Snowhigh Seeds

The longer your wall of text, the higher the percentage of people who won’t read it without a TLDR at the bottom. If you’re trying to get your point across, then this will increase the chances of information transfer.

I put that giant wall of text through ChatGPT and asked it to format it into paragraphs and also TL:DR and it output this

Everyone says Snowhigh seeds were expensive, but if you bought them from him you got better deals. The more you bought, the better the price. For instance, if you spent $1000, you got 50% off, so it would now cost $500, plus several free packs included. The deal wasn’t as good the less you bought, but it was still a very good reduction compared to the advertised price. If you just bought one pack or bought them at a seed bank, they were definitely expensive.

When you communicated with John, it was always a pleasant experience. He would respond in a timely manner with a detailed answer to your questions. It was just an all-around positive exchange. Then all of a sudden, nothing. No response at all and no explanation from anyone. At some point, new seed packs started showing up and at first John was communicating again a little bit.

When he was asked about the preorders, he explained that there was a big storm and lots of flooding that killed a big chunk of his mother plants that were fully seeded. We would have to wait until everything was replanted and seeded again. That was the first sign something was very wrong with the preorders. But he did not offer anyone their money back and just said everyone had to wait and we should be understanding of the situation.

A long time went by, maybe 8 months. Then there were lots of new packs coming out, going to a few stores. But if you remember, John/Snowhigh also sold under the name Legendary Genetics for a few years to supply seeds for a select market in California dispensaries. But most packs were labeled Snowhigh. Now every new pack says Legendary. There is no more mention of Snowhigh anywhere. It’s like that name doesn’t exist anymore.

If a new person besides Snowhigh took over, he would have seen that John sold a lot of packs at discount that weren’t even made yet. He might not have wanted to honor all those discounted seeds when he thought he could get retail by selling them at seed banks. Essentially, he tried to forget those orders existed. But being most likely a younger, less experienced person, he was not aware of how small and connected the cannabis growers communities are.

By not honoring John’s promises to his customers and just looking at short-term profits, he made a serious mistake. Now everyone is focusing on his business with negative feelings. People are starting to ask questions about what’s going on. A lot of attention is being paid to the operation now, and specifically John who is supposed to be running everything. Obviously, someone is trying to hide something.

If he would have just tried to get everyone’s money back or fulfilled the orders, then nobody would be asking about what’s going on with John. This new operation could have gone on for years without anyone noticing that John wasn’t there. But by being greedy and short-sighted, we can all see that something has changed. Now the cat’s out of the bag and we can see clearly that it’s not the same anymore.

So once this news gets out, nobody will look at this company the same way again. It’s a good example of how not to take over a company and drive it into the ground. And if I’m completely wrong about all this, there’s a really easy way to stop all of these rumors. Just bring out John to clear everything up and they will be gone immediately. Until then, this is the best explanation we can offer Snowhigh’s fans and customers.

TL;DR: Snowhigh seeds were initially expensive, but buying in bulk from John offered significant discounts, sometimes up to 50% off for larger purchases with free packs included. Communication with John was positive until suddenly ceasing, coinciding with delays in fulfilling preorders due to crop losses. Under a new label, Legendary Genetics, formerly Snowhigh, issues arose with unfulfilled discounted orders, possibly due to mismanagement and a focus on short-term gains. This mishandling has led to scrutiny and negativity towards the operation, highlighting poor business decisions and a loss of trust among customers.

Very useful for quick formatting of long text responses with a lot of information.


Thanks for your interest in my wall of text. Maybe you could be my new editor! Do you agree with the basic premise or do you think I’m way off base with my assessment of the situation?


You guys are funny. Are there any clones of snowhighs going around? Maybe need to take a different route to smoke this shit


I don’t think there’s enough information. For all we know, SnowHigh could have died and someone just kept it going to make bank. It could also be of course with permission due to his failing health and or other possible issues in the past. I know that my friend who got ripped off spent over $1000. I was looking at his instagram and it has nearly 12k people. That combined with email (could be many more people not on IG) means that if even only 1% of the instagram followers did a preorder with average rate of say just $500 then that is…


2% would be over 100k and that’s enough to start or keep something going.

I know from my previous web creation experience that if you get 1-3% sales then that’s good engagement. Of course people aim for more but think about how many people see a website/IG post and then think about how many people click on it and then how many of those people pass through to a sale/email result for $$.

There just isn’t enough information to go on. He wouldn’t be the first person that left the community in bad terms though.

Whatever the reasons are, It is never acceptable to just leave so many people hanging for year(s).


I mean, seed runs on OG and there is always Colorado Sativas for repros. Seems like the best bet is to just pop the packs if you have them and repro the shit out of it. If John has gone dark, we at least know he gave blessing to repro his stuff to keep it around. Also, it sucks to get hosed out of cash. Not sure how one dude could tell another how to feel about getting bilked out of cash. Seems a mf’er has a right to be heated, but there are at least a few people on my shit list from decades past so maybe don’t listen to me. :grin:


I posted this previously but didn’t actually post where I found it

Very good prices and this bank is legit. I have ordered seeds from there with great germination rates. This would be a chance for someone in the community with some extra $$ to get some of these at better prices and you know they’re legit cuz they’re from before all this stuff.

The three strains are

Blue Dragon 1947 X Acapulco Gold x C99
California Purple Haze X Thors Hammer
Big Mountain Blue X Acapulco Gold x C99

They also take credit/debit.

From snowhigh catalogue:

“Epic (California Purple Haze (Nevilles Haze F3 x Purple Thai x Nevilles Haze F3) x Thors
Hammer Low Stock: $200 AMAZING LINE ONLY 4 packs left get them while you can!”

“Good yields of blueberry and strawberry aroma scented colas. Purple, red and
green color flowers with some phenotypes producing pink pistils. The mother
was bred for outdoor production in Colorado’s high desert regions,
withstanding early rains and snows, pest resistant, mold and mildew
tolerant. Early finishing times before most heavy snows makes this a good
candidate for outdoor growing. Some of the longer phenos are only 2 weeks
behind, so crops can be taken early without suffering too much from
harvesting immature flowers. Big mountain Gold is a good balance of
commercial quality smoke, great for pain and nerve issues with an elated
effect making it a great strain for those with depression. Good enough for
company or to relax at the end of the night, knowing you will get a
goodnights rest under her influence.
70% Indica / 30% Sativa
Indoor / Outdoor preferably
Bloom Length: 9-10 weeks flowering, mid to late September
Squat to Large upright structure with large spears”


I have all those already but somebody should scoop them up. The older ones are definitely more valuable now. Looks like it’s the end of an era for snowhigh.


Could be 'Reeferman Part 4".


I’d just as soon ask around on here to see who has them so we can repro.

I’d say that stuff is overpriced still given the low germ rates most have seen with his older stock.

I’d expect nothing over 10% germ rate on his older stuff.


if you get the Bloodklot going - I have a few as well to contribue


John’s method:

For older seeds I recommend the below for disinfection but then using a 24 hour soak.

40/60 h202 3% to distilled water, add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar or granulated sugar with 1 tablet of aspirin 81mg to 325mg.

The hydrogen peroxide oxygenates the water so longer soaking of seeds can happen without “Drowning the seed embyro”. The sugar add energy to older seeds that loose their potential over time. The aspirin is an acid, which helps break down the seed shell.

All these help a seed break dormancy. After a 24 hour soak, place seeds in a moist paper towel and sealed baggie (paper towel method).

Place baggies in freezer for an hour, then place in fridge after that hour. So over night. If the freezing is longer that’s ok, it can be adjusted. The idea is to break seed dormancy.

Once taken out of fridge place on heating mat, heat for 24 hours. Inspect seeds every 8 hours after the first 36 hours of trying to germinate once heat is applied. Heat should be used longer than 48 hours, I like to keep it at 24 hours. Heat and moisture grows molds which can kill seeds/seed embyros.

After 3 days and checking every 8 hours for germination. Consider removal of seed coats, soak in a slight tap water and h202 solution to cleanse seeds and embryos.

It’s easier to see the seeds sprouts then sow seeds then to wonder if they will sprout at all.

Sowing in a sterilized soil medium is recommended.

To sterilize soil, use a Turkey bag or oven bag, microwave soil for 3 mins, with bag open, stir, repeat and stir, the 3rd time seal bag with zip tie and microwave 3 mins or in small intervals up to 3 mins. There should be enough moisture to release steam to sterilize the soil. Wait for soil To cool. Use on seed sprouting trays or for seedlings and teen plants.


I dug so deep that I found his wedding photos and all his friends and family. Subsequently I was able to figure out that he most likely is not dead. From everything I have found so far, he seems like a stand up guy. This is what makes this even more unusual.


Ugh, so much of that is just slightly :pinching_hand: wrong :see_no_evil:

40/60 h202 to water but how much water? 1 cup? Otherwise the sugar and aspirin ratio gonna be off if we don’t know.

Sugar is extra food for the plant.

Aspirin is an acid, salicylic acid, but it’s not there to weaken the seed shell, that’s what the h2o2 is for along with sterilization. Salicylic acid is a hormone blocker that can make the plant/embryo more resistant, stave off dying, and increase growth rates.

As someone who has soaked seeds for weeks to get viable plants, seeds/embryos can’t drown. Maintain the water and You’ll come back to viable plants sitting on the surface.

Also not sure how I feel about soaking seeds for 24 hrs and then freezing them for an hour :thinking:

Heat and everything else sounds right tho. I keep the shot glass of soaking beans sitting on my veg light that’s on 24/7. ~mid 80s seem to work best for me.


Good questions. That’s all the info I have, just passing along.

More importantly, thanks for the clarifications and tips!


My imagination is telling me this is a quick cold stratification. The trick is to keep the time short enough to chill it without freezing it through :joy:


Yeah that’s what I figured but usually you do that before you get them wet :sweat_smile: might work fine tho idk. Never tried it. Can’t say I’ve needed to either tho :thinking:


Yeah the F2s were always the plan. The cross I have (I don’t know if I mentioned that…I’ve been swamped lately.) is something else entirely.


Good luck and watch the mold on those rooters. Loves to come on quick.

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You didn’t mention that one. Do you have another pack ready to crack? It would be nice if we can start getting some germination reports from the older seeds. I hope it’s not worse than we think.

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Sounds like a plan. I’ve got the beans from @Elpolloloco on the way, and I should be able to get past the “breaking dormancy” stage this time.

You can wait and see how this last pack I have goes. Or ship 'em anyway and if everything works we can keep a healthier gene pool going. Whatever works best for you. Just hoping more than a few of these embryo are still viable.

@Chara I sterilized and went the sucrose, etc route with my last 5 and got them to open up, but the embryo weren’t strong enough. I’m keeping the conditions in the rooters ideal in case of a miracle, but I’m not expecting one.

I’ll be trying again in a week or so once I have my current plant situation sorted and have the time and energy to get the flow hood up.