Smokaguy seeks advise

Ohhhh like new leaves, and nice plants man what are the little one under the bud do the mess with the roots at all?

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I just started 3 2008 train wreck seeds let hope they do good :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Nodes are new sets of branching they alternate at 90 degrees up the plant til mature enough then when in flower they alternate along a single stem which eventually will become main Colas leaf patterns also change starting with 3 then 5,7,9,11 leaves then revert decreasing numbers again once plants are closing to maturity.

I think you might be referring to my covercrop ( a blend of 12 different Nitrogen fixers) clover (4) flax, buckwheat and several others I can’t recall at the moment) they aide in soil diversity of soil microorganisms, there are also my worm homies in there doing their thing!


Love it man I really have a lot to learn it’s truly an art to grow right while keeping it natural

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Sorry I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t had time to post

So after what I can only assume was horrible light burn and shock from switching lights I lost all of the leafs of my oldest girl and thought for sure she was a goner, but i didn’t have to heart to just give up and kill her “I know it’s just a plant but I put love into it :joy::joy::man_shrugging:“.


Looks as if it’s making a turn for the good ! Glad ya. Figured out the light issue’

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Nice, she bounced back!

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Thanks you guys I didn’t have to heart to just give up on her so I just kept watering and giving love.

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