Some sad news to share that comes with a heavy heart!

Dude people are complicated. I hope you get the answers you seek. Be steadfast in loving and being honest with yourself as to love another one must first love themselves. Life can be a Mfer just take it on as you can. Thanks for all your support in the past and I will do my best to do what I can for ya…


Keep your head up brother and keep it OG.


Real shitty dinner Buddy,

But you know what, you are dealing with this in a healthy way. Most people keep stuff locked up in them, and it becomes toxic, even poison for your body. This can make you sick etc… I went through a pretty bad break up, and dealt with it by doing 6 months counseling, and an hour long (min) walk with my dogs in nature.

You are a good guy Mano, there will be someone better in your future, someone who wants to be there.



I’m so sorry to hear. I have been there and can tell you that the joy comes back my friend.


Hey Tinytuttle,

thank you for your sharing of your lessons. :heart:

You have my compassion brother and so I want to offer you my help for I am a humble Life Coach.

I am here for you and I have truths that can help you understand what is happening, and they will free yourself if you apply them.

But its way too much to write, so I invite you for a free zoom or skype session if this is your will :heart:

Here is a bit wisdom which will help you hopefully:

The reunition with your wife will and can only happen if you come first in a right relationsship with your very self.

Be aware of the following:

It is important to steer clear of all guilt and self-blame over the fact that your relationship did not work out. Please bear in mind that it did work for as long as it was meant to, and that neither of you need hold any guilt because of what I have aptly termed "the differing elevator syndrome.” There is no such thing as failure. Yet sometimes two people do grow apart; and in these spiritually charged times, this does happen quite often. If, for you, separation and/or divorce has become your choice, then let go of guilt and self-blame. In actuality there is no blame so, in truth, nothing needs to be forgiven. As much as possible, cultivate a sense of gratitude; for all that has gone before has lead you to the level of spirituality that you now embrace.

In truth, everything that is going on in one’s life is a spiritual test giving you the opportunity to remain one with God in your moment to moment choices or lose that oneness in realization, but not in truth. Romantic relationships seen from this perspective are secondary to one’s spiritual path. This is not to negate the importance of a romantic relationship, but rather to keep one’s perspective in regard to one’s spiritual path. I think you can see now why 50% of all marriages end in divorce. People often come together with improper alignment within themselves, with God and with each other. - Dr. Joshua David Stone :slight_smile:

You need not to suffer my friend, its all in your mind, suffering or divine bliss. Be careful in choosing your thoughts for they create your feeling :heart:

I love you! I am sending you blessings and love!


I feel your pain brother I’ve recently split from my partner of about 8 years.
She has always had mental health issues but after a couple of failed suiside atempts she effectively labotamised herself.
I’ve had to say goodbye as she doesn’t seem to realise that after moving up here about 200 hundred miles from where my family are that I need to have own place. As when we moved up here she would chuck me out on a regular basis, just to give an idea of frequency she once chucked me out 5 times in 4 weeks. This was usually late at night one night I rode around all night looking for a hotel but there were conferences on everywhere and I then went to work from the back of a taxi after no sleep.
I do a very physical job and on average move between 15-20 tons of materials a day with my hands.
Even when I had my own place she would constantly ring me through the night sometimes.
She thinks when I talk about money it’s spare money it’s not its roof over head and food in belly money she doesn’t understand self employed means I have to balance my earnings.
I’ve just made just over a weeks money in two weeks due to all these storms.
I’ve offered to give it another try if she gives up drinking as her medication doesn’t work when she drinks plus I couldn’t stand by and watch her kill her self anymore.
I hope things work out for you the most important thing is to stay amicable for your sons sake this must be effecting him too?


If it’s any consolation half glass full brother.
My mother and father separated when I was three.
That was the last time I saw him, he was adopted into a really rich lawyer family went to private schools, they neglected to tell him he was adopted until his eighteenth birthday.
This flipped his lid, he disowned them and and moved to London and started drinking heavily.
He would shout a lot but never violent, in fact my mum has put a sauce pan round his head a few times but he wouldn’t hit her.
My mum once showed me the letter his partner of time in 1985 inviting her to his funeral.
She never did go, he passed when I was nine from pneumonatis a severe form of pneumonia after getting yellow jaundice.
There were only two people at his funeral in Islington crematorium, at least you have the chance to still be a father to your son.
PEACE and good vibes brother life goes on keep your chin up :pensive:


Brother so sorry to hear this. Life is hard. And either way you’ll rebound. All the best to you and your family,


@Tinytuttle, how goes the battle Buddy? Hope you are still hanging in there…




I’m good , tossing the idea of doing some guerilla grow somewhere out in the sticks this year.


Good to hear Mang… Gorillas are always fun…



jesus christ. coffin post. my bad everyone

Yo been in that exact position my friend. You feel life could never get worse. Well it can…BUT it gets better, it changes and it first it hurts. Then you look back at the person it made you and it hits you. Life has a lot of roads…there’s more than one happy trail.

SHIT just noticed this was an old post from March. Happy trails

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@Tinytuttle I know you posted this January 4th, but I hope all is well or better between you and your wife. It is a hard thing to realize your relationship could be finite, time will tell. I understand you both have 17 years invested with each other, I celebrated my 31st and it does get better with time. Again, I hope you are doing well. :v:


Hope it worked out for ya Tejas. I just seen this and read first half. I went thru a separation Feb.- aug. 17. The bitch still won’t divorce me. I haven’t seen her for 2 1/2 yrs. Don’t even think about her anymore. The 1st year was the worst. But the best also. I loved that cheating bitch I had. Wasn’t the cheating that hurt, was the breaking trust , angry lies . she got mean, I was lonely at first, then started dragging 2,3sometimes 67 diff.girls a week home with me, that’s one sure way to get over a women, with bout 60 more. Like a kid in a candy store I was.aint got time for all that now. But soon the candy store will be full of fresh stock and I’ll be a kid again. Always looking forward, never backwards at way I’ll get, not what I had… He’ll you ought to be bout over it by now huh?


Well over just a year now has past things are much better with the family now it was pretty rough at times work and covid has put additional stress in things since being in the health care setting but looking forward to 2021 and growing some plants indoors for the winter first go at running plants under great lights so I’m excited about that things are lookin good in the current grow room!

Thank you all again for the encouraging words to help assist in keeping my head up ! Tons of great peeps here !

Happy holidays everyone !


Good to hear man! Happy Holidays to you as well


Great to hear Tinytuttle! Yes this whole world is a ball of stress these days it seems. Glad you have been able to move it forward in a positive manner and you have something you are looking forward to. That is wonderful.


Glad to hear life is getting better for you Tiny, I hope it keeps getting better in every way for you man.:+1:


Missed your original post man but it’s good to hear your on the way up again. Had a hell of a past two years ourselves but still here eh :+1: