Snowhigh Seeds

Thanks for that response. And you know the seeds !!! 12-13 is just out of reach !

Do you have any candidates in the 10-11 week category? That might just be the best question.

I’d love to Air-out some of these genetics


Devils tit clone got to go up on stage at bass coast during a reggae set.


Wish I knew where to get a Devils Tit clone?
But seeds would also make me happy! :smiley:

Awesome to see a plant grooving out to the beat! :sunglasses:


I don’t know if that Sticky fella was Mister Grafik, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s one of his dedicated followers though. He surrounds himself with malleable new growers that’ll follow him because of the free seeds he gives out. He made OverGrow sound like the scum of the earth, and as if he was witch hunted out of here for no apparent reason. He also let it be known he has sock accounts he uses on here, which is fun to know. His repeated ramblings about the site is why I ended up joining lol, which he shortly disapproved of, and further threatened to kick me for becoming less active on the server, stating that I wasn’t shit. It was very out of left field, as I had been a member for over a year and had interacted with him pretty much daily basis.

He had done this type of switch up to other members while I was there, just didn’t think I would be on the receiving end. He also suspects of anyone and everyone being one of the people who dislikes him from OverGrow, which thinking about it now, why would anyone have so many enemies? I wrote him an email after the debaccle because I believed maybe he just had a mental episode, but he responded pretending to be his “wife” and came up with some bullshit story about how I had been this one member from OverGrow that whole time and that he had discovered me. Meanwhile, my entire time there he would simp on the new female growers and talk about his struggles with love.

TL;DR Mister Grafik is mentally unwell and genuinely hates this website. He recruits inexperienced growers on discord and makes himself look like a grow god to them. Could he be pretending to know John? Sure, though I doubt it. I think they’re actually friends. So, what does that say about Snowhigh?

If anyone wants to send me $350 for a pack of beans that won’t germinate AND that you’ll receive 2 years after purchase, maybe; hit me up. We can skip all these middle men.

EDIT: Just to make it evidently clear: if you support The Upper Node, The Upper Vault, Skunk Devil Genetics, or Mister Grafik; you don’t support OverGrow, its members, or their security.



Send me a dm and I can send ya some Devils tit S1 I made last year :call_me_hand:


Yeah, digging into this a little more I see exactly that on the IG and Discord. All those groups you listed taking advantage of ppl who don’t know better.


Looking good brother, thanks for the tag and for getting these into play so quick! Hope they get nice and loud for you, mine were STINKY :joy:


I’m reproducing seeds here in :canada:, my living situation has been less than ideal as of late so all my clones are just too big for their britches at this point :sweat_smile:, I was hoping to have them done by now but still have yet to get into a suitable place.


I see, what strains do you have? Curious as always.


Just throwing it out there if you happen to have more of those quicksilver I’d be interested! :joy:


Damn, Mr. Christmas.

You’re entirely right, it’s entirely obvious. I’m just, 🫠 well, alright.

I’m actually really thankful for you connecting the dots. I do not have time for any of those reindeer games. Just, wild town, top to bottom.

The dog days have everyone barking.


Hey bro,
Sorry but my run wasn’t as bountiful as I hoped and barely scraped by to fill the spots for the seed run. I had to hand count them to streatch it out :joy:

I was worried it would stretch too much and ended up a little smaller plants than I was hoping.

With that said - it’s overgrow and I sent about 100 packs out if I remember, so I’d post this up in the trading section and you might get lucky.


Def. make a post here that you’re looking to trade for Quicksilver:


Currently have devils tit f2s, chem la Chem, some dooligah hybrids from binchicken, some Gucciberry 15 x blackberry Spacewreck, Lao x mango Thai, ABC x Purple Pineapple Express#4 X ABC, sensi double banana.


I had found this mr guy linked from ig also. Anyone can spend ten minutes starting on the upper vault ig and just go through the tagged posts and see all the other accounts/websites they use and cross promote on. Eventually you’ll end up with obscure world and mr graf.


I need a 2024 update. I cannot reach their email. Their team has always followed through and delivered when receiving an order. I actually received such a great deal and gear each time, that I am concerned because they had previously mentioned health complications and others are displaying discontent on their social media. Any input?

Also! Any personal favorites from their work?


Just scroll up


Think the 2024 update is, we still don’t really know wtf is going on :sweat_smile:

Maybe John happily ripped everyone off and is doing new exclusive drops at places or maybe someone else has taken over for him and maybe isn’t aware of the pre-order fiasco :man_shrugging:


This is how it appears to me. Or, maybe someone purchased the brand.

John seemed like he was having a difficulties keeping track of correspondence going back to at least '19. Not too long after, a bunch of banks started stocking his goods with inflated pricing. Now, new branding and exclusives. Could be reinventing himself but doesn’t really seem his style to me.