Snowhigh Seeds

Snowhigh ripping people off is fact and anyone disputing it should just get SnowHigh to let me know and i’ll stop talking about it. My friends got ripped off by Snowhigh. That is real. Just like I and others got ripped off by @Wuachuma


cococoir, you are developing a reputation for whining. It has become apparent to many here.

Is that what you are looking for?

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If that’s what you call speaking the truth then i’m fine with that.

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What the hell guys.


I’ve been doing the deep dive into the situation and I don’t think anyone knows exactly what’s going on. I’m starting to wonder if J is even running it anymore. Maybe there is some kind of disconnect from regular operations. Genetics are still being produced that’s all anyone knows. We might not want to be too quick to judge. I think there’s more to the story. Another clue is the recent pictures have been indoors under LED’s and from what I know J was strictly outdoor and greenhouse. The people that can make a connection somehow are getting back orders but the folks not able to make contact are still waiting. This is what I’ve come up with so far.


I don’t think @CocoaCoir is whining. I think he’s honestly upset at how him and his friends have been treated and in my eyes he has every right to not be okay with the situation. From my view he’s here warning folks some who may not be in the know what has recently transpired with a once trusted and perhaps even beloved breeder/preservationist.
He’s offering his experience and opinions, you are in no way obligated to share them. I have been wanting to get into Snowhigh’s work but I have super limited funds and I want to see this resolved before I go dropping my limited resources on someone who can’t keep his house in order.
I also think what Chara is doing is awesome but its Snowhigh’s obligation to do right by his customers. Big ups to your integrity @Chara


Thanks for the kind words. I’ve been working a lot on this the past few days. Talking to whoever will listen to me. Probably annoyed a few people by asking tough questions. I don’t have anything to gain from it. I’m honestly just trying to help people get their seeds. For me it’s a big deal when I don’t get my seeds. I’m upset for days or even weeks. So if I can give advice on how to proceed or convince someone to donate part of their own stash to help people who fell between the cracks. I consider that a win. I’m not naive enough to think I can help everyone but to me it’s a win if I can help whoever shows up with a problem. Regardless of what’s happening with snow I’m going to organize some reproductions for the community. First on the list is BloodKlot. We will be popping everyone’s pack one at a time to see if they really are sterile. Everyone’s opinion is valid and we all have a different perspective. So I welcome all opinions even if they are annoying to me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My only pack of Snowhigh is the Jamaican Blood Klot which I won in an OG auction last month. I’m down to see if they’re viable in the near future.


Just planted 3 of these Vietnamese 3 Ways! Wish me luck!


Snowhigh had a both at free seed day. It would be interesting to know who ran that.


Why can’t I find this post?

Edit: because I am an idiot :joy:


Just go to the snowhigh page and look at his tagged photos in there


A few possibilities are he partnered with another person or company, he quietly sold the business to someone else and possibly still has a small supporting role. He completely retired and someone else has taken over. Or he’s gone rogue and cut contact with almost everyone except a few distributors. I can’t think of any other options. What else could be happening?

I’m pretty sure it’s his nephew running and ruining it for him


That would explain a lot actually. The involvement with discord, the connection to upper vault. The new LED grows. John was old school all the way. This is very much a younger man’s style of doing business.

I think nephew homie might have been on here a few months ago talking to us. He should just come clean and get it over with! It was either nephew or a close partner. Everything has been scrubbed now but I still remember. It’s all coming together! This all comes down to business and money. New guy has put zero effort into getting the old orders filled. If they are shown proof he will get it done. At the same time they are very guarded about who is running the show because if people found out that John isn’t there anymore sales would stop or decrease dramatically.


What? No more $20-$30 hybrid seeds that won’t germinate? Guess here on overgrow we can germ the ones we can and give them away.


Looks like the shift happened around spring/summer
of 2023.


Thanks for doing this! John hasn’t sent me two preorders from May 2022 and Sept 2022. $1200 worth of gear. He was always generous and communicated well in the past. Will not respond now. Even sent him a letter that was returned. I understand things happen and he is sick, but my patience is gone. Refund or send promised gear…otherwise he’s a thief.


Everyone says Snowhigh seeds were expensive but if you bought them from him you got better deals. The more you bought the better the price. If you spent $1000 you get 50%off so it would now cost $500. And you would get several free packs included. The deal wasn’t as good the less you bought but it was still a very good reduction compared to the advertised price. If you just bought one pack or bought them at a seed bank they were definitely expensive. When you communicated with John it was always a pleasant experience. He would respond in a timely manner with a detailed answer to your questions. It was just an all around positive exchange . Then all of a sudden nothing. No response at all and no explanation from anyone. At some point new seed packs started showing up and at first John was communicating again a little bit. When he was asked about the preorders he explained that there was a big storm and lots of flooding that killed a big chunk of his mother plants that were fully seeded. And we would have to wait until everything was replanted and seeded again. That was the first sign something was very wrong with the preorders. But he did not offer anyone their money back and just said everyone had to wait and we should be understanding of the situation. A long time went by, maybe 8 months. Then there was lots of new packs coming out going to a few stores. But if you remember John/Snowhigh also sold under the name Legendary genetics for a few years to supply seeds for a select market in California dispensaries. But most packs were labeled Snowhigh. Now every new pack says Legendary. There is no more mention of Snowhigh anywhere. It’s like that name doesn’t exist anymore. If a new person besides snowhigh took over. He would have seen that John sold a lot of packs at discount that weren’t even made yet. He might not have wanted to honor all those discounted seeds when he thought he could get retail by selling them at seed banks. And basically tried to forget those orders existed. But being most likely a younger less experienced person he was not aware of how small and connected the cannabis growers communities are. And by not honoring John’s promises to his customers and just looking at short term profits. He made a serious mistake. Now everyone is focusing on his business with negative feelings. People are starting to ask questions about what’s going on. A lot of attention is being paid to the operation now. And specifically John who is supposed to be running everything. Obviously someone is trying to hide something. If he would have just tried to get everyone’s money back or fulfilled the orders. Then nobody would be asking about what’s going on with John. This new operation could have gone on for years without anyone noticing that John wasn’t there. But by being greedy and short sighted. We can all see that something has changed. Now the cats out of the bag and we can see clearly that it’s not the same anymore. So once this news gets out nobody will look at this company the same way again. It’s a good example of how not to take over a company and drive it into the ground. And if I’m completely wrong about all this. There’s a really easy way to stop all of these rumors. Just bring out John to clear everything up and they will be gone immediately. Until then this is the best explanation we can offer Snowhighs fans and customers.


I was looking at their chocolate thai but NGL im gonna have to see some grown out before I pay that price. Have no problem paying premium seeds but heirlooms are iffy at best. Have yet to grow out an heirloom from any breeder that was legit and matched description