Smokaguy seeks advise

Ran into problems today not sure if it’s the new light that shocked her or what

Just got off work today and noticed my leafs are turning white I raised the light up about a foot but not sure if it’s because I just changed the lights to a stronger one

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What’s your feed strength

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Looks like burn. Post some pics under normal light.

What is that medium? Looks tamped


could be severe light burn, or something wrong with the medium - did it look normal before you changed the light? LEDs are capable of doing that.

so what’s up with the rock garden? Never seen that before but I like it - cool idea! I could display some of my rock collection under the plants


this is her a few days before the leds before that I had a cheapo light that was gifted to me

Don’t know if changing lights effected it maybe, lol and idk I just liked the rocks I live in the desert so figured it went with it :joy::man_shrugging:

What’s medium sorry I’m a noob man.

Here a picture with normal light

I’m just using 2 tbs of this stuff she was good weeks before

Media is what it’s grown in peat, coir, garden soil, etc. To me it looks like sand from the pics , we need to tackle the issue with your media first and foremost, I have a feeling it’s not going to last much longer if something’s not changed in short order.


My buddy grows in this dirt he calls it dead rock and his plants turn out amazing I didn’t run into any problems until I changed lights

This is the bud he grew with it but I also bought some fox farms what the plant was stated in


Hmmm would like to know more about this mysterious soil concoction? How old is the plant? I think starting off with T-8’s or T-5’s would of been better than a flood light IMO


The light might have burned it, but it was probably going downhill already, the soil is really important, cannabis is finicky when growing in containers. Pre-made mixes like Foxfarms’ stuff are good, you only have to worry about watering.

I think Home Depot still has the Miracle Grow (Nature’s Care or something) organic mix which is cheap and good, just that and about 10-20% extra Perlite would be a good start. Cannabis likes to have 25%-30% total Perlite.


Hey, @Muleskinner is that the stuff that’s been around going back to the old OG days? Used to come in a plain white bag with pretty plain black print if it’s the stuff I’m thinking of. I think it was called Miracle Grow Organic Garden Soil

Ha, had to google it. I think that nature’s grow is the updated version. I think the old stuff just had worm castings and was a pretty heavy wet black soil. Would you say the Nature’s Care compares to that?
I used to cut that old stuff 50/50 coco and then add perlite. Was good stuff (once you got the drainage right) and affordable. I’ll have to look for that putrid green bag next time. That bag color needs to be on a 80’s metal guitar, with zebra stripes of course.


The plant is about a month/ month and a half old and I’m broken then a joke right now, long story short is everything I have on this project is either gifted or I’m buying from a friend in payments the light came with the tent all I had until a few days ago


I understand that the soil may be a issue I just figured I’d try it out until I had funds to come up with a better solution. A old timer I know grows in this stuff and his plants are always amazing so I thought I’d try some out seeing as it was free, the plant did well until I switch the lights but again I’m a noobie forsure to all of this.

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Thank you guys for the input so far.

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It’s all good @Smokaguy just trying to iron things out for ya if ya think all things are in order it very well could be just a runt seedling … we all get them from time to time out of the 12-15 seeds I popped in early 2018 I think 3 never really flourished at all for me and I ended up giving it to the compost gods and moved on. With some plants you can throw everything at them in the playbook and they just won’t do anything for the team ! It very well could be the situation here. Do you have anymore seeds to experiment on? One thing I like to do is experiment with tomato seeds if I think something is wrong.

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I got a bunch more beans, was blessed and got an amazing seed bank from an oldtimer. Do you think changing the lights maybe shocked it because it seemed to be fine until then. I’m going to start a some more later today I think after work.
That’s pretty smart about the tomatoes seed thing I kinda want to try it just for shits and giggles.

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That plant looks as if it’s on the 4th node if so at about 1 to 1.5 months in you should be like on the 7th node or so I’ll send a pick of a plant I threw the seed in soil on 12-6-18 I topped a couple days ago and they’re running under a shitty mars hydro this light is ok for veg but it won’t do shit for flowering all I every had was popcorn buds mostly fluffy to boot! So in short seems that it was never thriving from the get go. Try the tomato seed trick along with some new seeds. I’ve started all seeds under simple shop lights with t-8’s

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I’v snipped the bottom two nodes to assist in getting under the plant the node distance is pretty tight also do to close proximity the light is to the canopy .


What is node sorry for all the dumb questions man

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