Smoke session memories

Lol! 10 char.


I have some fun ones…

One time a buddy and I were blazing up in his car in a parking late at night, under a streetlight (being dumbass teenagers.) We were passing a bowl back and fourth while I rolled up a joint in my lap on a notebook, when a cop pulled up beside us and asked what was up. Panicked, I shoved the joint in my mouth and attempted to swallow it. The cop shined a light on my face and asked me my name. With a mouth full of weed I got a good look at his face and recognized him as the town cop who knew my family and I (good reasons) and said “hey man, what’s up.” All muttered with a chipmunk cheek full of weed. :hamster: He recognized me back and laughed before apologizing for bothering us then leaving. My buddy and I were ghost white lmao! Good times, man was I lucky. :policeman:‍♂

One time a few different buddies and I had his moms pad to ourselves cause she was out of town for a few days. We were many joints and bong rips in when we decided to make edibles. We bought a quarter, heated up the oil in a pan until it was sizzling, and dropped the ground up weed in. It immediately turned black and went up in smoke lol! :laughing: So we effectively hot boxed his kitchen. All of our heads were floating off our shoulders when we got the munchies. I grabbed for one of those buckets of instant ramen noodles, peeled back the lid, and tossed them in the microwave. A minute later smoke was pouring out! Fuck the noodles, I forgot to put water in! :rofl::rofl::rofl: My buddy yanked it out and tossed the flaming bucket out the back door. I guess the placed reeked of burnt paper and his mom questioned it upon returning. Covered up the weed smell I guess lol.