Snowhigh gear problems?

How’s it going OG’s? Quick question has anybody had trouble with snowhighs gear germinating? I’ve never had trouble with throwing beans into a wet napkin. The beans are healthy dark brown, with the tiger stripes. Been in the napkin 4/5 days and 0/10 have cracked.
Yes I know you can toss them in water and wait for them to sink, then transfer to napkins.


Might be tough shells pre crack them using a pair of vise grips .


That’s what I’m thinking, I’ve never cracked shells before I wouldn’t want to crush them.

What’s the temperature in the location where you’ve got your beans?


Rub the seeds across some sandpaper :v:


Room temp, I’d say 69/73 degrees

You think that would still work after already being in the wet napkins for 4/5 days?

With vide grips it’s easy to control the pressure snug them up to the seed then slowly tighten till you hear them crack


Yes bro. Sand the shells so the water can penetrate them properly. Old shells get a shiny coat in them that prevents the water ingress :+1:
Just need to rub them lightly


Man that’s sounds intimidating hahaha

Set a little 1 cup sized tupperware or half pint jar full of water (with lid) on top of your wireless router with the seeds.

Holds temps in the 90’s…if they’re going to crack at all, they will floating in warm water.


I’ve heard of people lining a pill bottle with sand paper. Tossing in the seeds and shaking them around for a bit


Roll a piece of sandpaper into a tube. Place seeds between. Block holes with finger and thumb and give it a shake :+1:


Ad a little Hydrogen Peroxide to the water.

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The Freaker’s have whole bunch of snowhigh gear and have had germ issues with a lot of it. Many of the seeds have been in storage for years and need some extra love to get them to pop. @ShiskaberrySavior mentioned vice grips. It can be a little bit unnerving cracking a seed manually, but vice grips really work well. There is a long nose version that really grips the seeds nicely and it even comes with a thumb screw. Adjust the vice grips until when you squeeze the handles the nose shuts just enough to grip the seed. Give a quarter turn or less on the thumb screw and POP. Since this works best on seeds that are dry, you will want to let those seeds dry out a day or two first. Turn thumb screw SLOWLY. It doesn’t take much.
Sanding works, too.

I would give the beans a little more time to Germinate. 7 days or more are required (typically) for older beans. I saw someone suggest warmer temperatures and they will definitely help. 85 is perfect but you can go warmer or cooler by 5 degrees. Lower temperatures these will take longer to pop, risking mold if you haven’t used peroxide


You might even try drying them out and freeze them for a few days and start over.

Knowing that they’re Snowhighs it could just be the age. Good luck!


Will you actually hear the been “pop” when using the vice grips? Also in my area it’s getting cold, I checked the beans yesterday I think 6days from actually putting them in the napkin. Upon checking the beans I noticed the napkin was pretty damn cold. So I went ahead and put them onto of my fridge where it’s a bit warmer.

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I’ve always read. Wetting beans then having them dry out was bad for them?

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Hey man thanks for that! I ended up putting the wet napkin/bag combo on top of the fridge where it’s warmer at. The auctioneer on IG felt bad about the situation so sent me the rest of his pack. I’ll probably scratch up the new ones in some sand paper. And toss them in some water trying to keep the water warm. Might do the same with the first batch.


What about setting them in Aloe
Someone on here cuts the Aloe open an sets them in there for a couple days