Snow high seeds health update

Hello everyone and good day! I just found this amazing site and figured I’d ask if anyone has an update of John from Snow High Seeds. Last I heard he was going through some health issues. Without displacing information, I’m just truly concerned about our fellow growmie.

I just recently picked up some of his gear (Vietnamese Black Pure Du ma den). It’s a cross between Vietnamese Black 1968 & Vietnamese Black. I was wondering if anyone has any experience growing this strain. I chose this particular strain because of its crazy lineage and background. Or maybe I’m drawn to that old school terpy bud like the old days.

I have done a lot of research on Snow High and John himself and I just love the lineage he brings to the community. Not only his passion but his landrace strains are something that has peaked my interest the very first time I heard about Snow High. And his seeds never disappoint so I’ve heard as it is my first time growing his gear.

I look forward to updating the community as the grow gets going because this landrace strain is something I would love to share with you all, and I’m sure it’s exactly what John wants us to do with his seeds. Thank you all so much!


Welcome @Goose420 I don’t have the information that you seek, but wanted to say high and welcome. You should pop over to the introduce yourself thread when you get a chance.

That being said I look forward to your journal of what sounds like an awesome strain!


Welcome @Goose420


Welcome to our community. Please post on your grow as it progresses. Many of us will be very interested to hear of your experience.


Welcome to Overgrow, given his health problems and lack of communication/order fulfillment for many people and many thousands of dollars, where are you finding his seeds?


the upper vault has them

I placed an order and received them. Took a bit. They look legit :man_shrugging:


I wouldn’t be so sure. We did some investigating. Go back the last couple hundred posts on this thread but this post is a good synopsis. Strange stuff.


Yeah I’m fully aware of the thread info. I didn’t order them for me :sweat_smile: but by all accounts, the bank seems legit, the packs look right. As for the genetics inside, no idea :man_shrugging:

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With all of the information out there, I do not understand how you could promote them.

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man asked where to get beans, that’s the only place i know to get beans.

Bank fulfilled the order successfully.

That’s all i got, is what i’m saying. People can purchase or not on their own volition. I’m not saying please go buy stuff from them, just passing along what I know. Would do full well to read that thread you linked and make their own choice. Perhaps everything dude was saying was true, however that looks to the community and people that got screwed over. Or maybe its all fake and they’re raking in thousands of dollars from bunk beans in legit looking packs. Idk. But they’re there if someone wants to find out. If the beans I forwarded ever fckn land, i’m sure we’ll find out their legitimacy in a couple months.


But for me :grin: Thank you again.


Have to wait a little longer for that to be answered #fuckusps.

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Right, hopefully not much longer :confused: :pray:

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Seedsherenow was where I got mine. I will be posting a new thread on this grow once I have everything going. This is gonna be a very interesting strain to say the least. But I’m very excited!


Welcome @Goose420 Hope you make some F2s. :grinning:

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Welcome brother!
I don’t have any health info unfortunately but am wishing John the best.

I’m a fan of his work but haven’t grown anything yet.

Just wanted to let you know John had an awesome interview with heavy over on the Potcast.
Take a listen if you haven’t yet! About 4 hours of amazing info.

I hope you document the grow here as I’d love to see the plants! I am looking at a few of his crosses but 5 regs for $150 is a bit too steep for me at this time. I do look to snag some of his Thai, Colombian, and Mexican work in the coming months though!

Cheers brother 🪴


Thanks for the love bro and yes, I will be starting a new thread once I get going. I’m waiting on my living soil pot to arrive and I’ll start m journey. I’m going organic living no til for this one. So keep an eye out! :slight_smile: these were pretty steep as far as five but in the package I got 2 extra seeds. One fem from Ethos and another fem Genetix Matter, I believe. All in all a pretty good deal.

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@Goose420 Since this seems to be a future event, good luck with germinating SH seeds. MOST of us experience some difficulty. It has been said that rather than pick seeds out of the mostly hybrid he grows, he instead freezes them causing the seeds to fall out easily. However some question if this damages the seeds causing the germination difficulty everyone experiences.

Good luck. Oh, you will find that many on here that do get them to start will give out seeds from the exotic choices of his lines.


any more details on what exactly these are?

Vietnamese Black from 1968 ?
I’m skeptical at best - never seen these in seed or clone forms ; magically 56 years later they are available in a cross

Here is the deal with Vietblack - which John certainly got from the community


Southern Vietnamese Saigon x Northern Vietnamese/Chinese border

The Northern Vietnamese leaning pheno types run 9 to 10 weeks flowering and the South Vietnamese leaning run 12 to 16 weeks

Originally from Fet of the Spice Brothers Seed Company around 2007

An open pollination increase/preservation run 5 males 7 females was completed by AKbeanbrains in July 2021

Viet Combo Vietnamese x Vietanamese Black

Offspring of this cross has produced a range of outcomes from the trippiest to soaring highs while others can bring on paranoia, racing heart beat and hallucinations for those not used to it. Generally speaking Viet combo’s most early finishing phenos are around 10+ weeks. A large majority will finish around the 12 -14 weeks while the rare odd freak will try and push past the 15 week but what an awesome racing head high these have known to produce.

Best of luck - would love to see your seeds grow and know how long they flower for…


Thanks for the comment growmie it’s good to be here!

And to get over any germination issue I’m gonna go with the hydrogen peroxide method. Also got some premium seed starter for when they show tap roots. I’ve actually taken all precautions as I’m aware of the germination issues people are having. And for about $150 for 5 seeds, plus freebies, I need to do absolutely everything I can to try and pop these beans. I’m also going to use some coconut water for it’s first feeding, I’m going organic no till living soil in a 45gal fabric pot.

The other question is, what do I do if I get males? I’m planning on popping 3 beans and grow them out in hopes for females. If I get a male, should I cut it down or let grow and get the seeds? I have no experience with breeding nor do I have any interest atm. I only ask because of what you said regarding exotic seed lineage if popping a male.

I’m most likely going to rip out the males and cut my losses because in reality out of the 5 seeds I got, I only want 1 of those seeds to be female. I think it’s a good trade off. 1 female plant for $150. I can just keep cloning her after that. Downside is no other phenotype doing it this way. But to have a consistent amount of phenotypes of snow high seeds, one would need to invest in a good amount of money to get beans in bundles.

Anyways glad to be here and looking for everyone’s replies! This community is great!!

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