Snowhigh Seeds

I don’t think he was telling people to :joy:

I think it was implied :eyes: They have the exclusive drop going on right now.


Ah, fair enough. But with what seems to be at the least a convincing impostor hanging around there, perhaps he was just being helpful :man_shrugging: No argument intended, just like playing devil’s advocate :wink:

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He’s been banned again, so we can get back to plants and genetics instead of sales pitches and misdirection.


giphy (6)



My sweet gracious.


I was wondering why I couldn’t tag him in my earlier post, so I clicked on his profile and saw that he was “suspended” for having been previously blocked on OG.


I had a really in depth investigative type post but I said fuck it cuz if people can’t see through this bullshit then they don’t need help.


I’ve done some investigating too. What seems obvious to me is over some people’s heads and I’m done trying to convince anyone. I haven’t heard back from the people who tried to make contact so I’m assuming they didn’t get a response. As far as I’m concerned all new sales and seeds are suspect at this point.


I came to this conclusion as soon as I heard Snowhigh tell about how he collects the seed he’s gonna charge folks for from the remnants of his dry ice extractions.
He claimed exposing fresh seed to -109 F doesn’t equate to poor germination rates.


Yup, I posted about it after the episode came out but when he said that my jaw dropped. I had always wondered what kind of radiation he was exposing the seeds to that they were so mutated or dead and the dry ice thing has to be it 100%. Insane to work with rare stuff, charge that much, be so unreliable and be killing your seeds to get a little kief. Wow. I still love the interactions I’ve had with him and his breeding but I can’t defend him.


Landrace are usually some of my most vigorous plants. When I got the gold digger and couldn’t pop like six of them and gave the rest to my buddy who had a hydro shop and he couldn’t pop any he was like these are duds.


Can’t make this shit up right. I thought about his gear for a bit until I heard him say that on there. Damn near forgot about it too. It’d be funny if it wasn’t borderline malicious.


I went back and have that interview another listen and caught it too. Why on earth would a “breeder” put his valuable seeds through the hashing process and then sell them!?

Even if you were using room temp water it likely would lower rates just being in water that long only to sit afterwards.


On the topic of the live giveaway he did on the Upper Node, I only see 2 possibilities.

  1. It was him and he doesn’t care 1 bit about his customers.

  2. It was an elaborate hoax with someone using his voice in a voice changer. After listening to way to many minutes of his interviews, that was 100% his voice in those clips in chat last night.

My vote is #1


Quicksilver @Elpolloloco
Day 73 of flower under 11/13 lighting.

Grown in composted soil, 1 gallon poly. Fed once or twice very lite of FF Liquid plant food.
Water only for a majority of the time. Needs another week or so to finish up.

Lemon earth are the scents. :yum:


I’ve a question for You @Ratbastrd!

Thanks for opening this Collection up for discussion… can you please tell me what you know about #10’s (top right) flowering Cycle.

I’m testing myself this summer with 2 Fem’d Acapulco’s… I’m thinking I just
Might be up to Running those Red Stems… but i know nothing about them & a zipolite mix!!! Targeting an outdoor grow (11weeksistoolonginOntario)

definitely there are Seeds at this end as well !


I don’t know the new AI programs make it very very easy to copy somebody’s voice, so it is not at all a crazy idea


Absolutely agree, I wouldn’t be shocked if that was the case either.

Time will tell, shams don’t last forever


The Zipolite x Acapulco Gold is awesome smoke! I ran it a number of times as did a close friend. Bright, happy high and 7up tasting flowers. Herm issues in late flower and cute sensitive, needs a bit of staking and training but worth it. 12-13 weeks max