Snowhigh Seeds

I don’t know if that Sticky fella was Mister Grafik, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s one of his dedicated followers though. He surrounds himself with malleable new growers that’ll follow him because of the free seeds he gives out. He made OverGrow sound like the scum of the earth, and as if he was witch hunted out of here for no apparent reason. He also let it be known he has sock accounts he uses on here, which is fun to know. His repeated ramblings about the site is why I ended up joining lol, which he shortly disapproved of, and further threatened to kick me for becoming less active on the server, stating that I wasn’t shit. It was very out of left field, as I had been a member for over a year and had interacted with him pretty much daily basis.

He had done this type of switch up to other members while I was there, just didn’t think I would be on the receiving end. He also suspects of anyone and everyone being one of the people who dislikes him from OverGrow, which thinking about it now, why would anyone have so many enemies? I wrote him an email after the debaccle because I believed maybe he just had a mental episode, but he responded pretending to be his “wife” and came up with some bullshit story about how I had been this one member from OverGrow that whole time and that he had discovered me. Meanwhile, my entire time there he would simp on the new female growers and talk about his struggles with love.

TL;DR Mister Grafik is mentally unwell and genuinely hates this website. He recruits inexperienced growers on discord and makes himself look like a grow god to them. Could he be pretending to know John? Sure, though I doubt it. I think they’re actually friends. So, what does that say about Snowhigh?

If anyone wants to send me $350 for a pack of beans that won’t germinate AND that you’ll receive 2 years after purchase, maybe; hit me up. We can skip all these middle men.

EDIT: Just to make it evidently clear: if you support The Upper Node, The Upper Vault, Skunk Devil Genetics, or Mister Grafik; you don’t support OverGrow, its members, or their security.