Soil amendments

A couple questions for soil folks:

Anyone ever amend their soil w trim?

Can bacteria and fungi get high?


I make sure I dry it out first and sometimes crush and add it into the soil but usually add it to the compost pile. Depending on where you live wet leaves can develop problems theoretically.


It’s very dry an I was considering grinding it up pretty fine?

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Figured compost would be a safer bet, but my compost isn’t the cleanest right now :grimacing:

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I don’t think it would hurt at all once it’s dried and crushed up good. You could scratch it into the soil and it would compost up easier, especially if you keep your microbe population healthy (mycorhizzae, bacteria additions). If they’re still green they should add something to the soil.


I use my trim for making cannabutter. Leaves that I pluck all go into my worm bin.

It should have all the nutrients my plants will need to make new leaves.


I like to make butter, n other things too! Feeling a little lazy / overwhelmed w other stuff to do atm :slight_smile:

Agreed; clippings and big leaves straight to the worms in the compost 🪱🪱🪱

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Thx for the input. I do keep a healthy blend of microbes going; seems like they might get to try some new food out soon. :microbe::mushroom::spider:

But, will they get ripped and lose track of what they supposed to be doing?


lol microlife high and lazy? Sounds like Advanced nutes propaganda talk LMAO… Wouldn’t they just go into munchie overdrive though, as weed doesn’t make us or them lazy…right?


Ah ha! True true, it’s a bunch of sun grown sativa too so, maybe they will just get real happy and focused; while they do they thing


Trim and leftover plant matter is the best for compost. The old plants have already bioaccumulated all the goodies cannabis needs, ready for reuse.


I throw my bubble hash scraps on my notill beds. It turns into compost pretty quick. I water with the bubble hash water too.


What would that say of psilocybin’s work ethic? I could never accomplish anything productive on mushrooms.

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No, they would not get high, sea sponges are the simplest life forms that have an endocannabinoid system.


And so my hunt for the simple sea sponge begun…

Will I have to switch to hydro to incorporate them into my garden?



Nope, but they sure would eat up all the terpenes etc. These are simple compounds rich in “nutrients” that are easy to break down.


on the hunt for amenments restarting the grow and I’m trying to source quality amendments without selling an organ I doubt they would want anything I’m packing anyway

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Can you get down to earth brand? I’ve trying out their bio live as an all-in-one mix. I still add rock dust, gypsum, and malted barley, but no other meals.

The plants I’ve used it on so far are doing well. It’s worth a try, and has many of the same ingredients my other mix used anyhow.


I’m familîar with the brand and have heard good things but avent tried them yet I hvent heard of BioLive but I’m going to check it out thank you

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what ar you using for rock dust azomite basalt and what about the malted barly i’m not familar with it as an amendment

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