Snowhigh Seeds

Caveat Emptor
Buyer Beware


I have nothing negative to say, other than the individual uses a gmail which only allows a certain amount of storage space, and easily was filled by just the word doc with his menu being sent a few hundred times. If any significant group wanted to purchase his seeds through one of his Holiday deals, they would clog up his email account completely (as soon as his brand gained a following above a few thousand people). This is where his exposure has been a double edged sword, because now access to his gear is impossible. Keep in mind while there are a few other great civilian preservation teams, he has done most of the work, boots on the ground in the country, for a significant portion of the community. Pricing isn’t the best, however, the 3 week trip per area, the cost of the flight, and the required skillset to gather most of these also isn’t cheap. Obviously many of these lineages are unique, regardless of the methods to digitally source or acquire them elsewhere.

I was seeking an update on whether or not he is healthy, or if there have been health complications. He would update his regular customers as this pertains to health complications. This changes my willingness to part with some of my genetics library simply because of scarcity, if I cannot replace them


Ah, gotcha! Yeah, there’s been no official word from John afaik in like a year, give or take some months.

All we have is a new drop at Upper Vault, maybe somewhere else too.

Supposedly he’s on that Upper Node discord but the few that joined it don’t seem to have gotten any word from him there either. Zero word about his health nor the unfilled pre-orders.


The germination on a lot of those packs are fleeting. I am about to pop any snowhigh I have soon and repro. If you share seeds with people willing to do a devoted seed increase it is worth it. They won’t last much longer. As far as gmail goes he could easily setup a different email. I was about to order a bunch when that email went offline. He must have lost out on a lot of orders. I think he intended to do a bunch of crosses and got sick and couldn’t face the recourse. Why loyal customers got ghosted and there are new packs coming out is beyond me.


Throw them in the fridge. If you’re familiar with non-traditional methods, including those any dedicated lab could throw together, they’re viable for around 15 years if they aren’t in the sock drawer or the trunk. Just like any of the other ones. Similar to any vintage brew, I’m sure if you can trace your lineage back, that those culture tubes or cuts would be worth significantly more than others. Also, depending on the place, reproduction isn’t always easy or viable. I simply pursue the genetic preservation before everything is a China cross (seed kernel) or has been hybridized for a particular purpose (similar to what has been seen with every other staple commercial crop). If you had to wait for legalization, the fridge is the best bet still, “to preserve them.”


Most of these SnowHigh strains have been reproduced here. I already have Quicksilver and Angola Red.


Quicksilver (@Elpolloloco) Day 80F :axe:
Grown out in one gallon poly bag using a 50/50 mix of home compost and reused soil.
Mainly water only, Fed a couple time of FF LPF at 1/4 strength(7ml) in one gallon mixes.

A frosty stinky plant with great structure and tight node spacing.
Citrus Dumpster funk scent.


@InTheWoods Looking good bro! Glad to see it carried on some of that funk!

Had the jar open yesterday and the wifey said “it reeks of skunk” in here as soon as she entered the room lol


I have but never been able to get I touch with him. I see the two stains you mentioned. Sounds cool.

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I have a great NLD Pipedream male. Anyone in Cali want some snips?

Anyone have PipeDream or BBB female(s)?


Got a couple BBB seeds but I don’t think they’ll germ. Haven’t had any luck so far. I hear others have had the same experience


I usually just get a sock or shirt wet and then fold it up with the beans inside then pour a little more warm water on them. Those older snowbeans will test your patience but just when I was going to give up on them they will sprout you just have to stay with them. I will occasionally spray the cloth a few times to keep it from drying out but this seems to work for me. Once and if they sprout just make sure that top layer of soil is not overly compact and wet of course. If I baby snowhigh seeds I usually can get most of them to pop now but did take some practice. Hope this helps.


@MUFFDIVER thanks for the tip I’ll give it a try. These were given to me as f2’s. The person who bred them said they would be hard to germ. I have read from others who had trouble with the f1.
I do have a couple different varieties straight from snow. And they haven’t given me any problems.

Black Raspberry Haze.


The story I heard as to why Snowhigh’s seeds are so hard to germinate is that he sprays the plant with something like liquid nitrogen so he doesn’t have to pick the seeds out. They shatter and fall out.

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He said on a Potcast interview that he makes dry ice hash and then gets seeds and smoke :man_facepalming:


I’m curious if the dry ice lowers the viability of his seeds. This would be a real kick in the nuts considering how much he charges


I don’t see how it doesn’t, and given the germination issues most ppl have with them it seems very likely


I can’t believe it wouldn’t. I now store everything in the fridge simply because I lost a lot of seeds not understanding you CANNOT take them in and out of the freezer.
It would explain his lackluster germination rates


afaik and ime Seed priming (wetting it with anything then drying it) doesnt work well or is not needed for healthy cannabis seeds.
Quick tempeture changes are not good for it either, neither is letting them get bone dry.
I agree fridge is best. For freezer i guess vac seeled for long term but bring it to the fridge first or vice versa, then let it get to room temp all done slowly.


What are your thoughts on harvesting seeds while doing dry ice hash? Apparently snow does his seed harvests this way. We were discussing what the effects on the seed harvested this way is