branches to the framework?



I prefer having no rhyme nor reason so I’ll just take up a virtual observation post on this post.
Hmm… :thinking: Maybe graft some venus fly traps to a cannabis plant as an IPM strategy :joy::raised_hands::v:


I have some old 18 gauge signal wire from when I used to work. When that runs out I suspect I’ll buy some plant tie downs


Been working on this Godzilla glue that I keep breaking during LST.


Still looking well though smib :sunglasses:

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This is the latest edition. Sour D and lemon og haze auto. I literally fried my last LOGH hope to show I learned better this time.


I previously posted about breaking my Godzilla glue while applying LST. However I do believe that she is breaking herself from her bonds. It appears the older thicker portion of the stem is breaking the bonds and the younger portion of the is too weak to break the tie down an ends up breaking off. Happened twice last light. I’m attempting to clone the broken pieces. Anyone else have experience with anything similar?


Here is the Caramel Cream I posted when I started a week ago. I opened up a little today. See below.


Here are 3 clones whose strain has been lost to the sands of time.

This here is the caramel cream I put in flower tent at beginning of this thread.

Starting to look like that God Blessed internet around here.

Education + a little experience can result in wonderful things. Just imagine a little more reading and little more work, can only imagine what that will result.


This is my Godzilla Glue. Breeder described as feminized photo. It grew as one and I took clones (I always take clones because I’m bored and it fills my day)…

Below are the clones I took and keep under 18/6 light and are obviously flowering. Can anyone account for this?


Dropped “Crazy Bitch” this morning in honor of the missus. Will be posting pics and updates as she pops and progresses. See below for pic of

caramel cream I started thread with.


Looking abundant my brother. Keep up the good work.

Looks like the clones have lotsa leaf and flower material to support. I would trim/remove all but the top leaves. Cut top leaves to 1/4-1/2 size. Did you use a powder or gel? Are you feeding the clones?

What size tent? Light? Nutes? Medium? Seeds from where?

The people are hungry for information in these desperate times. Please provide Pot protein.



On the caramel cream using General Hydroponics Trio Plus florilicius plus, diamond nectar and flora blend and Kool bloom. Tents are 4 x8 (2 ea) one for autos and veg the other flower. Working on perpetual harves. more to follow.

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Crazy bitch seeds are copa genetics from DCSE. First regular seed I ever dropped. The things you folks lead me to do. Hope to make ya proud

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Well we’ll well this crazy bitch has joined the party. Growing her in coco peat and perlite. Nutes to be determined.

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Now we are working on Crazy Bitch 2.0. I believe I turned up light too soon on the last one and fried it.

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Well we are in trim jail today with the Cream Caramel. She has been an easy grow, she’s fragrant, and can’t wait to taste her. See pics below


Got outta jail at 1300 hrs est. for you sick bastards see the skeleton below

And for the perverts who have to see what’s doing down below